Staffs BioSciences Student Stories – Meet Gemma (BSc (Hons) Human Biology)

In the Biological & Biomedical Sciences department we always want to hear from our students throughout their course as we value them and their thoughts and experiences with us at Staffordshire University.

As part of our new series of Staffs BioSciences Student Stories, we’re pleased to introduce Gemma who is currently on our Human Biology course. Find out how Gemma is getting on with her studies as she shares a little about herself and her experiences with us.

I’m a part time student and a full-time mum to three children. I decided to come to university as a hobby in the beginning, I hadn’t thought about a career at the time. Now I can honestly say it is one of the best decisions I made. I’m about to start my final year and I’m so proud for what I’ve achieved in the past four years. The people I’ve met along the way have been fantastic. I’m truly happy that I decided that this was right for me.

Why did you choose to study Human Biology with Staffordshire University?

My honest answer is distance from school in case they rang, and I had to leave. With that said I’m glad I chose Staffs. The lectures and technical staff are fantastic, any problems or questions I’ve had they’ve always been happy to help in any which way they can. A massive thank you to all the Bioscience staff.

What has been the best part of the course so far?

I cannot say I have just one best part, I have thoroughly enjoyed the whole course. Although I’m really excited to start my 3rd year dissertation project.

What are the biggest challenges you’ve had to overcome and how have you overcome them, while studying with us?

This would be studying around the children trying to study and look after three children is hard, I am not going to lie about it but it’s so worth it! My children are growing and so is their interest in my studies.

What are your plans for the future?

I do have to do a work placement which takes place later this year that I’m looking forward to. I am not quite sure yet as to after I graduate, but I would like to do my masters and eventually my PhD.

Would you recommend our course to others?

I would most definitely yes, it’s a course you can really get your teeth stuck into!



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