Recent comment by Sir Richard Lambert on Funding schemes promoting collaboration with SMEs

Sir Richard Lambert (former director of the CBI) and current Chancellor of the University of Warwick, has recently spoken to the Times Higher Education Supplement about ‘thinking small to boost national productivity’ – encouraging collaborations in Universities with small to medium sized enterprises; a short article on this discussion is attached.

Please note that funding is available for the same or similar purpose as encouraged in the attached article, to Academics and Faculties of Staffordshire University via the Growth Accelerator Programme (up to £3,000). All enquiries can be made to Janet Mortezazadeh-Daragheh in Enterprise and Commercial Development.

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Council Conclusions on International Co-operation in Horizon 2020

As part of the discussions during last week’s meeting of EU countries’ science ministers in Brussels, the Competitiveness Council has issued a set of conclusions on the subject of international co-operation within Horizon 2020.

 The Competitiveness Council calls on the European Commission, member states and key stakeholders:

 to develop common principles on issues such as responsible research and innovation, research integrity; peer review; promotion of gender equality and the gender dimension in research and innovation; researcher careers; fair and equitable treatment of IP; and open access to publicly funded research publications and to research infrastructures;

 Acknowledging the crucial importance of international research collaboration, the conclusions emphasise that the European Commission should ‘systematically consider where international co-operation can add strategic value in implementing Horizon 2020 and could play a particularly valuable role in the Horizon 2020 work programmes’. The Council also invites the Commission, working closely with EU Member States, to identify priorities for international co-operation on the basis of Horizon 2020 and of the results of FP7 projects.

 The conclusions also underline the importance of preparing ‘multi-annual roadmaps for co-operation with the EU’s strategic partners, which will identify priorities and instruments for activities within Horizon 2020 for international co-operation on research and innovation’. The Council also states that Member States must be involved from an early stage in this process, and calls on the Commission to present the first roadmaps by the end of 2013.


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University attends the 5th University Business Forum, Brussels


Photo 05-06-2013 10 26 36

On 4th and 5th June the European Commission hosted the 5th  University Business Forum.  Over 300 registered delegates from across the EU listened to a number of high profile speakers including Jan Truszczyński, Director General of DG EAC and Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth.  From the UK perspective Sir Tim Wilson, author of A Review of Business–University Collaboration, February 2012 (click here to view) also gave a key note which was well received by the audience.

The role of University Business collaborations for growth was central to discussions.  The Commissioner highlighted the importance of University Business collaborations to address the challenges of high the levels of youth unemployment and an increasing skills gap facing Europe today.  Successful initiatives evolving from previous forums were also presented, including details of the Knowledge Alliance funding calls and the “Guiding Framework for Entrepreneurial Universities”; an online self assessment tool developed in cooperation with the OCED.

Staffordshire University’s Catherine Fehily also presented at one of the workshops ‘Design – a vital part of Innovation’, providing an overview of the excellent staff-student enterprise activity that FACT has achieved through Flux, High House and SPoTS atelier.  The Commission also paid for two of our FACT students to attend along with a handful of students to provide real time illustrations of the workshops to support the feedback process.

Should you wish to find out more information the event website has a full list of the speakers and recordings of the main sessions

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The 2013 European Culture Forum: Call for Presenters

If you have an original and inspirational idea you would like to make about culture in front of over 1,200 European cultural stakeholders, this is your chance. The European Commission is looking for talented speakers to take part in the Culture Forum on 4-6 November 2013 in Brussels. You can make any point you like, so long as it is related to culture and Europe.

More information

The selected speakers will be given the opportunity to present their ideas in plenary or in breakout sessions. You will be expected to make your point in English or in French, without notes or power point support. Each speech will be five minutes long. Speakers will be automatically cut off if they do not keep to time.

If you would like to be considered, please explain your idea in simple terms and provide a link to a video in which you speak about your idea in 3 minutes maximum. The content of the video should focus on the expression of your idea with words, without special effects or visuals. It can be from any support (phone, camera), no high-quality image required.

The deadline to apply is 20 June 2013.

All applicants will be informed of the results of the selection by 30th August.

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First World War Lottery Funding

Funding from the National Lottery can be applied for to celebrate next year’s centenary of the First World War.

Funding body: National Lottery
Scheme:    First World War: Then and Now
Overview: Projects to mark the Centenary of the First World War. These grants aim to make a real difference to a wide range of people by helping them understand the war and its impact better. In particular, they want to involve young people in marking the Centenary. See examples of the heritage your project might explore.
In assessment, they take account of the broad range of outcomes that projects achieve. Projects need to cover a number of the following areas:
Outcomes for heritage
With our support, heritage will be:
•    better managed
•    in better condition
•    better interpreted and explained
•    identified / recorded
Outcomes for people
With our investment, people will have:
•    developed skills
•    learnt about heritage
•    volunteered time
Outcomes for communities
With our support:
•    more people and a wider range of people will have engaged with heritage.
Deadlines: Open Call -apply anytime
Budget: £3,000 to £10,000. They also provide grants of more than £10,000 for First World War projects

The Lottery are looking to fund not-for-profit organisations; and partnerships led by not-for-profit organisations.

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International Olympic Committee, Switzerland


PhD students research grants

The International Olympic Committee invites proposals for its PhD students research grants. These encourage PhD students to undertake doctoral research with a humanities or social sciences perspective on the Olympic phenomenon, and facilitate access to IOC historical archives, library collections and image archives.

Potential subjects include anthropology, arts, communications, economics and management, history, law linguistics, pedagogy, philosophy, political sciences, sociology, sport sciences and urban, cultural, religious or literature studies, with a focus on Olympism, Olympic sports or the Olympic Games.

All current postgraduate students enrolled on a PhD degree programme may apply. Applicants must be fluent in French or English.

Funding is worth up to CHF8,000.

Closing date 27 Sep 13

For further information go to:



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Latest Wider Outlook – June edition now available!

The latest version of our newsletter Wider Outlook is now available – looking at the final EU funds under the current round, Horizon 2020 budget negotiations, structural funds update and ICT opportunities.

Please contact the External Projects Team if you would like to follow up any of the opportunities in the newsletter

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Horizon 2020 update from UKRO

The UK Research Office have advised that they understand the European Commission’s DG Research and Innovation is planning to complete internal drafts of the first Horizon 2020 work programmes by the end of June 2013.  This timetable is extremely ambitious and reliant on the budget discussions progressing, but if all goes as planned an indicative list of topics could be available in July, with consultations underway in Autumn.

The Horizon 2020 Strategic Programme for 2014-2016 is expected to be published alongside the first work programmes to set out the overall objectives of the first two years of the programme and a number of ‘focus areas’ which are expected to be the main thematic driver for the first work programmes. Early indications suggest these could include:

  • Sustainable food security
  • Blue growth: unlocking the potential of the oceans
  • Smart cities and communities
  • Competitive low-carbon energy
  • Energy efficiency
  • Mobility for growth
  • Waste: a resource to recycle, reuse and recover raw materials
  • Water innovation: boosting its value for Europe
  • Overcoming the crisis: new ideas, strategies and governance structures for Europe
  • Disaster-resilience: safeguarding and securing society, including adapting to climate change
  • Digital security 
  • Personalising health and care

The full article is available from the UKRO subscriber services via, or contact for further information.

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Digital NHS conference

Digital NHS – Delivering 21st Century Healthcare
19th September 2013, The Barbican, London

At the Digital NHS – Delivering 21st Century Healthcare event, the impact on services of moving the NHS into a digital era will be explored. Case studies will share best practice initiatives, allowing delegates to assess how digital services may both enhance their professional roles and the patient experience

Confirmed speakers to date include;
Dr Charles Gutteridge, National Clinical Director for Informatics, Department of Health
Jon Lindberg, Associate Director, Intellect Healthcare Programme
John Cruickshank, Consultant Director, 2020 health
Rachel Neaman, Deputy Director for Digital, Department of Health
Dr Jeremy Wyatt, Leadership Chair in eHealth Research, University of Leeds

Further information is available at the conference website:  Fees are £395 plus VAT.

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