Staffs Hosts SEFDEY Conference

A blog written by Dominique Powell – Lecturer in Early Childhood Studies and Education; and Francesca Brown-Cornwall – Lecturer (TEF) in Education.

On Saturday 20th March, Dominique Powell and Fran Brown-Cornwall hosted the SEFDEY (Sector-Endorsed Foundation Degrees in Early Years professional association) Conference via SU Teams live events. The conference brought together tutors, students and professionals alike for a day of CPD, guest speakers and student awards.

The theme of the conference was ‘Being Unique in the Early Years’ with three esteemed keynotes:

Sandra El Gemayel – Keynote Address

The childhood and play of young child refugees: Case studies from the Northern Suburbs of Beirut, Lebanon.

Penny Borkett

Partnerships with parents and families of Children with SEND.

Aaron Bradbury

Gender and Masculinity in the Early Years.

Our very own Fran Brown-Cornwall presented an outline of her PhD project: ‘Higher Order Thinking and the Smile and Laughter Response in Two-Year Old Children’; inviting participants for the next stage of her research. You can also take part in Fran’s research here.

Finally, a huge thanks to Matt Coombe-Boxall for this support from the TEL team ensuring that this was a highly successful event with 112 attendees signing up.

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