How to take part in The Big Bang Global Step Challenge

Thanks for joining us and let us see where our combined step counts can take us during the West Midlands Big Bang Fair

  1. Collect your free pedometer from the registration desk upon arrival at the event.  Exhibitors, ambassadors and Staffordshire University staff are also taking part using their own step tracking devices (phones, pedometers, Fitbit, etc…)
  2. Track your steps throughout the event.
  3. Brilliant and friendly Global Step Ambassadors will be encouraging you and collecting step counts throughout the event.  You can enter either individual step counts, or group step counts.
  4. If you don’t get a chance to tell one of our ambassadors your step count, you can send it direct to the data project.  Download the app Epicollect5.  It is available for Android phones and tablets, iPhones and iPads.  The app is completely free.  Once installed search for “The Big Bang Global Step Challenge”.  Alternatively you can search for the project at (note you will need to log on with google to enter steps on the website).  No log-on details are required to enter steps on campus (step 3).
  5. Stay up-to-date with progress of the Challenge here on our blog or on Twitter @StaffsLSE