Podcast Interviews on Michel Serres

The Hermitix Podcast, run by James Ellis, who graduated from the MA in Continental Philosophy, has a series of interviews dedicated to Michel Serres, each broadly on a different book or theme in his work. David Webb has contributed two interviews, one general overview of Serres and one on The Birth of Physics. In addition, Bill Ross has been interviewed on the Hermes series, and Dave Monroe, who is working towards his PhD on Serres and ethics, talked about the senses and in particular about the sense of taste

David Webb on Michel Serres

David Webb on Serres’ book The Birth of Physics

Bill Ross on Serres’ Hermes series

Dave Monroe on Serres and gustatory aesthetics

And here is a link to the full series, beginning with Massimiliano Simons on The Parasite

A new record of new, events, odds and ends

After going through a ‘quiet period’ this site is now up and running again. There were a lot of posts here with information on news and events, but as they were all quite old they’ve all been boxed up and put away. New posts will be appearing as we go along.