Welcome to Mini Stoke blog!

The Creative Communities Unit at Staffordshire University is being funded by Stoke on Trent Healthy City to run workshops which help start a conversation for change, based on the Miniature Stoke film.

We will be running 10 workshops between the end of March and the end of May 2012, for these groups:

  • People who have studied with the Creative Communities Unit or who want to take part in a workshop before they book one for their group.
  • REACH self-advocacy project
  • Tea at 2 Older People’s Social Group
  • North Staffs YMCA
  • Youth workers
  • Stoke on Trent College students
  • Leaders and volunteers from faith based community groups working with older people
  • Stoke on Trent City Councillors
  • Hartshill and Harpfields Residents Association

It is not too late to book a workshop for your group. Phone or email Sam Rushton to book a  FREE workshop in your area – tel 01782 294793 creativecommunities@staffs.ac.uk

You can find out more on the Mini Stoke Blog here – Welcome to Mini Stoke blog!.