Raising Voices Project

Raing Voices project logo

What is Raising Voices, Changing Minds, Ending Poverty?

The Raising Voices project is a project commissioned by VOICES on behalf of Stoke-on-Trent Hardship Commission. The project involves Staffordshire University, Expert Citizens CIC, All The Small Things CIC, and, most importantly, the people of Stoke-on-Trent. It aims to make a real difference for people experiencing poverty, by bringing people together, sharing our stories of hardship and working collectively to influence change.

Before you decide whether you want to take part, it is important for you to understand why the research is being done and what your participation will involve. The project aims to:

  • Raise Voices of people living with hardship by valuing their stories, supporting their engagement, and involving them as equal partners in addressing hardship in Stoke-on-Trent.  
  • Change Minds by raising public awareness through a creative and impactful social media campaign. We will also make information the hardship commission already has more accessible and easier to read.
  • End Poverty by creating a clearer picture of the impacts of policy decisions on people’s experiences and sharing impactful stories with decision-makers to influence change.

How can I get involved?

Raising Voices invites you to share your experience and thoughts about poverty and hardship in Stoke-on-Trent. You can either send us your thoughts, photos, poems or stories or you can attend one of our workshops.

The activities and sessions you are involved with will collect and record your experiences, which will help to create a clearer picture of the impacts of poverty and hardship in Stoke-on-Trent. The sessions and activities will take place face-to-face, online, and remotely. 

What do I need to know before I agree to take part?

Participation is completely voluntary. You should only take part if you want to and choosing not to take part will not disadvantage you in any way. Once you have read the information sheet, please contact us if you have any questions that will help you decide to take part.

The information that you contribute to this project will be included in different ways, whether this is through a creative exhibition, as part of the Raising Voices social media campaign, or as part of a manifesto for change or a final project report. These outputs will be available in the public domain and shared in a physical and digital capacity.

View the full Raising Voices Information Sheet

Giving consent

If you decide to take part, we will ask you to sign a consent form and you will be given a copy of this consent form to keep.

Giving consent means that you are happy to take part in the project and contribute your stories, views, and thoughts to the project. We’ll use these things as part of the project.

Below is a video that breaks down the whole process.

If you have any questions about this, please contact ryan.fox@staffs.ac.uk.