International Conference on Innovation Through Knowledge Transfer 2015 15th-17th April 2015 at Staffordshire University 

Paper submission is now live! Submit your papers here before 19 January 2015 to present and publish your paper at the conference:

InnovationKT15 will be of interest to all knowledge professionals – those academics, business people, managers and researchers working with innovation, enterprise, knowledge transfer, exchange and sharing. Featuring world-class speakers, oral presentation sessions and interactive workshops, the InnovationKT 2015 conference will provide an excellent opportunity to publish a paper in journal and book form, and at the same time disseminate, share and discuss the impact of university-business and business-business interactions.

There will be an Innovation Tour at the Emma Bridgewater factory and a talk at the conference itself plus a plenary session entitled ‘Staffordshire Innovation Forum’ which will consist of case studies and papers from Staffordshire University and the local area.

Papers on relevant topics are invited to be evaluated for the conference under peer-review and if accepted, published in the proceedings.

Conference Scope

InnovationKT15 covers the following topics (although this list is not intended to be exhaustive):

  • Case studies of successful university-business
  • Examples of best practice in respect of innovation and knowledge transfer from practitioners
  •  Innovative innovation and knowledge transfer mechanisms
  • The outcomes and results of university-business and business-business projects
  • Management of projects and development of applicable policy

Applicable knowledge transfer mechanisms and paradigms include, but are not limited to:

  • The UK Technology Strategy Board (TSB) Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) product
  • Spin-out companies
  • Incubators and entrepreneur schemes
  • University-industry contracts and consultancy
  • Licensing of university-originated intellectual property
  • Other modes of knowledge transfer and technology transfer, e.g. work-based learning projects
  • The knowledge transfer, knowledge origination and knowledge exchange process

Invited Sessions

An invited session consists of a presentation session of 6 to 12 or more papers on a specific conference topic, organised as half or full day mini-conference. We invite senior specialists who have an interest in a specific conference topic to take responsibility for an invited session, gathering papers from a range of research expertise around the world.

If you would like to arrange an Invited Session please contact:

Dates & Deadlines

Submission of Papers: 19 Jan 2015

Notification of Acceptance: 16 Feb 2015 Upload of Files for Programme / Proceedings: 16 March 2015

Early Registration Deadline: 1 March 2015

All deadlines are provisional and subject to change.


The collaboration between Staffordshire University and UK partners includes excellent relationships with local and national companies as well as 17 further education colleges plus charitable organisations such as the Institute for Children, Youth and Mission and Oasis College.

Further information

For general enquiries email IKT at: You can also follow  @IKT_Talk and @KESIntl on Twitter for updates.

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Erasmus+ Sport Infoday – 11 February 2015 in Brussels

Registration is now open for the Erasmus+ Sport Infoday, which will be organised by the European Commission and the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) on 11 February 2015 in Brussels .

The aim of this event is to explain the funding opportunities available under the Erasmus+: Sport Call in the following types of actions:

  • Collaborative partnerships;
  • Not-For-Profit European Sport Events; and
  • Sport.

Speakers will give advice and tips on preparing and submitting proposals, and provide support with the financial aspects of funding.

Participation in the Infoday will be restricted to a maximum of two individuals per organisation and those who will not be able to attend in person can follow the proceedings online via a web stream.

See event websitem with draft agenda

Registration form


ELOs and Sponsors

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Humanities opportunities in Europe – invitation


Date: 18 February 2015, 9.30-12.30
Location: Polaris House, North Star Avenue Swindon, SN2 1UJ

An event highlighting European funding opportunities specifically targeted at Arts and Humanities Researchers, led by the UK National Contact Points in conjunction with the Arts and Humanities Council (AHRC).

Talks will be presented on these areas:

  • Introduction to Arts and Humanities funding opportunities in Europe (AHRC)
    An overview of international funding opportunities offered by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, including Humanities in the European Research Area (HERA) and International Co-investigator.
  • Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MCSA)
    MCSA are part of the ‘Excellence’ Pillar within Horizon 2020 and support international and inter-sectoral mobility of researchers, with a strong focus on careers and skills development. They operate on a completely bottom-up basis, with no pre-defined priority areas and are open to Social Sciences and Humanities. There are MSCA grants for all stages of a researcher’s career, from PhD candidates to highly experienced researchers. Some of the schemes are aimed at individual researchers (Individual Fellowships). Others are aimed at institutions (ITN, RISE, COFUND).
  • European Research Council (ERC) funding
    The ERC is part of Horizon 2020 and aims to stimulate research excellence by supporting and encouraging the very best, truly creative scientists from all areas, including SHH. ERC grants support individual researchers of any nationality and age who wish to pursue their frontier research. In their ERC grants, researchers are encouraged to go beyond established frontiers of knowledge and the boundaries of disciplines.
  • Research Infrastructures (including e-infrastructures) (PDF, 252Kb)
    Research infrastructures are facilities, resources and services that are used by research communities to conduct research and foster innovation in their fields. Where relevant, they may be used beyond research, eg for education or public services. The Research Infrastructures Programme creates opportunities for research facilities and scientists to collaborate across disciplines and countries, as well as create platforms where science and industry can come together.
  • Social Sciences and Humanities embedded across H2020 (PDF, 789Kb)
    As a horizontal activity, social science and humanities research is fully integrated into each of the pillars of H2020 and each of the specific objectives with significant funding available but also as an essential element for the activities needed to enhance industrial leadership and to tackle each of the societal challenges.
  • Europe in a Changing World: Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies (PDF, 259Kb)
    Programme is structured as five separate calls and opportunities that aim to support projects that will give Europe a cutting edge or sufficient resilience in facing the current and future difficulties affecting its development.
  • Science with and for Society (PDF, 510Kb)Science with and for Society
    Science with and for Society activities are intended to build capacities and develop innovative ways of connecting science to society. It will make science more attractive (especially to young people), raising the appetite of society for science and innovation and open up further research and innovation activities.
  • Spreading Excellence and Widening Participation
    The ‘Spreading excellence and widening participation’ strand of Horizon 2020 aims to enhance competitiveness by engaging with those who could commit more towards the EU research and innovation effort.

Further details and a form to apply to attend can be found here

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Rosalind Franklin award and lecture – women in STEM


The Royal Society invites nominations for the Rosalind Franklin award and lecture. This is awarded to support the promotion of women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics in the UK.

The nominee should be an individual in mid-career, with up to 20 years post-PhD or equivalent.

The award includes a grant of £30,000, a proportion of which must be used to implement a project to raise the profile of women in STEM in their host institution or field of expertise in the UK. The winner is also invited to deliver a lecture at the society.

Closing date: January 30th

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Computer science: Milner award


The Royal Society, supported by Microsoft Research, invites nominations for the Milner award. This recognises a European researcher for outstanding achievements in computer science.

Nominees should be active researchers in any area of computer science. They should have been resident in Europe for at least 12 months prior to the nomination. Full-time employees of Microsoft Research or self-nominations are not accepted.

The award includes £5,000 and an invitation to deliver a public lecture at the society.

Closing date: 30th January 2015

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Horizon 2020 Energy call: Buildings design for new highly energy performing buildings


Energy efficiency technology demonstration in buildings and industry

By the end of 2020 (2018 for buildings occupied and owned by public authorities), all new buildings should comply with the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive obligations and thus meet ‘nearly zero-energy’ performance levels using innovative, cost-optimal technologies with integration of renewable energy sources on site or nearby. The drive for nearly zero-energy buildings takes place in the context of the drive for new-buildings towards zero life-cycle material impacts.

Projects should focus on development and demonstration of solutions which significantly reduce the cost of new buildings with at least ‘nearly zero-energy’ performance levels, whilst accelerating significantly the speed with which these buildings and their systems are taken up by the market. The focus should lie on solutions for appropriate indoor air quality and comfort, design adapted to local climate and site, passive solutions (reducing the need for technical building systems which consume energy) or active solutions (covering a high share of the energy demand with renewable energies), building energy management systems (where appropriate), highly efficient Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning (HVAC, e.g. low temperature systems, solar cooling), electric and/or thermal energy storage of renewable energy onsite and nearby. Projects should also provide solutions for automated and cost-effective maintenance of the installed equipment, and assess differences between predicted and actual energy performance. Such differences should be documented and minimized.

Projects should also focus on design methods for on-site and nearby-generation of renewable energy for new buildings (electricity as well as heating and cooling generation, e.g. heat pumps, integrated photovoltaics, or other options) accompanying energy efficiency measures to achieve standards higher than those of ‘nearly zero-energy’ buildings.

Budget: 20m Euros, 3-5m Euros per project

Deadline: 4th February 2014

For further information go to:


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ESRC: Secondary data analysis initiative – phase 3


The Economic and Social Research Council invites applications for the third phase of its secondary data analysis initiative. This aims to deliver high-quality, high-impact research through the deeper exploitation of existing data resources. Projects must focus on the following core principles:

•maximising the use of key ESRC-funded data resources and infrastructure;

•developing the capacity of early career researchers to undertake research using complex data resources;

•keeping the initiative open in terms of thematic focus;

•working collaboratively with non-academic stakeholders to extract value from data resources for mutual benefit.

Additional primary data collection is not funded under this call, however new datasets created through data linkage are permitted. Applicants may propose research in any area of the ESRC’s remit.

Established members of UK research organisations are eligible to apply. Applicants who are not members of a research organisation must be accommodated by a research organisation and provided with appropriate facilities to carry out the research. International applicants from anywhere in the world and UK-based businesses may be included as co-investigators. This call requires the inclusion of at least one early career researcher as principal or co-investigator and strongly encourages proposals that include non-academic partners.

Grants support a maximum project duration of 18 months with an overall limit of £200,000. ESRC expects to meet 80 per cent of the full economic costs and the host institution is expected to support 20 per cent. This call expects to fund 20 to 25 grants.

Closing date 27 Jan 15

Further details:

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ESRC urban transformations research call


The Economic and Social Research Council invites applications for its urban transformations research call.

This supports new research that adds significant value to the broad portfolio of cities and urban transformations research currently supported by the ESRC. The topics of social innovation, urban living and technology, and urban economies are of particular interest. Proposals for this call should adopt one or more of the following cross-cutting areas:

•inequalities, diversities and difference;

•politics, governance and democracy.

Proposals featuring elements of comparative urban research, the utilisation and exploitation of new and existing data, and co-design and co-production with non-academic stakeholders are welcome.

Grants are worth between £750,000 and £1 million at 80 per cent full economic cost over a maximum of three years. The total funding amount for this call is £3m.

Closing date 05 Feb 15

Further details

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Funding for ‘User Experience’ KTPs announced

Innovate UK (formerly the Technology Strategy Board) has announced the investment of up to £1m in Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPs) in the area of ‘user experience‘ (UX) to encourage new, enhanced forms of interaction between computing systems and the people who use them.   Proposals may address technologies that contribute to these new forms, such as sensing information about the user, or those that improve specific types of experience, such as mobile and wearable devices. Examples include but are not limited to:

  • Sensors and interactions: eye tracking, emotion-sensing, advanced gesture tracking, haptic interfaces, expression analysis, voice/speech interaction.
  • Wearable technology: devices/clothing worn outside or on the body, in contact with the skin or embedded within the body.
  • Mobile user experience: supporting natural and easy interactions on the move
  • Multiple device user experience: how seamless co-operation among various devices can enhance the user experience.
  • Multi-disciplinary approaches: methods and tools to involve non-ICT experts in user experience design, including artists, anthropologists and psychologists.
  • Brain-controlled computing: practicality – such as when user is wearing protective headgear, such as in sport, construction and cycling.
  • Combinations of emerging technologies: short-range, ad-hoc wireless technologies or application performance management tools.

If you’d like to explore the eligibility of any project ideas you might have, please call Dominic Collins (01785 353404) or Susan Semple (01785 253498) in Enterprise & Commercial Development.

Further information about the call is available at:

… and the full briefing document can be found at:

This call closes on April 15th 2015.

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Philip Leverhulme prizes


The Leverhulme Trust invites nominations for the Philip Leverhulme prizes. These recognise the achievement of early-career researchers whose work has attracted international recognition and whose future career is promising. The subject areas for this call include:

•earth sciences;


•visual and performing arts.

Nominees must hold a post in a UK institution of higher education or research and should normally have been awarded their doctoral degree no more than 10 years prior to the closing date for applications. Nominations should be made by the nominee’s head of department.

Up to 30 awards are available, each worth £100,000 over two to three years. Funding may be used for any purpose that advances the recipient’s research, with the exception of enhancing the recipient’s salary.

Closing date – May 14th 2015

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