Free event – Sustainability for SMEs

Programme updated 10th June 2019

Are you interested in making your business more sustainable?

Staffordshire Business School is currently leading a project to develop a free online training tool on sustainability for businesses that could help. The training tool is now at an advanced stage of development and we are inviting businesses along to a demonstration and an opportunity to sign up to it at a free conference on Tuesday 11th June.

Professor Jon Fairburn introduces the course featured in the training tool

In summary, the conference, being held at the Moat House Hotel in Stoke-on-Trent, will feature:

  • Demonstrations of a free online tool for businesses to help with sustainability.
  • Workshops on different aspects of business sustainability delivered by experts.
  • Talks on where to get more help, e.g. networks, grants, loans or other business assistance.
  • Talks from businesses already implementing sustainability.
  • Great networking opportunities.

Presenter Viv Bradford of the Lymestone Brewery explains what she’ll be talking about at the event

Presenter Diane Brassington of Westbury Ironing talks about the business, sustainability and community work

The draft programme is as follows:

09.15-10.00 – Registration and networking – coffee and tea (Room: Bentley)

10.00 – Opening and Welcome – Prof Jon Fairburn, Staffordshire University – Twitter @ProfJonFairburn

10.30 – Keynote speech – Diane Brassington, Westbury Ironing Ltd and Westbury Workshops C.I.C. – “Outside The Box” – – Twitter @dibrassington

11.00 – Christina Marshall, Steve Stones, and Diane Roberts, Staffordshire Business Environment Network (SBEN) – “SBEN and support for your energy management” – – Twitter @LowCarbonStaffs

12.00-13.00 Lunch

13.00 – Viv Bradford, Lymestone Brewery Staffordshire – “Sustainability the Lymestone Way!” – – Twitter @lymestonebrewer

13.30 Parallel workshops

  Stream 1 Room: Bentley Stream 2 Room: Executive
13.30 Tom Hendy, Sustainability West Midlands – “The Future of Sustainability” – – Twitter @SWMtweet

Dr Souad Moufty, Staffordshire University – “New free online tool and some practical examples of environmental actions”

14.30 Judith Dix, Environmental Trainer ESP Ltd – Upskilling your Workforce: Increasing Environmental Competency” – – Twitter @ESP_Ltd Stephanie Hacker, The Carbon Trust’s Green Business Fund – “Cutting Energy Costs: Top Tips for SMEs to Improve Energy Efficiency” – – Twitter @thecarbontrust

3.30 – Panel of speakers to take questions from the room, plus an opportunity to promote any other upcoming events and opportunities

4.00 – Close

You are encouraged to bring flyers and other publicity material. A booking form is available through Eventbrite at

Parking is free but you must input your registration number into a terminal upon arrival. Terminals will be available at the hotel reception and in the bar and meeting room (Bentley). Failure to provide car registration details will result in a fine.

More information about the project can be found at

Logo for the Report ASAP Adoption of Sustainable Accounting Practices for Reporting projectErasmus+ logo - Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union