Creative Europe Programme 2014-2020

Creative Europe: support programme for Europe’s cultural and creative sectors from 2014

Culture Programme

Following a recent seminar attended by the External Projects Team here is an outline of the new Creative Europe Programmme

Calls will be issued in late 2013, with deadlines in early 2014; there is a networking event in Brussels November 4th-6th 2013, with the opportunity to present project ideas and meet potential partners.

The new Creative Europe programme brings together 3 current programmes (Culture – MEDIA – MEDIA Mundus) 

Specific Culture Objectives are to

  • Strengthen the sectors’ capacity to operate transnationally;
  • Promote the transnational circulation of works and operators and reach new audiences in Europe and beyond
  • Strengthen the sectors’ financial capacity
  • Strengthen policy making

 ‘Creative Europe’ – Culture Strands will cover

  • Transnational cooperation projects
  • European networks
  • Literary translation
  • European “platforms” with a structuring effect

For the Creative and Cultural Sectors – the proposed budget of €1,462.7 million for 2014-2020 is a 9% increase on current levels, with a new financial facility for bank loans to the sector – funding is based on 50% match funding.

For a free monthly newsletter with updated information on the Creative Europe Programme –  register via 

If you are interested in this programme – please contact the team

University attends the 5th University Business Forum, Brussels


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On 4th and 5th June the European Commission hosted the 5th  University Business Forum.  Over 300 registered delegates from across the EU listened to a number of high profile speakers including Jan Truszczyński, Director General of DG EAC and Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth.  From the UK perspective Sir Tim Wilson, author of A Review of Business–University Collaboration, February 2012 (click here to view) also gave a key note which was well received by the audience.

The role of University Business collaborations for growth was central to discussions.  The Commissioner highlighted the importance of University Business collaborations to address the challenges of high the levels of youth unemployment and an increasing skills gap facing Europe today.  Successful initiatives evolving from previous forums were also presented, including details of the Knowledge Alliance funding calls and the “Guiding Framework for Entrepreneurial Universities”; an online self assessment tool developed in cooperation with the OCED.

Staffordshire University’s Catherine Fehily also presented at one of the workshops ‘Design – a vital part of Innovation’, providing an overview of the excellent staff-student enterprise activity that FACT has achieved through Flux, High House and SPoTS atelier.  The Commission also paid for two of our FACT students to attend along with a handful of students to provide real time illustrations of the workshops to support the feedback process.

Should you wish to find out more information the event website has a full list of the speakers and recordings of the main sessions

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