Staffordshire Visiting Speakers

As most of our students and postgraduate researchers work with us online our Visiting Speaker program is also held online. Our guests share work in advance, which is then discussed at live events. The events are recorded for those students unable to attend at the time. Recent speakers include:

Ulrich Haase (Manchester Metropolitan University) Heidegger and Nietzsche – Phenomenology and Ontology

Katrina Mitcheson (University of the West of England) Pregnancy as a Metaphor of Self-Cultivation in Nietzsche’s Dawn

Michael Granado (Staffordshire University)  Gaston Bachelard’s Philosophy of Time

William Watkin (Brunel University), On Bioviolence

Joost van Loon (Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt), Historical Materialism and Actor Network Theory.

Niki Young (University of Malta) Only Two Peas in a Pod: On the Overcoming of Ontological Taxonomies