Law Lecturer Contributes to Radio 5 Live Discussion

On 14th of December, Aidan Flynn, Law Lecturer at Staffordshire University, contributed to a discussion on BBC Radio 5 live Breakfast.

He talked briefly, from a Constitutional Law perspective, about a recent vote that took place in the House of Commons. This vote was on an amendment (Mr Dominic Grieve’s amendment) to the European Union (Withdrawal) Bill. A majority voted in favour of the proposition ‘that the Amendment be made’ – voting figures were 309 to 305.

Here is a link to this discussion:
The relevant bit of the discussion is around twenty four minutes into the programme.

Teaching E.U. Law After Brexit (Conference)

Aidan Flynn, Law Lecturer at Staffordshire University, recently attended a conference at London South Bank University, titled ‘Teaching E.U. Law after Brexit and After Changes to Legal Training.’

London South Bank University Law Division advertised the conference as focusing “on the impact on the teaching of EU law as a result of Brexit and changes to professional training for Solicitors and the Bar”.

Speakers included David Hodson, Partner at iFLG (international Family Law Group LLP), and Simon James, Partner at Clifford Chance.

Aidan Flynn (centre) with David Hodson (left) and Simon Jones (right)