2015 Philip Leverhulme Prizes



Philip Leverhulme Prizes recognise the achievement of outstanding researchers whose work has already won international recognition and whose future is exceptionally promising. In 2015 there are thirty prizes available across six broad subject areas,

Prizes offer £100,000 over two or three years and may be used for any purpose that advances the prize-winner’s research, with the following exceptions: salary costs for the prize-winner, capital costs, and institutional overheads.

In 2015, applications are invited from researchers working in the following subject areas: Classics, Earth Sciences, Physics, Politics and International Relations, Psychology and Visual and Performing Arts. The subject areas are intentionally broad and they encourage applicants to consider which best reflects their area of research, irrespective of their departmental affiliation.

To be eligible, applicants must hold a post in a UK university or research institution and must have received their highest degree no earlier than 14 May 2005 (exceptions will be considered where applicants have had a distinct career break).

Applicants must be nominated by their head of department (or equivalent). Applicants may be nominated in one subject area only. Full details of the nomination process are available on the Leverhulme Trust website.

Closing date: 4pm on 14 May 2015

Guidance and nominations: Full scheme details and the online nomination form are available on the Leverhulme Trust website (http://www.leverhulme.ac.uk/funding/PLP/PLP.cfm?utm_source=jobsac&utm_medium=online&utm_content=psych&utm_campaign=plp)

The prizes commemorate the contribution to the work of the Trust made by Philip Leverhulme, the Third Viscount Leverhulme and grandson of the William Hesketh Lever, the founder of the Trust.

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Meet the team


The External Projects Team provides information on external funding, partners, and innovation activities. The team works with researchers and academic staff to help diversify income for Staffordshire University. The team is part of the Enterprise and Commercial Development Department.


Emma Davies- External Projects Manager: Emma has responsibility for managing the external projects team to identify and realise funding opportunities which make a significant impact on the university’s income diversification programme in line with Staffordshire University’s vision and corporate plan.


Jose Beech- External Grants Manager: Jose leads the team of staff within the External Projects Team, whose focus is to work closely with colleagues across the institution, providing advice, guidance and support on external funding.


Marie Pandolfo- Project Development Manager: Marie is responsible for the ESIF Strategy within the University and developing specific projects with internal and external partners.


Samantha Wong- Contracts and Compliance Officer: Samantha provides internal legal support and expertise in the area of contracts research and funding for Staffordshire University.

Margaret Bennett- External Projects Officer: Margaret is responsible for identifying potential research funding opportunities, EU funding projects and works seamlessly with academic colleagues to submit applications to funding bodies.


Esther Knight- External Projects Officer: Esther advises staff on how to use Research Professional, a service which can be directly used to search funding calls that are open and how to search for grants on projects they wish to develop from Research Councils to Europe – and has particular responsibility for the Faculty of Art and Creative Technologies.


Holly Hoar- External Projects Officer:(Currently on maternity leave) Holly advises staff on how to use Research Professional, a service which can be directly used to search funding calls that are open and how to search for grants on projects they wish to develop from Research Councils to Europe.

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Wanted: new products in wearable technologies


Businesses are encouraged to address six contest challenges in wearable technologies across the fields of sport and wellbeing, entertainment, hospitality, health and safety, accessibility and design.

Innovate UK will support six businesses up to £35,000 for developing their innovative solution. Successful candidates will trial their technology with major industry players while keeping their intellectual property, as well as receiving promotion, support and advice to speed up the commercialisation of their solution.

To access the challenges, please go to https://interact.innovateuk.org/competition-display-page/-/asset_publisher/RqEt2AKmEBhi/content/wearable-technologies?p_p_auth=HWhVfj5m

Closing deadline: 10th March 2015.

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Horizon 2020: Fast Track to Innovation Pilot


The Fast Track to Innovation pilot supports projects from the demonstration stage through to market uptake.

A wide range of activities will be supported including piloting, test-beds, systems validation in real world/working conditions, validation of business models, advanced R&D, standard-setting and advanced performance testing.

The scheme targets relatively mature new technologies. Concepts, processes and business models that need a last development step to reach the market and achieve wider deployment are the focus.

The total budget for FTI in 2015 is EUR 100 million, which will be divided equally among the three cut-off dates in April, September and December. The EC plans to fund 50-70 projects each year and it is expected that the scheme is going to be extremely competitive.

FTI is open to all types of participants, including universities, RTOs, SMEs, large companies, incubators, first time applicants, etc.

Consortia must be comprised of three to five beneficiaries from different Member States or Associated Countries, with significant industry participation.

No typical commercial activities (including marketing activities) will be supported due to EU competition rules but funding can be used to improve an existing marketing strategy to help maximise impact (i.e. developing the marketing strategy to include more countries, etc).

All proposals must include a business plan that clearly describes the market potential and business opportunities for participants, in addition to measures to enhance the probability of potential commercial take-up as well as a credible commercialisation strategy.

Maximum project duration will be 36 months with a maximum EU contribution of EUR 3 million. The Commission expects that the average project duration will be 12-24 months.

29/04/2015, 01/09/2015, 01/12/2015

For further information go to: http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020/en/h2020-section/fast-track-innovation-pilot-2015-2016

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The Royal Society International Exchanges Scheme

The Royal Society invites applications for its international exchanges scheme to stimulate new collaborations within the natural sciences between scientists in the UK and overseas. It will support a one-off visit or bilateral travel but is not intended to support any existing or recent research collaborations.

The scheme covers all areas of the life and physical sciences, including engineering but not clinical medicine.

Both the UK and partner country project leader must have completed a PhD or have experience at an equivalent level, as well as holding a permanent or fixed term contract for the duration of the award at an eligible university or research institute in their country.

Collaborations should be based on a single project and travel can only take place between the UK and the country where the collaborator is based.

The following types of grants are available:

  • up to £3,000 for one-off travel lasting up to three months
  • up to £6,000 for multiple visits to be completed within one year, including a maximum of £1,000 for consumables
  • up to £12,000 for multiple visits to be completed within two years, including a maximum up £2,000 for research expenses

As part of the International Exchanges, the Society now offers additional funding through its Kan Tong Po Fellowships which has been made possible through the generosity of the family of the late Mr Kan Tong Po. The purpose of this scheme is to award Visiting Fellowships to UK or US based scientists to collaborate at the highest level with a Hong Kong based academic, or for Hong Kong based scientists to collaborate with an academic based in either the UK or US.

In addition to the exchange grants, candidates may apply for the Colin Pillinger international exchanges award, which is worth £1,000. This enables the scientists to communicate their research to the general public.

Deadlines on: 17 February 2015, 17 June 2015, 14 October 2015.

For further information go to:


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New Contracts and Compliance Officer in Enterprise and Commercial Development


I am the new Contracts and Compliance Officer for the External Projects Team in Enterprise and Commercial Development (taking over the role from Chris Kenning), and will be based in the Business Village in Stoke.

Prior to working in the Higher Education sector, I worked as a paralegal at a law firm in Manchester, specialising in Corporate Recovery and Insolvency. More recently, I worked in the Contracts Unit in Research and Enterprise Services at Keele University, dealing with research and enterprise related contracts, and ensuring the protection of the University’s interests.

I have experience in drafting and reviewing contracts which include (but not limited to):

  • Collaboration Agreements
  • Confidentiality Agreement
  • Consultancy Agreements
  • Memorandums of Association
  • Material Transfer Agreements
  • Studentships
  • CPD Agreements
  • Research Agreements
  • Grant Funding Agreements
  • Study Abroad Agreements

I will be reviewing outstanding agreements, as well as welcoming any new contracts. Please do let me know if anything requires immediate attention, and I will ensure I get back to you as soon as I can.

I am looking forward to meeting and working with the team at Staffordshire University.

Should you require any assistance, please call me on ext. 4168 or email me: Samantha.Wong@staffs.ac.uk. Alternatively, I am more than happy to meet you to discuss new or existing agreements, or opportunities to work together in the near future.


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New call: Childcare Provision for Parents

The Department for Education (DfE) is responsible for education and children’s services in England. It works to achieve a highly educated society in which opportunity is equal for children and young people, no matter what their background or family circumstances.  DfE is a ministerial department, supported by 9 agencies and public bodies.

Whilst there are a number of market-led websites and apps that help parents to find suitable childcare, none has achieved the status of “the place to go” and none provide comprehensive information about the entire range of childcare options (e.g. often they focus just on child-minders or nurseries).

In this competition, DfE is seeking the development of a new, engaging and innovative solution which provides accurate information about childcare provision for parents. The solution will enable parents to make informed decisions about what childcare is best for their children, taking into account a wide range of factors.  It should be easy to use and provide timely, accurate data.  DfE, supported by Innovate UK is using Phase 2 of the SBRI process to support the prototype development of selected proposed solutions.  A total of up to £200k (inc VAT) is allocated to this Phase 2 only competition.

DfE intends holding a high profile briefing event for potential applicants in mid to late February.  Applicants and potential developers should be willing to participate fully at the event and as the competition progresses.

 How to apply

All bids should be made using the Application Form; instructions on how to access this document and other competition material are available from https://interact.innovateuk.org/childcare-provision-for-parents

If you are interested in applying and require support please contact Naomi Arblaster in Enterprise & Commercial Development: 01785 353519, n.arblaster@staffs.ac.uk

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Next Generation Predictive Policing Project

The ‘Next Generation Predictive Policing Project’ is a new national competition that will be launched by South Wales Police and Gwent Police on Monday 19th January2015 to identify and develop innovative solutions that maximise the effectiveness of resources and enhance the service provided to the communities of Southern Wales.

This competition is jointly funded by the Police Forces, Welsh Government and Innovate UK and has been run by South Wales Police as part of the Fusion Programme, which aims to change policing through the innovative and dynamic use of technology.

The competition will seek to develop innovative solutions that utilise predictive analytic tools, methods and processes to integrate, interpret, visualise and forecast using existing and future police and partner data sets in order to assist in delivering the following outcomes:

  • Improved prevention, detection and disruption of criminal activity and disorder.
  • More efficient use of staff and resources to ensure we have the right people in the right place, at the right time.
  • Improved planning and forecasting to ensure best value is obtained from our staff and resources.
  • Provide greater information and intelligence to front line officers enabling them to provide an improved and more efficient service to the public of Southern Wales.
  • An improvement in public confidence and customer satisfaction for the local communities we police.

Organisations will be invited to compete for a share of a total £250,000 fund for the further development and commercialisation of innovative technologies, processes and business models.

The competition opens on Monday 19th January, with a briefing event for interested parties being run on Wednesday 4th February at the Millennium Stadium in Cardiff.

Click here for more information


If you are interested and require support please contact Naomi Arblaster in Enterprise & Commercial Development: 01785 353519, n.arblaster@staffs.ac.uk

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The Leverhulme Trust; Artist in Residence Grants


These awards enable UK universities and museums to foster new creative collaboration with an artist working in a discipline outside the institution’s usual curriculum. There must be a distinct contrast between the artist and the host department’s expertise, for example a poet hosted by a physics department or a composer by a geography department.

Applications should be submitted by an employee of the host institution who will act as the host for the artist and coordinate the residency and all related activities. They should name a specific artist, who may be a visual artist, creative writer, musician, poet or other producer of creative work, in the application.

Grants are worth up to £15,000 and typically support a 10-month period, during which the artists are present at the institution for two days per week. They include artists’ stipends of up to £12,500, which may cover travel expenses, consumable costs and materials of up to £2,500.

Application details are expected to be available from late spring 2015 from here:


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Call for proposals to present events at the Cheltenham Science and Literature Festivals


To mark its tenth anniversary in 2015, the AHRC is looking to extend its partnership with Cheltenham Festivals by inviting applications from researchers to present their research at one of a series of four engaging public events at the Times Cheltenham Science Festival and the Times and The Sunday Times Cheltenham Literature Festival in 2015. One event will run at the Science Festival, and three at the Literature Festival.

Cheltenham Festivals is the charitable organisation behind the town’s internationally acclaimed Jazz (opens in a new window), Science (opens in a new window), Music (opens in a new window) and Literature (opens in a new window) Festivals. Through cutting edge and creative programming, Cheltenham’s four festivals have provided a platform for debate and commentary from writers, performers, scientists, musicians and scholars across the world.

Up to twenty successful applicants will have a chance to develop their event ideas with experienced Cheltenham Festival producers and members of the National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement team at a dedicated workshop. Of these, up to four will have the chance to hold their event at one of the Festivals.

A workshop held on 23rd February 2015 will focus on the Science and Literature festivals. The selected researchers will benefit from a unique opportunity to work closely with the Cheltenham Festival producers to create interactive and engaging events, invite high profile speakers, where relevant, and ultimately share their research with a public audience.

We welcome applications from individual researchers or project teams with one lead applicant, working in all areas of the arts and humanities. The topics of the proposed events should fall within one of the disciplines within the AHRC’s remit.

The aim of the scheme is to provide a development opportunity for researchers to cultivate the skills to communicate their research findings to those outside the academic community. The scheme aims to find academics that can bring the best of the latest research to life to a broad audience in an interactive and engaging manner.

Applications should demonstrate an engaging and stimulating event idea but also demonstrate an ability to present in an accessible and refreshing manner, with awareness of a festival audience.

Further information is available in the call document (PDF 92KB, opens in a new window). Please read this carefully before submitting an application.

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