‘Digital shed’ maker facilities launch at GradEX 2019

Specialist equipment which ensures that students are at the forefront of cutting-edge technologies has been unveiled this week.

Alun Rogers, Vice Chair of Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire LEP at the unveiling of the Digital Shed facilities.
Image: Alun Rogers, Vice Chair of Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire LEP at the unveiling of the Digital Shed facilities.
This is just one example of the University’s innovative approach which is putting Staffordshire at the forefront of digital and technological education and will help us create the highly skilled jobs that will ensure a thriving local economy.
Alun Rogers, Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire LEP

Specialist equipment which ensures that Staffordshire University students are at the forefront of cutting-edge technologies and able to plug skills gaps in the region has been unveiled this week.

Part-funded by Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire Local Enterprise Partnership, the equipment is part of a ‘Digital Shed’ maker zone which will be openly accessible to students from a wide range of courses from September this year.

Inspired by Maker-spaces and ‘Fab-Labs’ the new Digital Shed, at the entrance to the Mellor building, will house a range of equipment including milling machines, 3d printers, laser cutters, a soldering station and specialist work benches and tools.

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