Visiting Speaker Series

Every year in the Department of Psychology we hold a visiting speaker series in which we invite academics and practitioners working at other universities and practice-based settings around the UK to present their current research and practice.

These talks enable staff, students and members of the public to be kept up-to-date with research and practice in psychology. The talks are free and no booking is required. We also live tweet from these talks using the #StaffsVSS hashtag.

All staff, students, and members of the public are welcome to attend

2021 – 2022 Visiting Speaker Series

This year the Visiting Speaker talks are been held on a monthly basis, with three speakers in each semester. All talks begin on Thursdays at 4pm, and will be delivered via Microsoft Teams.

For further information about the Visiting Speaker Series please contact the Talk host (please note that talks and dates may be subject to change).

Come and join the Staffordshire Centre for Psychological Research for a series of short talks showcasing research conducted by new additions to the academic staff in the Department of Psychology!

Featured talks include “Science as a license for nastiness: Perceptions of scientific disciplines as prototypical increase willingness to follow toxic experimental instructions” (Dr. Megan Birney), “The road to recovery is not paved with good intentions: A look at the impact of therapist drift on anxious and traumatised populations” (Dr Zach Parker), and “Exploring the use of music as a teaching tool to aid in the conceptualisation of counselling theory for counsellors in training” (Danielle Fitzhenry).

The session will start at 4pm on Thursday 7th October online via Microsoft Teams. No need to book, just tune in!

Host: Dr Richard Jolley (
Date: 4pm-5pm, Thursday 7th October 2021.
Access: via Microsoft Teams.

Using Photovoice in the Design of a Psychological Intervention for People Living with Endometriosis

Dr Clair Dempsey, University of Oxford / Coventry University

Host: Dr Richard Jolley (
Date: 4pm-5pm, Thursday 4th November 2021.
Access: via Microsoft Teams.

And how does that make you feel?”- Insights into modern mental health services from a Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner”

Sarah Manso Fernandez-Arguelles, Telford and Wrekin Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT)

Host: Dr Richard Jolley (
Date: 4pm-5pm, Thursday 2nd December 2021.
Access: via Microsoft Teams.

“Improving cardiovascular disease risk communication in the NHS Health Check programme”

Dr Victoria Riley, Staffordshire University

Host: Dr Richard Jolley (
Date: 4pm-5pm, Thursday 27th January 2022.
Access: via Microsoft Teams.

“Adventurous play as a route to decreasing children’s anxiety risk”

Professor Helen Dodd, University of Exeter

Host: Dr Richard Jolley (
Date: 4pm-5pm, Thursday 24th February 2022
Access: via Microsoft Teams.

“Race in Psychology Education: Decolonising the Curriculum”

Dr Louise Taylor Bunce, Oxford Brookes University

Host: Dr Richard Jolley (
Date: 4pm-5pm, Thursday 24th March 2022
Access: via Microsoft Teams.

2020 – 2021 Visiting Speaker Series

Come and join the Staffordshire Centre for Psychological Research for a series of short talks showcasing research conducted by new additions to the academic staff in the Department of Psychology!

Featured talks include “The white curriculum, research, and reproducing racism” (Dr. Sarah Gillborn), “How teachers perceive and address cyberbullying in the school environment” (Peter Macaulay), and “The complexities of sexual consent communication according to young people” (Dr. Saskia Jones).

The session will start at 4pm on Thursday 8th October online via Microsoft Teams. No need to book, just tune in!

Host: Dr Richard Jolley (
Date: 4pm-5pm, Thursday 8th October 2020
Access: via Microsoft Teams.

“Grace Under Pressure: Resilience, well-being, and burnout in frontline workers in the UK and Ireland during the SARS-Cov-2 pandemic”

Dr Rachel Sumner, University of Gloucestershire

Host: Dr Richard Jolley (
Date: 4pm-5pm, Thursday 5th November 2020
Access: via Microsoft Teams.

“From panic in primary school to international researcher: A career in mathematics anxiety research and impact.”

Dr Tom Hunt, University of Derby

Host: Dr Richard Jolley (
Date: 4pm-5pm, Thursday 3rd December 2020
Access: via Microsoft Teams.

“10 lessons from cyberpsychology”

Dr Linda Kaye, Edge Hill University

Host: Dr Richard Jolley (
Date: 4pm-5pm, Thursday 28th January 2021
Access: via Microsoft Teams.

“Warmth, laughter, and humour in children’s close relationships”

Dr Amy Paine, Cardiff University

Host: Dr Richard Jolley (
Date: 4pm-5pm, Thursday 25th February 2021
Access: via Microsoft Teams.

“Can bystanders help to tackle bias-based bullying?”

Dr Nicola Abbott, University College London

Host: Dr Richard Jolley (
Date: 4pm-5pm, Thursday 25th March 2021
Access: via Microsoft Teams.