About BENNETT Margaret

External Projects Officer in External Projects Team since January 2012.

Experts wanted for EU research and innovation programme

The European Commission needs independent experts for Horizon 2020. As well as attracting the best academic researchers, the Commission wants to boost the number of specialists from the world of business.

Experts are needed for monitoring funded projects as well as evaluating proposals for funding, programme evaluation and policy development. A broad range of fields is covered including science, technology, innovation, social sciences and humanities, business and more, as set out in full in the published call.

The objective is to ensure that EU grants are awarded only to the best research and innovation proposals, based on a rigorous peer-review process.

Interested candidates are invited to apply online.

The call will remain open for the entire duration of Horizon 2020 (2014-2020).

Experts who registered under the 7th Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7, 2007-13) and are interested in applying for Horizon 2020 assignments must signal their interest by selecting the new programme in the online platform, and update their fields of expertise.

Full online support including FAQs is available from the same page.


Royal Society Industry Fellowship

The Royal Society

This scheme is for academic scientists who want to work on a collaborative project with industry and for scientists in industry who want to work on a collaborative project with an academic organisation.

The scheme covers all areas of the life and physical sciences, including engineering, but excluding clinical medicine.

It aims to enhance knowledge transfer in science and technology between industry and academia in the UK and provides a basic salary for the researcher and a contribution towards research costs.

The scheme is funded by the Royal Society, the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, the Natural Environment Research Council, Rolls-Royce plc and BP plc.

 The applicant must:

  • have a PhD or be of equivalent standing in their profession
  • hold a permanent post in a university, not-for-profit research organisation or industry in the UK
  • be at a stage in their career when they would benefit from establishing or strengthening personal or corporate links between academia and industry as a foundation for long-term collaboration and development

Applications involving spin-offs or small companies are encouraged.

Applicants should ensure that they meet all the eligibility requirements, which are explained in the scheme notes (PDF).

The scheme provides the applicant’s basic salary while on secondment. The employing organisation continue to pay national insurance and pension contributions.

Research expenses may be claimed up to the value of £2,000 per year. Awards can be for any period up to two years full-time or a maximum of four years pro rata, i.e. an award could be held at 50% part-time for four years enabling fellows to maintain links with their employing institution more easily.

For further information go to:


Open Call for Proposals: European Co-operation in Science and Technology

COST | European Cooperation in Science and Technology
Stimulating new, innovative, interdisciplinary and broad research networks, COST invites action proposals contributing to the scientific, technological, economic, cultural or societal development of Europe. Proposals initiated by early-stage researchers are especially welcome.

COST is organised in nine broad domains (biomedicine and molecular biosciences; chemistry and molecular sciences and technologies; earth system science and environmental management; food and agriculture; forests, their products and services; individuals, societies, cultures and health; information and communication technologies; materials, physics and nanosciences; transport and urban development).

Proposers are invited to locate their topic within one domain. However, broad inter-disciplinary proposals not fitting readily into a single domain should be submitted as trans-domain proposals (TDP) and will be evaluated separately.

Proposals should include researchers from a minimum of five COST countries.

Deadline: 07/03/2014

For further information go to:  http://www.cost.eu/participate/open_call

UK’s first national Humanities festival

The UK’s first national festival dedicated to demonstrating the value, vitality and relevance of humanities research has been announced.

“Being Human” will explore what it means to be human. The festival will run from 15 to 23 November 2014 and is led by the School of Advanced Study, University of London, in partnership with the Arts & Humanities Research Council and the British Academy.

Higher Education Institutions across the country are invited to apply for small grants to participate in the festival. The grants will fund creative programming which engages the public with leading humanities research, including debates, performances, virtual activities and exhibitions.

Held with the participation of arts and cultural organisations and universities across the UK, the festival will draw together the most exciting and inspiring work in the humanities research field to present a week of creative public events that inspire, inform and extend our contemporary thinking and imagination.

For further information go to: http://www.ahrc.ac.uk/News-and-Events/News/Pages/UK’s-first-national-festival-dedicated-to-the-humanities-is-announced.aspx

Horizon 2020 Information Days

Horizon 2020

Several UK Horizon 2020 National Contact Points including the Science and Technology Facilities Council, the Medical Research Council, and the Economic and Social Research Council have organised a series of regional Horizon 2020 information days taking place over the next two months.

The events will provide an overview of Horizon 2020, legal and financial issues and will include sessions on:

  • Research Infrastructures
  • Societal Challenge 1 – Health, Demographic Change and Wellbeing
  • Social Sciences and Humanities embedded across Horizon 2020
  • Societal Challenge 6 – Europe in a Changing World
  • Inclusive, Innovative and Reflective Societies
  • Science with and for Society
The dates and locations of these are as follows:
  • Cardiff – 7 February 2014
  • Belfast – 18 February 2014
  • Edinburgh – 17 March 2014
  • London – date to be confirmed

Registration and programme for Cardiff event

Demand for places at this event is expected to be very high, and registration will close on 31 January 2014.
Registration for the other events will open very soon.
(There is no charge for the events but registration is necessary in order to participate).

Research into Smoking Cessation and Relapse Prevention Interventions

This is an opportunity for collaboration between Australia’s National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) and the UK National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Health Technology Assessment programme (HTA).

The aim is to study the clinical and cost-effectiveness of interventions to prevent relapse and enhance quitting at twelve months as an extension to current smoking cessation services, including enhanced behavioural support and pharmacotherapy.

An outline proposal on this topic should be submitted by completing the on-line application form at www.nets.nihr.ac.uk/funding/hta-commissioned and submitting it on-line by 8th May 2014.

Joint applications are invited from Australian and UK researchers. Chief investigators may be based in the UK or in Australia.

For further information click on the link: http://www.nets.nihr.ac.uk/funding/hta-commissioned/briefs/13_155cb.pdf

Philip Leverhulme Prizes


Philip Leverhulme Prizes recognise the achievement of early career researchers whose work has already attracted international recognition and whose future career is exceptionally promising. The prize scheme makes up to thirty awards of £100,000 a year, across a range of academic disciplines. The 2014 round opens on 6 January 2014 and closes to nominations on 14 May 2014.

For the 2014 competition the selected subject areas are:

  • Biological Sciences
  • History
  • Law
  • Mathematics and Statistics
  • Philosophy and Theology
  • Sociology and Social Policy

Each Prize has a value of £100,000 which may be used over a two or three year period. Prizes can be used for any purpose which can advance the prize-holder’s research, with the exception of enhancing the prize-holder’s salary.

The Prize is available over two or three years.

Please read the following before submitting a nomination.

Fo further information go to: http://leverhulme.ac.uk/funding/PLP/PLP.cfm?utm_source=FUNDING+BULLETIN&utm_campaign=2189d99bd6-FB_NOV_13&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_06df278404-2189d99bd6-78732765


Research Seminars Competition 2013-2014


The ESRC is making funding available for UK research organisations to hold Research Seminars for groups of academic researchers, postgraduate students and non-academic users from different organisations including the public sector, commercial private sector and civil society sector. Seminar groups designed to bring together leading international researchers and stakeholders from across disciplines to identify new research agendas or capacity-building priorities are particularly encouraged. 

Seminar groups meet regularly to exchange information and ideas with the aim of advancing research within their fields. 

These grants are non-fEC and are limited to £30,000. This covers:

  • justified travel and expenses for speakers and participants
  • justified secretarial costs
  • justified project specific stationery, postage, copying and telephone costs
  • justified hire of rooms and facilities (when the host institution or other collaborating organisation cannot provide these facilities).

Closing date for applications is 16.00 on 28 January 2014

Further information including details of previously awarded Research Seminar grants is available at:


New Generation Thinkers


On Monday 6 January the Arts and Humanities Research Council and BBC Radio 3 are opening The New Generation Thinkers scheme for 2014, for early-career researchers with a focus on arts and humanities topics.

Emerging academics from the arts and humanities, who are currently in UK universities and who have a passion for communicating the excitement of modern scholarship to a wider audience are invited to apply for the opportunity to develop programme ideas and appear on air.

The New Generation Thinkers Scheme is intended to support up to sixty early career researchers who will have an opportunity to spend the day at the BBC to hear first-hand about the commissioning process and to develop their programme ideas alongside experienced BBC producers. Up to ten of the sixty researchers will become Radio 3’s resident New Generation Thinkers for 2014 and will have a unique opportunity to develop their own programmes for BBC Radio 3 across a year and a chance to regularly appear on air. This is the fourth year of the scheme. Previous participants have presented documentaries, taken part in on air discussions on BBC Radio 3, made pilot films for TV and spoken at public festivals.

The New Generation Thinkers scheme also works with BBC TV Arts who will be looking to develop New Generation Thinkers and their ideas into arts television.

Applicants do not have to be funded by the AHRC to apply. The scheme is open to all early career researchers based in a UK Research Organisation. This year, the call is being extended for researchers who work in areas of social sciences and medical science whose work intersects with the arts and humanities.

Further information will be available on the disciplines covered by the scheme in the New Year at the New Generation Thinkers call page.

To read the announcement of the scheme go to http://www.ahrc.ac.uk/News-and-Events/News/Pages/Do-you-want-to-tell-the-world-about-your-work-2014.aspx


ICT KTN Horizon 2020 International Brokerage event



ICT KTN are publicising a brokerage event that the Department for Business Innovation and Skills are staging in collaboration with counterparts in France, in the areas of Cloud Computing and Future Internet for those organisations intending to seek funding in Horizon 2020. The event will take place in Paris on the 10th of January 2014.

Organisations with a firm project concept in the Future Internet area are being invited to make a 5 minute presentation at the brokerage session, outlining the idea and the partner support they are seeking.
Organisations selected will receive £750 in support for travel and subsistence. Selection will be made on the basis of relevance to the subject area as defined in the WP extract.

For further information go to Extract For Paris Brokerage 10 Jan 2014.

You should submit a short description of your idea, partners required and its potential impact in no more than 500 words by the 24th of December 2013 to:
eddie.townsend@ictktn.org.uk (All submissions will be held in confidence).

It is essential that all wishing to attend the event register here.

(Please note that this event is not an ICT KTN event and the KTN will not accept responsibility for inconvenience caused due to changes outside of its control).