Well done with Global Step Challenge

Well, this is it folks, the end of our journey with the Big Bang Global Step Challenge but this doesn’t mean that you must stop there. Walking is the most popular Japanese exercise method, making it the perfect place for us to end our journey as you begin yours. We encourage you to be as active as you can be, the benefits of exercise do not only help with heart disease, weight management and blood pressure, the list really is endless. Simply swapping short car journeys for walking or cycling can have huge benefits physically and mentally, we cannot stress enough that there really is no amount that is “too little”. We could say there is no time like the present to start being active, but you’ve already started by taking part in our Big Bang Global Step Challenge. For a healthier you, KEEP IT UP!

We really hope you have enjoyed your time with us here at Staffs Uni and the Big Bang. We hope you’ve learnt new things, discovered new options and pathways to your goals, met new people and counted many steps along the way. Most importantly we hope you’ve had fun and that our footpaths cross again soon!

Blog written by Staffordshire University placement students: Adam Olivier  Level 5 BSc (Hons) Biomedical Science;  Kaliya Rostron  Level 5 BSc (Hons) Biomedical Science; Steven Lloyd-Jones Level 5 BSc (Hons) Biology