Kathleen’s Prize Award Ceremony

Academics were asked to nominate the best work, from their level 4 students, for the annual Kathleen’s Awards Ceremony in March. Many paid tribute at the ceremony to Staffordshire University Librarian, Kathleen Morgan, who sadly passed away in September 2014. 

Winner, Matthew Harvey – from the School of Health and Social Care – was awarded his certificate and £50 Amazon voucher from Dr Sean Curley – Dean of the School of Law, Policing and Forensics – who said:

“The standard of entries this year has been fantastic and it’s a pleasure and a privilege to be here. The competition has been fierce and you are all winners… You should all congratulate yourselves.”

Kathleen’s mother attends every year and remembers the impact Kathleen had on the students. Alison Pope, Learning and Information Services Manager, said:

“In the course of several roles Kathleen filled, her passion to help students realise their potential shone out.She instigated the InfoZone programme which helps orientate first year students and assists them in making the transition from school or college to University level research.”Among the runners up was BA (Hons) Sociology, Criminology and Deviance student, Adam William Colclough and BSc (Hons) Policing and Criminal Investigation, student Georgina Buckley.
  • Jake Rodgers (CAE) nominated by Tony CRAIG
  • Rachel Day (CAE) nominated by Simon SMITH
  • Dylan Foster (BLE) nominated by Aisha ABUELMAATTI
  • Grace Thomson (BLE) nominated by Aisha Abulemaatti
  • Mollie Barker (BLE) nominated by Aisha Abulemaatti
  • Ciaran Pearson-More (LSE) nominated by Philip WALKER
  • Georgina Buckley (LPF) nominated by Rachel BOLTON-KING
  • Constantinos Pavlakos (LPF) nominated by Rhiannon FROST
  • Lindsay Franklin (HSC) nominated by Maqsoodah ASHRAF
  • Richenda Treharne (HSC) nominated by Lisa Beeston
  • Katie Roughan (HSC) nominated by Lisa Beeston
  • Adam Colclough (LPF) nominated by Emma TEMPLE-MALT
  • Rahee Ali (LSE) nominated by Paul ORSMOND
  • Kalina Kolchevska (CDT) nominated by Alke GROPPEL-WEGENER

Congratulations to all of our students for all your hard work!