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CCU Student Research Projects

30, August, 2016 cb28 0

We now have a section on the website that will showcase some of the research projects carried out by our current and past students. The pages will be updated over the coming weeks and months, and […]

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Stoke is where the ‘art’ is!

14, August, 2013 Ryan Kalisz 0

Adam Gratton, Get Talking Network Volunteer and Cultural Reporter for Appetite reflects on his experience of being part of Get Talking for Appetite As I helped to unload the wild array of implements for the […]

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Localise Book!!!

6, February, 2013 Ryan Kalisz 0

You can now read the brand new ‘Localise’ Project publication “Field Notes”! Just click the link below to download it as a pdf. “Field Notes” Localise book Funded by the EU Life Long Learning Programme and Leonardo […]

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New Year: New Opportunities?

11, December, 2012 Ryan Kalisz 0

The New Year offers an opportunity to review the year gone by and to consider future options for progress.  Review and future planning is a valid thing to do at any point in the year, […]

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