4 Things that Aspiring Entrepreneurs can learn from the England Rugby Team

As we enter November and preparations for Global Entrepreneurship Week begin around the World, Angela Lawrence, Associate Dean of Staffordshire Business School reflects on sporting success, failure and the qualities of a successful entrepreneur

Mention the title entrepreneur and who do you think of? Richard Branson, Bill Gates, Anita Roddick? These famous names are just the tip of the iceberg – actually there are 582 million entrepreneurs in the world. So with a world population of 7.7 billion, this means that there is approximately a 1 in 13 chance that you are or will become an entrepreneur!

Whilst cheering the England boys along in the Rugby World Cup recently, it has occurred to me that our team offers a few tips for budding entrepreneurs. England last won the Rugby World Cup in 2003, so the battle continues after 16 years of knock backs and failed efforts. Disappointment in the finals, losing against the Springboks shouldn’t lessen acknowledgement of the victory that we saw just one week earlier, when England beat the All Blacks to claim their place in the finals.

So, what can the budding entrepreneur learn from a team of brawny sportsmen who crashed out at the final hurdle?

1. Never give up

The odds were against our England boys in the semi-finals against the All Blacks, but they stood proud and strong as they faced their nemesis, determined not to give up or let the competition threaten them.

Even after suffering a crushing defeat in the finals the England team should take time to recognise what they have achieved over the course of the competition. As coach Eddie Jones said after the game, they “didn’t meet their goal to be the best team in the World, but they are the second best team in the World, so that’s how they should be remembered”.

Nothing is impossible. At times you will probably make wrong decisions, feeling like everything is going against you, but when the chips are down you need to stand strong – pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start again. It’s all about resilience and the ability to bounce back from adversity.

2. Everyone needs a team

Individually you can be brilliant, but with the support of a strong team you can be amazing! As the saying goes, teamwork makes the dream work! The phrase is said to be coined by John Maxwell, an American clergyman, who went on to say, “but a vision becomes a nightmare when the leader has a big dream and a bad team”. Even the most successful entrepreneur has a team around them and it is often the hard work and determination of the team that makes sure the entrepreneurial dream becomes a reality.

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY

England captain Owen Farrell converted some magnificent tries throughout the competition, but the ability to kick a peculiarly shaped ball between two goal posts would not win a match without the hard work of his teammates, battling the opposing side tirelessly and creating opportunities for conversion.

3. Don’t be intimidated

Starting out as an entrepreneur, there will always be people who will tell you that you’re wrong, you’ve no idea, you’re living in cloud cuckoo land! It’s important to have the courage of your convictions and not to be deterred. You have a vision and you need to hold true to that – don’t be put off or intimidated by others. Face your fears, hold your head high and believe in yourself.

The Haka, a ceremonial dance complete with angry faces, stamping of feet and what could be perceived as threatening growls, was performed as expected prior to the England versus All Blacks semi-finals in the Rugby World Cup. The England team stood strong, forming a v-shaped formation and showing that they were not intimidated in any way. Their response, as reported in The Guardian said “Challenge laid down, challenge accepted”

Image from https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2019/oct/26/england-haka-response-eddie-jones-idea-rugby-world-cup

4. Look after yourself

We wouldn’t expect a professional team to play an energetic and bruising game like rugby, day after day without giving their bodies time to rest. World cup tournaments are planned to allow rest days between games, in recognition of the fact that teams need to rest and reform. A week between the semi-finals and the finals in the Rugby World Cup gave the England team time to recover, rest and prepare themselves mentally and physically for the all important culmination of years of training.

Creative thinking, invention, innovation and challenging the norm can be hard work. There will be days when everything falls apart and your risks are costly, times when you feel you can’t go on. It’s at times like these that you need to take time out to rest. Downtime is crucial – learning how to balance work and rest is essential to avoid burnout.

About Global Entreprenuership Week:

From the 18-24 November, Global Entrepreneurship Week inspires people everywhere through local, national and global activities designed to help them explore their potential as self-starters and innovators. These activities, from large-scale competitions and events to intimate networking gatherings, connect participants to potential collaborators, mentors and even investors—introducing them to new possibilities and exciting opportunities…Continue reading

Learn more about Global Entreprenuership Week 2019 by visiting: https://www.genglobal.org/united-kingdom


Staffordshire Business School awarded Government funding to help microbusinesses use tech to grow

30th October 2019

Staffordshire Business School has been awarded funding to support 50 microbusinesses to engage with technology to boost their productivity.

Staffordshire Business School is part of a consortium of business schools accredited by the Small Business Charter for their expertise in supporting small businesses and entrepreneurs who will deliver the programme. The Leading to Grow Programme will be offered at no cost to microbusinesses across Staffordshire.

Image: The Leading to Grow programme will run from January

Businesses that employ up to nine people will be able to apply to take part in workshops around how to use existing technologies to improve efficiency and profitability.

The funding has been made available through the government’s £8m Business Basics Programme run by the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) and Innovate UK.

Hazel Squire, Head of Department at Staffordshire Business School, said:

“As a digital University, this learning is an essential part of our offer to students and we’re delighted to be able to run The Leading to Grow Programme for small businesses in our region who may not have had access to this level of training and expertise.

This is in keeping with our Civic University commitment as it will ultimately enable businesses to grow and become more successful and have a positive impact on skills and the region’s economy. The programme will run from January and we are inviting interest from small businesses in our region who fit the criteria.”

Due to the small size and the dispersed nature of microbusinesses, they have not routinely received planned interventions by government agencies. The government is now targeting this type of business due to their potential and readiness to scale-up, and this is the first time that such a programme has been coordinated across the country.

The UK’s 1.1 million microbusinesses employ over 4 million people and contribute £533bn to the UK economy. The business schools, the Small Business Charter and the government hope to make a real impact on this important part of the economy.

Anne Kiem, Executive Director of the Small Business Charter and Chief Executive of the Chartered Association of Business Schools, said: “We are excited to be working with business schools to help improve the productivity of a range of microbusinesses. The pace of technological advances means that today’s small firms who embrace innovation will be tomorrow’s success stories.”

To register your interest in the Leading to Grow programme, email Eloise White at Staffordshire Business School on Eloise.White@staffs.ac.uk

The Return of the Post Study Work Visa

Dr Mohammad Ali Wasim, Lecturer, Staffordshire Business School

In this time of uncertainty where Brexit is looming round the corner there is some form of relief for international students who make their way to the UK for higher education. Despite paying a significantly higher fee they end up being unable to find work due to strict visa restrictions which make it difficult for companies to sponsor their work visas. Experts argue that this was a smart move by the government given the fact that post Brexit there could be a significant impact on the labour market and to cater to the potential shortage the post study work permit would be a ‘win, win’ scenario. The employers would be able to fill the gaps with UK qualified international students and the international students would get an opportunity to benefit from UK work experience.

It is difficult to evaluate at this stage the impact the visa regime would have as a further analysis on the impact of Brexit on different industries needs to carried out. In hindsight when the visa regime was made stricter during the tenure of Theresa May as Home Secretary in 2012, the UK found it difficult to recruit international students and the students then preferred Australia and other EU countries over the UK. Experts argue that the full benefit of the scheme would be observable once the new visa regime comes into operation in 2020 and how it pans out for the benefits of the students and whether it is extendable beyond two years. A longer term opportunity would be beneficial for both the potential UK employers and their international student employees. This scenario also needs to be looked at keeping in mind the excessively high visa and its extension fee which the international students will have to bear when shifting to the new regime.

Staffordshire University has a significant influx of international students every year and this new visa regime would help secure more international candidates who would not only add to the diversity at the University enhancing student learning but also contribute to the local economy where initially students may participate through part time jobs to gain experience. In addition, employers would also have an advantage as they will have a bigger pool of resources to recruit and potentially benefit from.

Like any government policy, consistency is the key to its success. With changing governments and their fluctuating policies the impact of potentially beneficial schemes may be limited. The hope is that given the circumstances and uncertainty due to Brexit, the return of the post study work permit would be a permanent policy decision and not impacted by the outcome of the Brexit deal. Otherwise it would be considered more of a political gimmick to gain short term support and appease the disgruntled public because of the Brexit uncertainty.

Professor Fang Zhao joins Staffordshire Business School

Greetings! My name is Fang Zhao. I’ve recently started my new post as Associate Dean – Research and Enterprise at Staffordshire Business School, Staffordshire University. I look forward to getting connected and work with you in the areas of digital transformation strategy.

Prior to joining Staffs, I was a team member in Yellagonga Wetlands Smart Monitoring Project awarded under Australian Government Smart Cities and Suburbs Program in 2018 (Total Project funding: AU$ 2.05 million). My current research focuses on digital strategy in entrepreneurship and Smart Cities strategy and community engagement. I have led and completed a large number of research projects funded by governments, industry/business and universities, including Australian Research Council (ARC) Linkage Grant and Australian Federal Government grant.

Being a global citizen and a strong advocate for international mobility and education, I have extensive MBA and other management education and teaching experience in Australia, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, the United Arab Emirates, Fiji, and the United Kingdom.



Business at Staffordshire University


In this blog you can find links to all of our courses and social media pages

Updated august 2023

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The Catalyst Building – Leek Road houses the Business School

In the School of Justice, Security and Sustainability, we offer a range of undergraduate, postgraduate and professional business courses, delivered either full-time, part-time or via distance learning. More information on each individual subject and course can be found below:




Professional Courses

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We see your potential at Staffordshire Business School

Carol Southall, Senior Lecturer at Staffordshire Business School

Kerry Edge, Administrative Assistant Recruitment

For many people, a new year starts in January, but in the academic world we are fast approaching a new ‘academic’ year. It is that time of year when, often following a summer break, people take time to reflect on what is important to them, with family, life and career often being the subject of that reflection. Going back to work post- summer break; receiving summer examination results; or looking for an alternative career path, this is the time when the opportunity to pursue a University education is often considered.

Clearing is an opportunity to make a new choice. Essentially, clearing matches applicants to university places that are yet to be filled. There are many reasons why courses are still available through clearing. It is an opportunity for those who may have changed their mind about where or what they want to study, it’s an opportunity for those who have missed their conditions and it’s also an opportunity for those who, on reflection, realise that the path to their chosen career lies in higher education.

The key message is that it is never too late to apply for university.

At Staffordshire Business School we understand the importance of making the right decision. We work hard to inspire you to be creative in your thinking, international in your outlook and innovative and entrepreneurial in your actions. Connecting with business, the creative and cultural sector and communities to address challenges in a time of change, we encourage our students to make a difference through innovative and transformational ideas.

For more information on the courses at Staffordshire Business School click here:

Our friendly clearing team is available now to offer advice and guidance.
Call us on 0800 590 830 or visit www.staffs.ac.uk/clearing

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Now 37 – Staffs Uni celebrates best ever place in UK league tables

Staffordshire University achieves Gold in the Teaching Excellence and Student Outcomes Framework

Find a student job in England

Mohamed Adesola Adjaou, MSc Digital Marketing Management Student

Are you going to Erasmus in England and would you like to find a student job? Or do you just want to go there for a summer to work? You are in the right place, because throughout this blog, we will cover some good tips for finding a job in England… a unique opportunity to practice English, travel and discover a new way of life!

Have you been wondering since the announcement of Brexit? No worries for now, since the UK’s exit process from the European Union will take a few more years again. Students from the European Union can continue to do their Erasmus year in England and find a student job without the need for a work permit or visa.

No need to remind you that if you want to work in England, you will have to do some of your research from your home country first. The sooner you start, the more likely you are to find something you like! Of course, if you have not found anything before leaving your country, it is also possible to apply for a job directly on the spot.

How to apply?

Remember to write and present your CV so that it is suitable for a country like England. In England, the CV is not presented in the same way as in other countries. To put the odds on your side, it is best to follow the rules of English writing.

For your application, do not hesitate to highlight your level of English as it is to your advantage. But be careful not to lie, because your recruiter will realize quickly! If you do not master English perfectly, do not give up, because there are many opportunities for you as well. For small jobs, it is not your professional experiences or diplomas that will be scrutinized but your personality and your skills.

Where to apply in England?

Would you like to get an idea of ​​which sectors are recruiting the most in England?

Well, we give you some examples of the areas to which you will be most likely to have a chance to see your application accepted:

  1. Catering: Restaurants, pubs, bars, cafes and fast food outlets are constantly looking for staff. Try your luck!
  2. Call centres: very practical if you are not quite comfortable with English since many call centres regularly seek French to make or receive calls with French-speaking countries.
  3. Clothing Stores: If you plan to go to London, the most influential capital of the fashion world, and you love fashion, go to the clothing stores, who are constantly looking for students!
  4. Newspaper / flyer distribution: Are you an early bird? This job is for you. In England, many positions are available to distribute flyers to passers-by in the street or to distribute newspapers in mailboxes.
  5. Home delivery: Most common student job, home delivery of meals (Pizza Hut, Just Eat, Uber Eat), or simply goods purchased via the Internet (UPS), is a sector that is not ready to run out of steam in England.

Useful sites to find a job

You will find many job / job offers on the web. For you a list of sites that could be useful in your research has been prepared, depending on the type of job you are targeting:

Sites to find odd jobs

Sites for a professional job

England: employment agency

Specialized sites for French expatriates:

Top Cultural Guide for International Students in the UK

Mohamed Adesola Adjaou, MSc Digital Marketing Management Student

Every year, thousands of foreign students come to the UK to study, be it in political science, journalism, fine arts, business, psychology or English language. England has become the education capital of the world. The country is known for many things, including tea and the love of fish and chips, but the UK is best known for its excellent educational institutions that include alumni from around the world. That’s why the UK is a great place to study for all international students who want to experience English culture and the best of education.

This guide presents the main cultural norms and differences that every international student should know about the UK.


The British are friendly and social people, so communication is very easy. Although there are do’s and don’ts when communicating in the UK.

Greeting: British greetings vary according to your knowledge of the person you are greeting. Although a simple smile and a nod are enough when greeting a stranger, it is also acceptable to have a hug or a kiss on the cheek.

Distance: The personal space is loved by the British. So keep a safe distance of about an arm’s length between you and the one you are chatting with. Coming to close is considered inappropriate. Never stare either, as it is generally considered impolite.

Being animated: There are many countries whose citizens enjoy a heated debate that can come alive enough, even in a friendly or social setting. Not the British, though. Being animated is usually frowned upon. The British are generally reserved and extremely polite, even when the conversation requires more emotion. Throwing your arms in the air, making gestures or raising your voice may not seem like such a big problem in other countries when you try to make a point, but will probably be scorned in England.


The British love sports with the most popular being football, rugby and cricket.

Football: Also called soccer by the Americans, it is the most popular sport in Britain. The English Premier League is one of the most-watched leagues in the world and has well-known clubs including Manchester United, Man City, Tottenham and Chelsea.

Rugby: Formally a game for the elite, rugby, although less popular than British football, is still loved by many. In the former British colonies (New Zealand, Australia and South Africa), the sport still dominates.

Cricket: Whether it’s an ODI series or a series of tests, the English love a good game of cricket. Played in a more intimate setting than rugby and football, cricket requires patience and endurance, as a test match can last a few days or more.


Image Source https://recipes.sainsburys.co.uk/recipes/breakfast/full-english-breakfast

Traveling or living in Britain means that you are going to eat common British food. Many know the British for their fish and chips, but their culinary skills go further than this popular take-away dish.

Sunday Roast: Usually eaten on a Sunday, this meal consists of a roasted meat (e.g. duck, chicken, turkey, beef or lamb), a sauce or gravy and seasonal vegetables. It is a British staple.

Cornish Pasty: These delicacies are popular throughout the UK but are native to Cornwall and are probably better prepared by Cornwall. It’s a tasty pie filled with seasoned meat and vegetables.

English Breakfast: It’s certainly not consumed every day, but it’s a delicious hearty breakfast for weekends, holidays or outings. It includes eggs, bacon, sausages, baked beans, hash browns, toast and black pudding.


The Beatles on ‘Top Of The Pops’ in 1966 Credit: Mark and Colleen Hayward/Redferns

The UK is a breeding ground for some of the most famous artists in the world, and the British are proud of it. In recent years, the British have exported some of the most famous and beloved artists, who have reintroduced the country as a global hub for the creative community.

The Beatles: Originally from Liverpool in England, The Beatles were the most popular rock band of the 60s and many British and international fans still believe they are the best rock band of all time.

Adele: One of the most famous pop musicians of our time, Adele proves that British music, and in particular its history, has a profound impact on the world.


To go out in England is only natural, as many students do. So, knowing how to socialise will make your stay here much better.

Arrival time: The British are punctual. So, you should try to be on time most of the time. The only exception to this rule is to be invited to a party or similar event. Being a few minutes late can be forgiven, but try to arrive within a reasonable time.

Behaviour: If you want your stay in Britain to be enjoyable, you will need to be well behaved. Always be sure to use please and thank you in the right setting. Forgive me and I’m sorry, they are also commonly used. During your stay in the country, you should also know that the British respect their elders and people with disabilities. They do everything possible to help them and make sure they are comfortable.


Living in another country, even if it is as a student, means adopting the language. Although we have English classes to help you blend in, English is not the only language spoken in the UK and we are known for some slang of our own. Here is what you need to know about the language in the UK.

Familiar phrase: Every country has its own slang or colloquialisms and Britain is no different.

Chap means a man
Crikey is a common exclamation
TV means television
Chic means classy and sophisticated

Indigenous languages: The United Kingdom (UK) is divided into 4 countries; England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Each country has its own indigenous language; Scottish Gaelic in Scotland, Irish (“Gaeilge” pronounced Gwal-gah) in Northern Ireland and Welsh in Wales. In Cornwall, England, you will also find a small population that speaks Cornish. But English is generally the language spoken in the United Kingdom.

Myths and legends

Every country has its share of “strange” myths and beliefs, and the UK is no different.

Fairies: Nicknamed the little people or the hidden people, the British have always believed in fairies, many claiming to have seen these mythical creatures and some even say that they had photographed them.

Gnomes: According to legend, these creatures are supposed to protect the gardens from other mythical evils. Hence the popular garden gnome that can be seen everywhere in the gardens in England.

Leprechauns: Playful creatures are actually a fairy and are popular among the Irish. If caught it is said to give the recipient 3 wishes to release it. It is also said that they wait at the end of a rainbow with a pot of gold.


Britain is known for its great universities and learning opportunities. So, to succeed in UK universities, it makes sense that, as a foreign student studying in the UK, you understand our education system.

UK Universities: The UK is home to some of the best universities in the world, thanks to its high quality teaching. Foreign students in the United Kingdom can study at Oxford University, University of Nottingham, University College London, Staffordshire University and the University of Portsmouth, among others.

Academic Year: The school year or school term in Great Britain varies by region and by university; all foreign students must therefore inquire about this university. But most universities have semesters from September to July.

Student Visa: Applying for a student visa can be easy, as evidenced by the many foreign students studying in the UK each year. However, in order to qualify for a student visa, you will need a letter of acceptance, proof that you can pay tuition and living expenses, as well as the possibility of paying extra health.

Student and Social Life: In addition to overcoming culture shock, living an international student experience while enjoying life in the UK is easy. There are many initiatives to make foreign students feel comfortable and minimise the experience of cultural shock when moving from a familiar culture to a foreign culture. To make your stay in the UK more enjoyable as a student, you must:

  • Visit the UKCISA website
  • Stay in touch with the house
  • Contact your international student advisor
  • Learn about British Traditions

Royalty and rank

Queen Elizabeth II

This is certainly something that distinguishes Britain from other countries. Although royalty is quite common all over the world, very few of them do as much as the British do.

Queens and Kings: At the top of the royal line are the King and the Queen. Right now, it’s Queen Elizabeth II.

Duke and Duchess: This is the second most powerful rank of the monarchy, attributed to those who are just under the king and queen. Duke is for a man and Duchess for a woman.

Knights and Dames/Ladies: Given to ordinary citizens who have accomplished something extraordinary. They will be honoured by royalty with a title. A Knight is the title given to a man while Dame is a woman. After which they will be officially called Sir or Dame/Lady.


Although public holidays and holidays are used interchangeably in the United Kingdom, public holidays can also be celebrated by schools, businesses, etc.

Boxing Day: It’s the day after Christmas and it’s a holiday. It is celebrated every year on 26th December.

Pancake Day: Also known as Shrove Tuesday and Mardi Gras (for Americans), Pancake Day is the eve of Ash Wednesday, which marks the beginning Lent. This is the last day that many Christians can feast before the start of Lent where they would traditionally abstain for 40 days. It falls on a different date each year, but obviously occurs on a Tuesday.

Saint Patrick’s Day: It falls every year in March on the 17th. It is of great importance to the Irish because it is the day of the death of St. Patrick who was known to preach Christianity in Ireland in the 5th century.

European Union Students and Brexit

Mohamed Adesola Adjaou, MSc Digital Marketing Management Student

By the end of October 2021, the United Kingdom must leave the European Union. Brexit will more or less lead to change for the students of the European Union coming to study in the United Kingdom. Two options will have to be taken into consideration; whether the UK leaves the EU with a deal or not. Throughout this blog, we will enumerate the effects that Brexit will have on UK universities with a deal or no deal.  Bear in mind that both parties, namely the United Kingdom and the European Union are working together to ensure that the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union operates with a win-win deal.

Tuition fees for students from the European union.

What is the current situation?

Most EU students pay the same fees as United Kingdom citizens students throughout their university studies. Tuition fees vary from one locality to another throughout the United Kingdom. Generally, EU students are eligible for a loan for university studies. In Scotland, Undergraduate students are usually exempt from tuition fees.

What changes will BREXIT bring?

With a deal: The governments of the United Kingdom have confirmed that students from the European Union who will start their academic studies during or before the 2020-2021 academic year will still be eligible for tuition fees at the same price as that of United Kingdom citizens as well as the student loan and nothing will change for them throughout their university studies.

Without a deal: This situation will remain unchanged, no matter whether the UK leaves the EU with an agreement or without agreement.

Will Brexit influence my power to stay in the United Kingdom?

In the context of Brexit, the British government will end reciprocal European freedom of movement in the United Kingdom. This means that citizens of the EU, EEA and Switzerland (and their eligible families) will need an immigration clearance if they enter or enter the UK after leaving the UK. EU.

If agreed, there will be a “transition period” that will end on December 31, 2020.

In case of no agreement: the UK leaves the EU on 1 June (or soon thereafter).

The government has declared that EU, EEA and Swiss nationals already resident in the United Kingdom will be eligible to apply for a new status confirming that they can continue to live in the UK after that date. The status can be “set” or “pre-set” in the UK.

In case the UK leaves the EU without any deal: EU students and their families who are eligible to apply under the settlement scheme must do so by 31 December 2020.

If you arrive in the UK between the official date of Brexit and 31 December 2020, you must apply for a European temporary leave to stay, which will allow you to stay in the United Kingdom for a period of 3 years.

From 2021, you will need to apply for a student visa. British universities offer many aids to enable the students to have more ease through the application process.

Will my UK diploma still be valid in the EU?

British diplomas are recognized in many countries of the world and there are a number of agreements between the different countries that support this. Some of them are not related to the European Union which means that after the Brexit, most university degrees will still be valid. Recognition of some professional qualifications is more complicated, but British universities are hoping mutual recognition of professional qualifications will continue. You can find out if your chosen subject is academic or professional by addressing your university.

Will I be able to stay in the UK AFTER OBTAINING my degree?

With a deal: Any student arriving in the UK before January 2021 will be able to apply for a “pre-established status”. This will allow you to remain in the UK for five years and then apply for “established” status. Once you have updated your status, you will be able to stay in the United Kingdom for life. If you have lived in the country for at least five years, you can apply for settled status without delay.

Without a deal: If you enter the UK anytime after the date of Brexit and you wish to apply for a temporary residence permit, you will need to apply for a visa after three years when your remain to leave will expire.

Can I still enter the UK with ERASMUS+?

With a deal: It will always be possible for the students of the European Union to enter the United Kingdom through the Erasmus+ program, until January 2021, when the current regime ends. The British government is committed to negotiating a new program that will succeed the Erasmus + program.


Without a deal: If the two parties do not reach any agreement, The Commission of the European Union has stated that it will seek to continue funding Erasmus+ students in the UK the day after Brexit. Until all this is clear, British universities work in partnership with other universities of the European Union to ensure that student exchange can always take place no matter the finality of Brexit.

Can I still ask for Research Council funding for my PhD?

Yes, currently EU students are still eligible to apply for doctoral scholarships funded by UKRI from the 2019-2020 academic year, and UK universities are working to keep this practice unchanged in any Brexit scenario.

Attending 25th SPRU PhD Forum: “Global challenges, local contexts: Reconciling theory and practice in Science, Technology and Innovation”

Ema Talam, PhD Student in Economics at Staffordshire University

On May 16 and 17 this year, I had a privilege to attend 25 Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU) PhD Forum. The Forum was organised by the Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU) of the University of Sussex, which is world-renowned research centre around the areas of science, technology and innovation policy. The work of SPRU is diverse, including: economics of innovation and industrial policy; science, politics and decision making; sustainable development; energy; and technology and innovation management.

The 25th edition of the PhD Forum, which started back in 1994, was organised around the theme: “Global challenges, local contexts: Reconciling theory and practice in Science, Technology and Innovation”. The programme of two-day conference included 14 panel sessions with total of 30 presentations by PhD researchers from all over the world; keynote speeches and plenary panel sessions; and plenty of networking opportunities. The full programme of the Forum can be found here.

On the second day of the Forum, in Panel 11: “R&D Innovation Policy and Centres of Excellence”, I presented my own research titled: “Evaluating the effectiveness of R&D tax credits: Critique of the user cost approach”, which was very well received. The paper I presented – still work in progress – looks into two distinct approaches to evaluation of the effectiveness of R&D tax credits, and specifically, critically appraises one of the approaches: the user cost approach. The full abstract of my paper can be found on the link provided above. The 25th SPRU Forum was an excellent and an invaluable opportunity to present and get feedback on my research; learn about the ongoing, diverse and very relevant research in the fields of science, technology and innovation; and to meet and network with other scholars working in the field.