The complexities of managing youth work

RYWU report1

Youth work in the UK has seen significant changes and challenges in recent years.  A recent study by the Creative Communities Unit (The Shape of Youth Work Report) found that across the West Midlands there was no longer a clear model for youth work, with structures, job roles and job titles varying significantly across local authority areas.  Added to this, the financial challenges that youth work in the statutory and voluntary sectors continue to operate within have meant that, for many, managing youth work has become a bureaucratic, and for some, an isolating role.  

The report also identified that fewer youth work managers were from ‘traditional’ youth work backgrounds and were less supported by colleagues who understand the role of youth work than in previous years.  What has been missing in some areas is an opportunity for youth workers and managers of youth work to come together to discuss their work, celebrate the work and find positive solutions to the challenges with other colleagues who understand and can support their role.

sometimes1The Creative Communities Unit are holding a masterclass –  Sometimes my Head Hurts: Managing the complexities of Youth Work, to support managers of youth work (using the broadest definition) to support youth and community workers to find creative solutions and identify tools to support their role in a safe and supportive environment.  The masterclass will introduce a range of practical tools to support you to manage yourself, resources, people, teams and external relationships and partnerships all set within the current context of youth work.

To find out  more about this masterclass or any of the other work we are involved in please get in touch: here