Bear with a Care

Law Lecturer, Kath Harvey and her family have been cheering up local residents (and colleagues) with the appearance of Divoc and Margie the bears outside their house – and raising money for the Donna Louise Trust whilst doing so.

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Here is what the bears have been up to so far…


When Divoc made his first appearance on 13th April, he didn’t have his name yet. He paid tribute to all the hard working Key Workers.

“Who needs Elf on the Shelf when you have Bear with a Care”.

The next day, the poor bear was worn out from his shift!

On the 15th April, Bear took a more relaxed approach…

Kath’s children had an art project to do for school work; they made a pond so the bear could go fishing.

On the 17th April, bear took the dogs for their daily exercise.

Who doesn’t love a bit of gardening? 

On the 19th April, Bear tried his hand at baking – wonder who was brave enough to try that pancake! 

A motivational message to all of Staffordshire University’s hard working Law students – keep guying guys! 

The 21st April was someone’s special birthday – HAPPY BIRTHDAY AUNTIE KERRY!

It’s about time the bear had a name. On the same day, the family created boxes for people to post name suggestions, as well as posting on Facebook. 

Going on a bear hunt…

Successful hunting! First date success

It was time for the big name reveal! Kath’s children chose the names: Divoc (wonder what inspired this name) and Margie.

Some important second date prep… Looking marvelous Margie. 

Smooth operator – Divoc picking Margie up in style.

 Divoc and Margie made the most of the sunshine by having a picnic date.


Third date prep!

Should have gone to Specsavers? Divoc testing his artistic talents on the 28th April, for their third date.

Today they are going on their first camping trip (29th April)! Let’s hope the weather stays nice.

What has been your favourite Bear with a Care activity so far?

The link to the Donna Louise Hospice Care is here, if you would like to help Kath’s Bears with a Care raise money.

What will the bears get up to next…

Launch of the BA (HONS) Criminology with Offender Management in September 2018.

April 2017 sees the creation of a new government agency focused on providing an effective service for people who access custodial and probation services. The HM Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS) will build on the work of the National Offender Management Service (NOMS) to provide:

  • A new frontline service tasked with reforming offenders launched by Justice Secretary
  • Prison and probation staff to be given increased training and clear career progression
  • HMPPS launch coincides with prison governors being given greater control of establishments

Staffordshire University was the first university in the country to offer a workplace foundation degree in offender management. The Law Department developed a BA (HONS) Offender Management ‘top up’ degree to enable prison officers to graduate with a full award in Offender Management.

The announcement by the Justice Secretary coincides with the introduction of the Law Department’s new award in 2018; the BA (HONS) Criminology with Offender Management. This award will offer a new and exciting product to students who are seeking employment in the Justice and custodial sector, prisons, probation, youth offending services and the security industry. The award will be the first in the country to provide modules specifically designed to teach students how to recognise and manage individuals who are suicidal or present with potential mental health conditions.

The Howard League for Penal Reform highlighted that 19 people died by suicide in prison in England and Wales in 2016. This figure represents the highest number in a calendar year since current recording practices began in 1978. Of these 119 self-inflicted deaths, 12 were women – more than double the previous year’s figure. Ten per cent of the deaths by suicide in prison in 2016 were of women, despite women making up less than five per cent of the total prison population. The team at Staffordshire University are working on ways of teaching staff to recognise problems before it is too late.

The Government has just completed an inquiry into mental health and deaths in prison. The inquiry explored three broad themes: whether prison is the right place for vulnerable offenders such as those with mental health conditions and/or learning difficulties; the way prisoners with mental health conditions are treated in prison; how to ensure that lessons for the future are learned, errors not repeated and that good practice becomes common practice. The Staffordshire award is set to develop

The launch of HMPPS brings development opportunities for staff, looking to further professionalise and build pride in the service. As part of the Government’s commitment to boost opportunities for staff in the newly formed HMPPS, the government plans to create 2,000 new senior promotion opportunities for valued and experienced prison officers to progress into.

The BA (HONS) Criminology with Offender Management award was developed in consultation with HMPs in the Midlands. Academic staff who have worked closely with prison officers at all levels created an award that they will deliver together with tutors from the School of Health and Social Care. Tutors will teach students how to recognise and manage individuals who are suicidal or present with potential mental health conditions.

Probation services will also be more empowered in providing support to offenders both under the supervision of the HMPSS and in the community when they come out of prison. As part of the further growth opportunities, the HPSS is planning to enhance professional qualifications for probation officers and increase the integration of prison and probation services.

The HMPSS is ready to offer apprenticeship schemes to give recruits a clear progression pathway, underlining the Government’s commitment to develop the skills of prison and probation staff.

Staffordshire University is currently developing local commercial relationships with Prisons in Staffordshire to provide partnership opportunities for their prisoners and students. Students studying on the new award will have the opportunity to study with, visit our partners at local prisons, and become involved in research activities relevant to future employment.

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