Funding Opportunities with the Health Services and Delivery Research (HS&DR) Programme

 *Commissioned call for proposals*

Applicants are invited to submit proposals on the following commissioning brief by 1pm on 30 May 2013.

13/07 – After Francis: Research to strengthen organisational capacity to deliver compassionate care in the NHS

The commissioning brief, application form and guidance notes for this topic are all available on the HS&DR Programme website.

Contact us
023 8059 4304

UGC-UKIERI thematic partnerships

The UK-India education and research initiative of the British Council and the University Grants Commission invite expressions of interest for their thematic partnerships. These facilitate collaborations between faculties and researchers, and enable registered PhD students and postdoctoral researchers in India and the UK to undertake short-term visits to work on research projects. Partnerships are available for all subjects, including humanities, social sciences, science and technology projects. Multidisciplinary research is encouraged.

Project leaders should be of at least postdoctoral status or equivalent and based in an institution or research laboratory in a UK university or institution. EU citizens may apply provided that they hold a permanent position in the UK, and non-EU citizens should have held a permanent position for at least three years. Indian project leaders should be based in an Indian university or institution and be resident in India. Funds are available for partnerships of up to two years in duration and provide a maximum of £60,000 equivalent in INR. Eligible costs include research staff and fellow and student exchanges including travel and accommodation costs.

Closing date 31 May 13

Deadline information Proposals due by 5pm IST.

Award type Directed grants to institutions, research groups etc; Networking/collaboration; Studentship allocations; Travel for research purposes

Award amount max £60,000

Applications per institution 1

Consortium requirements Required

Supporting Innovation in the UK Retail Sector – full briefing released

The ESRC and TSB have now released a full briefing document for ‘Supporting Innovation in the UK Retail Sector’, the new targeted call for KTP proposals aiming to “help retail managers address the major economic, social and environmental challenges that they face, leading to new opportunities and tangible outcomes for business”. The document can be downloaded at:

 The specific aims of this call are to:

o             increase knowledge exchange between retailers and economic / social scientists*

o             develop a greater understanding of the changing nature of the UK High Street and retail spaces to drive growth, innovation and efficiency within the sector

o             stimulate and support innovations in e-commerce, m-commerce and omni-commerce, to maintain and strengthen the UK’s position as a global leader in internet retailing

o             promote and enable innovations in the use of ‘big data,’ providing insights into consumer behaviour, increasing efficiency and growth within the retail sector

o             support other innovative projects, addressing one or more sectoral challenges

 *It’s well worth academics working outside of these disciplines submitting expressions of interest, though. As the briefing makes clear (p.4)  – if the ESRC doesn’t fund them, another KTP funder might (and see also the last of the five aims, above – “other innovative projects” will be funded). Interdisciplinary and cross-faculty approaches can also be considered.

 Partners should be businesses in the retail sector that:

  • need further support to understand and respond to the challenges facing the sector;
  • are looking to access social and economic science skills and knowledge (see above) to help them innovate in dealing with these challenges; 
  • want to build and improve their capability in innovation.

 The application process is essentially the same as that for a ‘normal’ KTP and the deadline for submission is 21st August, 2013. Please contact Dominic Collins (01785 353404 / )if you’re interested.

Funding Opportunities with the Health Services and Delivery Research (HS&DR) Programme

The HS&DR Programme aims to produce rigorous and relevant evidence on the quality, access and organisation of health services, and is now accepting applications to its researcher-led workstream. The closing date for applications is Wednesday 22 May 2013, by 1pm.

Under the researcher-led workstream, the HS&DR Programme will fund research to improve the quality, effectiveness and accessibility of the NHS. This includes both primary research and evidence syntheses, depending on the existing research and the most appropriate way of responding to important knowledge gaps. The aim is to fund research that will lead to improvements in health services that will be of greatest benefit to the NHS and to patients. 

For more information and to access the application form and guidance notes, please click here

Contact us
023 8059 4304


On 25 February the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) will launch a call for retail-themed KTPs as part of its £2.5 million Retail Sector Initiative, funding collaborative research and knowledge exchange activities in the sector.  Their recent announcement states that—”Understanding the behaviours of individual people, communities and organisations is key to understanding the challenges now facing the retail sector”. They particularly welcome, therefore, proposals in the following areas:

1) the changing nature of the UK high street and changing retail spaces

2) e-commerce, m-commerce and omni-channel retailing

3) consumer (including ‘big’) data

 For more information please see the following link to the pre-call announcement on the ESRC website:

 The ESRC are holding  a launch event for the Retail Sector Initiative on 28 February 2013, further information about this event is available at the following link:

 A full briefing document will be available next week.

 Contact Dominic Collins: , ext. 3404,  for further information.

Life Sciences Summit – Free W Midlands Event



Monday 18th & Tuesday 19th March 2013 Edgbaston Stadium, Birmingham

Join high profile speakers, leading clinical and academic experts and business leaders from across the UK at the inaugural Life Science Summit.

 Attend this FREE 2 day event and benefit from a unique opportunity to hear about major developments taking place in the region’s Life Science sector.

 Featuring a keynote speech from the Office of Life Science, delegates will also hear from representatives of the University Hospital Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust, University of Birmingham, Health Technology Co-operative, West Midlands Academic Health Science Network and the pioneering NIHR Surgical Reconstruction & Microbiology Research Centre. 

 In addition, presentations from key business leaders will provide a unique opportunity to learn, understand and discuss where the future of healthcare business lies.   Discover what’s new and meet with those who can help you innovate, improve effectiveness and build competitive advantage.

 The final summit programme will be released soon, however themes to be covered include:

  • Translating research into business
  • Digital Health
  • Academic Health Science Networks – changing the way academia, industry and the NHS engage
  • Marketing the Business of Healthcare
  • Incubation and start up for life science business
  • Evidence based innovation
  • Trauma medicines and technologies – the opportunities for industry

The event will also incorporate the launch of the Edgbaston Medical Quarter – which provides a focus on and recognition of the world-class medical and healthcare provision Edgbaston, Birmingham has to offer.

 This event is FREE to attend and will attract at least 250 delegates each day.   With over 100 bookings taken already, register today to avoid disappointment.

 For more information on exhibition and sponsorship opportunities please contact Lucy Watkins on 0121 452 5630 or email

New EU Cyber Security Strategy

The European Commission today set out its first comprehensive strategy to prevent and respond to cyber disruptions and attacks. The new cybersecurity strategy along with a proposal on Network and Information Security aims to prevent and fight cybercrime, strengthen the security and resilience of networks and information security systems, and helps establish a more coherent European cybersecurity policy.

 The international dimension also features prominently with the objective of establishing a coherent international cyberspace policy. At bilateral level, the document underscores that cooperation with the United States is particularly important and will be further developed, notably in the context of the EU-U.S. Working Group on Cybersecurity and Cybercrime.

 “For cyberspace to remain open and free, the same norms, principles and values that the EU upholds offline, should also apply online,” said EU High Representative Catherine Ashton.

 Neelie Kroes, European Commission Vice President for the Digital Agenda, said, “The more people rely on the Internet, the more people rely on it to be secure. A secure internet protects our freedoms and rights and our ability to do business.”

The new EU cyber strategy comes on top of recent key advances in protecting citizens from online crimes, including establishing a European Cybercrime Center, proposing legislation on attacks against information systems, and the launch of a Global Alliance to fight child sexual abuse online

You can read the strategy Here

Culture Programme – Cooperation with third countries (Australia and Canada)

European Commission logo 

Culture Programme – Cooperation with third countries (Australia and Canada) –

Deadline 3 May 2013.

The Culture Programme is the EU’s main funding Programme for cultural activities, its overall objective is to:”Enhance the cultural area shared by Europeans, which is based on a common cultural heritage, through the development of cooperation activities among cultural operators, with a view to encouraging the emergence of European citizenship’

The Programme has three specific objectives:-

  1. Promotion of the transnational mobility of people working in the cultural sector
  2. Support for the transnational circulation of cultural and artistic workers and products
  3. Promotion of intercultural dialogue

Purpose of this call for proposals

This call for proposal seeks transnational projects involving exchanges of artists and/or works or the promotion of intercultural dialogue between Europe and Australia; or Europe and Canada. At least 50% of the project activities are expected to take place in either Australia or Canada. It is open to a wide range of artistic, cultural and creative disciplines, including the following:-

  1. Cultural heritage
  2. Performing arts
  3. Architecture
  4. Multimedia technologies
  5. Visual arts
  6. Literature, books and reading
  7. Design, applied arts
  8. Interdisciplinary areas

The programme supports all cultural operators including: Universities, research centres, theatres, museums, professional associations, public authorities etc. The budget for this strand for 2013 is €2.65m, it is expected that approximately eight projects will be selected for support. Opportunities for UK HEIs:

  1. The production and maintenance of websites
  2. The production of magazines and newspapers
  3. The organisation of conferences and meetings
  4. The production of studies and reports

More info can be found Here