Introducing Kim

Kim photoHi everyone, my name is Kimberly and I am the Social Enterprise Co-ordinator for a new partnership project between Staffordshire University, VAST, Staffordshire University Students’ Union, and other partners. Our partnership is all about Social Enterprise, and follows on from the work that was carried out through the Under One Roof project. Our aim is to support new, emerging Social Enterprises in the region, as well as helping existing businesses to grow and develop.

We’ll be holding a series of exciting events over the next 6 months, which all aim to kickstart and help grow your business. This includes everything from workshops all about starting and growing a Social Enterprise business, networking events, and a Showcase Event in June.

Of course – we’re looking for you to get involved with our project, and will be posting details about all of the events very soon. The Calendar page is regularly updated with Social Enterprise and other CCU events so keep an eye on that too.

We’re particularly looking for businesses to get involved with the Showcase Event on the 22nd June by coming along to have a stall and demonstrating what they do. If you’re interested, please do get in touch.

I’ll be your point of contact over the next few months, so please email me at for more information about any of the above!