Fourth International Conference on Cultural Political Economy – call for papers and how to book

We will be hosting the Fourth International Conference on Cultural Political Economy, ‘Engaging with Cultural Political Economy: Neoliberal Crises and Diverse Imaginaries’ and the call for papers is now open.

The conference, to be held on 8-10 January, builds on the highly successful previous events at Lancaster University (2015 and 2017) and Bristol University (2016). The three day conference is an important part of the ongoing development of a theoretical and empirical engagement with Cultural Political Economy – the emerging trans-disciplinary approach to enhance the explanatory power of cultural turns in political economy.

Picture of a conference presenter and audience

Call for papers

The organisers welcome proposals for papers and panels on the following, illustrative topics (other themes are also welcome):

  • Cultural turns in critical and conjunctural analyses
  • Critical Discourse Analysis and political economy approaches
  • Critical cultural political economy
  • Intersectionalism and political economy
  • Social relations and everyday subjectivities
  • States, governance and governmentality
  • Reimagining civil society and civilizational paradigms
  • Aesthetics and performance of political economy
  • Spatial imaginaries, geo-economics, geopolitics, and geoconstitutions
  • Neoliberalism and crisis dynamics
  • Global capitalism, crises and imagined recoveries
  • Globalization of production, commerce and finance
  • Austerity urbanism, finance and debt
  • Work, employment, body and embodiment
  • Competition, competitiveness, productivity and resilience
  • Sustainability and green capitalism
  • The Foundational and Circular Economy
  • Inequalities of wealth, income, and health
  • Digital economy and democracy
  • Subalternity, social movements and resistance
  • Gig economy and precarity
  • Education, markets, and societies

Panel proposals and/or abstracts of 200 words should be sent to reach Tom Ward at by 5pm, 18 November 2019 (note that deadline has been extended).

Accepted proposals will be notified within 2 weeks.

Outline programme

Day 1 – Postgraduate workshop including lectures and worshop presentations and discussions

Day 2 – main conference including welcome, keynote speaker and panel sessions followed by conference dinner

Day 3 – main conference including keynote speaker and panel sessions and closing remarks

Lunch and refreshments will be provided.


The conference is open for booking at

Staffordshire University staff and postgraduate researchers are welcome to attend and bookings should be made via IRIS for each day that you wish to attend:

Day 1, 8 January 2020 – Postgraduate Workshop
Day 2, 9 January 2020 – main conference
Day 3, 10 January 2020 – main conference

Conference organisers

Bob Jessop and Ngai-Ling Sum (Lancaster) and Martin Jones (Staffordshire)