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Welcome to Mini Stoke blog!

18, April, 2012 0

The Creative Communities Unit at Staffordshire University is being funded by Stoke on Trent Healthy City to run workshops which help start a conversation for change, based on the Miniature Stoke film. We will be […]

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Welcome to Mini Stoke blog!

18, April, 2012 0

The Creative Communities Unit at Staffordshire University is being funded by Stoke on Trent Healthy City to run workshops which help start a conversation for change, based on the Miniature Stoke film. We will be […]

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ParkLive! Music Trail Hits Hanley Park

16, March, 2012 0

The air was filled with sunshine and music as artists from across Stoke on Trent and Staffordshire showcased their talents in Hanley Park’s first ParkLive! Music Trail. The sun was shining. The atmosphere was electric […]

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Hello to the World of Community Development

29, September, 2011 0

Ok, so after spending several hours reading about dashboards, settings, themes and widgets I’m getting the feeling that the best approach to take with venturing into the world of blogging is to just start writing […]

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