New Year and New Opportunities

As part of ensuring students get connected in their field, develop their employability and sector skills sets, we have some exciting opportunities you may wish to consider.

Students from the school of Life Sciences and Education are encouraged to become STEM Ambassadors. The STEM Ambassador programme is a national programme encouraging young people to take up STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics with an increasing emphasis on the inclusion of Arts STEAM) and continue onto STEM careers. This is a cross-curricula drive in Education, pertinent from 0-18, and can really elicit an interest and passion in a learner. Ambassadors will have the opportunity to get involved in classroom activities in schools and colleges, mentoring, STEM clubs and societies, careers talks, and networking, great for those of you in the Education department ready to have an impact on lives, develop your ability to facilitate learning, and connect with potential employers.

We have a group of staff and students at the University who are already current ambassadors. In the Education Department Fran Cornwall has already delivered a number of training sessions on STEM in settings and at the Uni, further, has delivered an Academic Poster on STEM in Early Years at a professional conference… therefore you have the support available to get you going should you choose to join.

The commitment of a STEM Ambassador is to take part in activity within a month of joining the programme and then to undertake one activity a year. In practice this is easy to fulfil. An activity could be a talk at a school or college, or, any of our outreach activities in the University involving younger people. Please express your interest to or, contact someone in the School of Life Sciences and Education.


Student Voice

Social media is an important part of your employability and professional presentation. This year we are opening up the floor a little more by having accounts on Instagram, Pinterest, and soon, YouTube. You are even invited to contribute to this blog! If you are interested in submitting features, content, and takeovers please express your ideas and interest to your course leader, or Fran Cornwall We are looking forward to showcasing your work, talents and expertise. Instagram will be a great opportunity to show off your typical experiences at Uni, Pinterest will be a fab one stop shop of activity ideas that you have produced… then onto YouTube, fancy reading a bedtime story, recording a Vlog for activities/craft idea’s you’ve designed, reviewing a book or resource? We think you’re up to the challenge.

Fantastic opportunities will arise this year, Education Department students… it’s time to #GetConnected