Work Experience

The partnership of course provides work experience opportunities for those students studying the relevant forensic and computing courses at Staffordshire University.

However, it also receives on occasions requests for guidance on Staffordshire Police providing work experience for Year 10 students especially those who have an interest in Forensics.

Unfortunately, the very nature of forensics work such as distressing images and scenes as well as issues of confidentially precludes the police providing work experience opportunities for young people in Year 10.

The partnership are working with the Police’s Apprenticeship Manager to see what online resources we can provide to support those young people who are interested in exploring a career in forensics.

The first output from this is the following video which gives an overview of the work of Forensic Investigations within Staffordshire Police (Scenes of Crime Officers in some force or even CSI)

In addition, here are some links that may assist in ascertaining what subjects a student could study towards a career in Forensics as well as some other opportunities that may assist.

Experience shows that volunteering is not only a great way to give back to your community but also a real opportunity to gain experience for your CV as well as personal development. Many of our most successful students have a record of volunteering. Here is a resource around opportunities to volunteer.

For our community – Volunteering Matters

There will also be lots of opportunities within your local community to support the work of charities and voluntary groups.

Work Experience and Career Links

Careers & Education – The Forensics Library (

Work Experience For Forensics? – The Student Room

Finding work experience – forensic science | Mumsnet

Think Forensic- Crime Scene Investigation Workshops