Law Alumni Called to the Bar

Jake Edwards, who graduated from Staffordshire University with LLB (Hons) in 2018, has been Called to the Bar. Jake Edwards won a scholarship to complete the Bar Professional Training Course at Nottingham Trent University. Being called to the Bar means Jake now has the right to speak on behalf of someone in higher court, as he is now a qualified Barrister.

Jake Edwards – Called to the Bar

“I was called to the Bar at the Middle Temple on the 28th November 2019 as part of the Michaelmas Call Ceremony. To be eligible for call you must have completed the Bar Professional Training Course with at least a competent grade. In addition to this, you must complete 12 qualifying sessions before your call date. These sessions are hosted throughout the year and include activities such as advocacy weekends, dining sessions and lectures. Once you meet the requirements necessary to be called to the bar, you must pay a call fee to your Inn of Court.

You now need to book your gown and wig for the ceremony as it is a requirement that all callees must attend in full court dress. This includes your suit, tunic shirt, collar studs, windsor winged collar, bands, gown and wig. All can be bought in advance of your call date or hired from Ede & Ravenscroft for £36 and can be collected from the Treasury Building on the day.

Typically you can expect to bring 2 guests although there is an option to purchase extra tickets closer to the day depending on availability. On the day of call you will first head to the Middle Temple to collect your hired gown and wig and take any photographs with the professional photographers.

Once it is time for the ceremony to start, you proceed to Middle Temple Hall where the callees are filtered into a side room whilst all of the guests take their seats. You are then briefed on how the ceremony will be conducted to prevent any mishaps during the ceremony. Finally, the callees are moved into the hall to stand along the side of the room where you will be called to the bar in order of seniority with the Inn.

One by one, callees are presented to the Master Treasurer by Master Reader. As you are being presented, you approach the Master Treasurer and bow before he calls you to the degree of the utter bar. You then walk over to the table allegedly made from Sir Frances Drakes ship The Golden Hind to sign the Roll of Barristers. As you filter out of the hall, you are presented with your call certificate. Once all those in attendance have been called, this concludes the ceremony and you will have taken your place alongside the generations of barristers who preceded you, your Inn of Court is now your professional home and will remain as such throughout your career.”

Congratulations Jake!

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