Contract Reviews: Factsheet outlining the Contract Review Service

Flowchart – Contracting Process 020913

CK0909Contract Review Fact Sheetpdf

Please find attached a short Contract Review Fact Sheet and Flow Diagram, setting out the essential elements of the Contract Review Service provided by Enterprise and Commercial Development. Further information will be provided in future blogs about other aspects of the Contract Review Service.

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Better Blog Following Your Feedback

The research Funding blog is getting a new look. Following feedback from users, we will be categorising funds by research areas. We have also brought in many other changes based on people comments.

The general the feedback on the blog was positive with people finding the site easy to navigate. But there were some suggestions on how to improve the site, we have been making changes in response to this.

We have introduced a Rate the Post feature which allows people to rate posts out of five. We would love to hear from you, so please use this and make use of the comments box below posts. We get lots of comments by email, but by sharing them on the blog it may get noticed by another researcher in a different faculty that you don’t know and make them aware of shared research interests.

The issue of sending daily emails was highly contentious. Some people really value it where as others found it too frequent. This left us in a situation where we were not going to be able to please everyone. We felt that it would be better to have the option of getting the daily emails and allowing people to ignore it rather than not having daily emails as an option at all.

There were also comments regarding the look of the emails. We have set up a new sign up system from the blog which sends out the emails in a more attractive HTML format. The structure of WordPress is currently preventing us from automatically converting all emails to this version. But if you would like to sign up using the subscribe box on the right of the blog, you will be able to access this new version of the daily update.

The team also plans to change the system in which blog posts are categorised to make them more focused on research areas rather than the current system of type of funder. This should make it easier to filter blogs by subject area. When this is activated it will change the location of existing posts, so please bear with us whilst things are reorganised –we have published over 250 posts since December 2012, so it will take some time to relocate them all. This change should be happening very soon.

We are currently exploring the feasibility of enabling people to register an account with the blog and then select themes of what information they would like to be sent. This will enable us to make the content much more tailored to individual interests. So far we have had technical difficulties in getting this to work. If we manage to resolve the issues we will send out details of how to set up an account.

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on the blog, we hope that the changes we have made and are bringing in will make the site and even more useful tool for you to use.

If you ever need to find our site you can get there using our new web address


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MyIP Online Disclosures

Have you created a new design, invention or process? The Knowledge Transfer and Innovation Team in ECD can provide support to evaluate ideas and to protect and develop them.

It is now possible for staff to submit information and ideas to the Knowledge Transfer and Innovation Team online through MyIP. This will replace the current Disclosure Form Word document.

Access the system at and follow these steps to create a secure account:

  1. Select create new account. The password must be at least 7 characters including a non-alphanumeric character.
  2. Add or update the Contact Details tab.
  3. Submit information about your idea in the New Disclosure tab.

Following receipt of a new disclosure a member of the team will contact you about your idea and arrange an informal meeting to discuss it in more detail. Information provided will be kept confidential.

For further information contact Rachel Watmore on


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Welcome to September’s Wider Outlook

Welcome to September’s Wider Outlook—the team have chosen the theme of assessing the past year and looking forward to the coming year –we have some key events on page 2 including a visit from the Leverhulme trust, as well as our annual visit from the UK Research Office (UKRO) in December to bring up to speed with the new EU programmes beginning in 2014.

As ever do contact us with any comments, ideas or suggestions at


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Environmental Audit Select Committee: Sept. 4th


 Watch it online:

The Environmental Audit Committee will hold an evidence session at 2.25 pm on Wednesday 4 September in Committee Room 8, Palace of Westminster, on Sustainability in BIS.

 This session will explore aspects of sustainable development in a particular Government department, and identify lessons for wider application across other departments. It will examine BIS on its policies on the Regional Growth Fund, higher education funding reform (including student fees changes) and the Government’s Industrial Strategy. The session follows the Committee’s June 2013 report (First Report, HC 202) examining progress across Government departments generally in embedding sustainable development structures and processes. The National Audit Office have undertaken an audit in BIS and produced a detailed briefing to support the Committee, which has been published on their website.


 At c.2.25 pm

 Emma Ward, Director, economic development, BIS

Howard Orme, Director General, finance and commercial, BIS

Janice Munday, Director, advanced manufacturing and services, BIS

Alex Wilson, Deputy Director, Regional Growth Fund, BIS

Paul Williams, Deputy Director, student finance policy, BIS

Steve Egan, Chief Executive, Higher Education Funding Council for England

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UKRO Horizon 2020 factsheet

Horizon 2020 logo

For colleagues interested in the next generation of EU funding for research and development activity the UK Research Office (UKRO) have published an updated factsheet on the Horizon 2020 programme. This factsheet is available by clicking on the following link and signing into the UKRO site.

UKRO is an excellent source of information for all EU funding and policy developments.  The External Projects Team will be updating you on the latest Horizon 2020 developments over the next few weeks, but we would encourage colleagues to register on UKRO to received personalised alerts relevant to your research area.

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Set up your own Specialised Funding Search with Research Professional

Research Professional provides an easy way to find research funding for your work. You can search by discipline, type of funding or a whole range of other search fields. You can set up an account to send you a weekly email on new funds that have been launched in your specialised research field.

The guide below take you through the step by step process of how to set up your account for fund updates. Staffordshire University pays a subscription to Research Professional, it can be accessed without a password from anywhere on campus please share it with your colleagues so we can get as much use from it as possible.

Further details:

Step by step guide on how to find funds using Research Professional

Research Professional provides a guide to  set up your own Opportunities Alert which highlight when funding in your research area comes up.




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Exclusive Jurisdiction clauses: what the parties agree is usually final: Euromark v Smash Pty Enterprises

Please find the attached Note on the above case of Euromark v Smash Enterprises Pty Ltd [2013] EWHC 1627 which concludes that what the parties conclude as to the jurisdiction governing the agreement is usually final; merits have little say in the matter. The case itself however explores this more fully, and is worth a read.


The case of Euromark can be found at:

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Open access to research publications reaching ‘tipping point’

LOGO CE_Vertical_EN_quadri

The European Commission has published a new report on the impact of “open data”, stating that over 50% of scienctific articles published in 2011 are now avaliable for free. By making research results more accessible, open access can contribute to better and more efficient science, and to innovation in the public and private sectors.

The Commission will make open access to scientific publications a general principle of Horizon 2020. As of 2014, all articles produced with funding from Horizon 2020 will have to be accessible:

  • articles will either immediately be made accessible online by the publisher (“gold” and “hybrid” open access) – up-front publication costs can be eligible for reimbursement by the European Commission; or
  • researchers will make their articles available through an open access repository no later than six months (12 months for articles in the fields of social sciences and humanities) after publication (“green” open access).

To read the full reports you can go to this LINK

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International Exchanges Scheme

The Royal Society

This scheme is for scientists in the UK who want to stimulate new collaborations with leading scientists overseas through either a one-off visit or bilateral travel.

The scheme covers all areas of the life and physical sciences, including engineering, but excluding clinical medicine.

The International Exchanges Scheme is available for travel to all countries outside of the UK.

Applicants should ensure that they meet all the eligibility requirements, which are explained in the standard programme scheme notes (PDF).

The funding available is dependent upon the length of the visit.

Closing date 23rd October 2013

For further information go to:

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