2020 Digital Art Competition – GIF Challenge

Take part in our GIF challenge 2020!

See below for full details of the task set out by our BA (Hons) Animation course team and get creative. Make sure to keep your eyes peeled for our Games & Concept Art Challenge coming soon too!


THE BRIEF: Create a short, looping animated GIF based on the theme of SURPRISE.

This may seem simple on the surface, but an effective GIF is often a complex idea that has been refined into a memorable, funny or clever series of images that remains powerful after several viewings. A loop is a cycle of action that starts and ends in the same way, so it will seamlessly play again and again. You may create your GIF in any way you want – drawings, models, live action, photographs etc. – but it must be appropriate for ALL audiences (so no inappropriate content!)

YOU WILL NEED: You can create your GIF in as high- or low-tech approach as you want, but you will require as a minimum an App. like ‘Gif Maker’ or similar, and a camera. You could also use Photoshop – if you have access to this. Whatever your approach – you WILL need your imagination!

HOW TO ENTER: Once completed – please share your GIF with our Animation Course Leader, Stuart Messinger, by e-mailing the file to: mynewanimationcourse@staffs.ac.uk

The Animation team will review all submitted entries and select the most effective GIFs – which will be shared on our Social Media channels.