EPSRC: Healthcare Technologies Grand Challenges.




To support this challenge-led approach EPSRC invites applications for NetworkPlus proposals that seek to establish new research communities around one of the Healthcare Technologies Grand Challenges.

The aims of the NetworkPlus awards are to:

  • Bring together experts from across all relevant research areas, with particular focus on those in engineering and physical sciences.
  • Bring focus to the relevant challenge area and identify new research strategies and opportunities for addressing the challenge.
  • Engage with interested users of research, including business, clinicians, patient groups and policy makers, to shape future research directions.
  • Identify and address the barriers to achieving the challenge.
  • Initiate preliminary or feasibility research to tackle the challenge.
  • To be collaborative rather than competitive in nature and work together where appropriate (e.g. joint events).

Networks are intended to be UK-wide and must have representation from several disciplines and institutions. It is essential that user engagement is considered in the wider network membership. Each proposal must explain the fit to the chosen challenge area and demonstrate evidence of how they will connect with on-going excellent research in the UK to grow and develop the network.

Peer review for this call will consist of a multi-stage process.

Applicants should submit an Intention to Submit by 08 September 2015; those who have not submitted an intention to submit will be ineligible for this call. The closing time and date for full proposals is 16:00 on 06 October 2015.


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AHRC Research Grants – Early Careers


​The AHRC Research Grants Schemes are intended to support well-defined research projects enabling individual researchers to collaborate with, and bring benefits to, other individuals and organisations through the conduct of research. This scheme is not intended to support individual scholarship. principal investigators must meet the additional eligibility criteria as outlined in the AHRC Funding Guide.

Please note that as a minimum, all applications under the grants scheme will be required to include a principal investigator and at least one co-investigator jointly involved in the development of the research proposal, its leadership and management and leading to significant jointly authored research outputs.

The early career route provides grants for projects with a full economic cost (fEC) between £50,000 and £250,000 for a varying duration up to a limit of 60 months.

Closing Dates Open – No Deadline

Please note that the assessment process for a Research Grants scheme application (Standard, Speculative and Early Career routes) takes approximately 30 weeks and the earliest start date for a project should be no earlier than 9 months after submission to the AHRC.

How to make an application

For all routes of the research grants scheme you must submit an application through the cross-council Joint Electronic Submission – (Je-S) System. If you need any assistance to use the system, please contact the JE-S helpdesk on 01793 444164 or on JesHelp@rcuk.ac.uk.

Further Information

AHRC Funding Guide (PDF, 1.8MB)

provides an overview of the different routes of the Research Grants Scheme. It details the eligibility criteria, assessment criteria, information on how to apply, application deadlines, eligible dates and terms and conditions of awards. You must ensure that you meet all of the eligibility criteria before submitting an application.

Subject Coverage

Impact Summary and Pathways to Impact: – Frequently Asked Questions (PDF, 178KB)

RCUK Impact Requirements – Frequently Asked Questions

Examples of Impact from AHRC-funded projects (PDF, 296KB)


The AHRC work with the RCUK Shared Services Centre (SSC) to deliver all of our funding activities. All queries regarding eligibility for funding and applications in progress and also queries regarding current awards, should be directed to the SSC team dealing with your subject area using the contacts page.


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Submit your COST Action proposal

COST is the longest-running European framework supporting trans-national cooperation among researchers, engineers and scholars across Europe.

It is a unique means for them to jointly develop their own ideas and new initiatives across all fields in science and technology, including social sciences and humanities, through pan-European networking of nationally funded research activities. Based on a European intergovernmental framework for cooperation in science and technology, COST has been contributing – since its creation in 1971 – to closing the gap between science, policy makers and society throughout Europe and beyond. As a precursor of advanced multidisciplinary research, COST plays a very important role in building a European Research Area (ERA).

It anticipates and complements the activities of the EU Framework Programmes, constituting a “bridge” towards the scientific communities of COST Inclusiveness Target Countries. It also increases the mobility of researchers across Europe and fosters the establishment of scientific excellence.

You can submit your COST Action proposal at any time throughout the year via the new e-COST online submission tool. The fall 2015 Collection Date is 8 September 2015.

COST invites proposals for Actions contributing to the scientific, technological, economic, cultural or societal knowledge advancement and development of Europe.

The Call is open to ideas in all fields of Science and Technology including Humanities and Social Sciences. Multi- and interdisciplinary proposals are encouraged.

The COST Open Call will continue having the spring and autumn Collection Dates, when all submitted proposals are gathered and evaluated.

The new set of COST Implementation Rules outlines procedures and conditions for participating in and setting up COST Actions.

The new Action Proposal Submission, Evaluation, Selection and Approval (SESA) procedure is fully science and technology-driven and will ensure a simple, transparent and competitive proposal evaluation and selection process, in line with the bottom-up, open and inclusive principles of COST.

The guidelines for the SESA procedure and evaluation criteria are available here. The anonymity criterion is also described in detail here.

Researchers benefit from a one-stage submission. The proposal requires filling in several sections via the new e-COST online submission tool as well as the Technical Annex of up to 15 pages, uploaded via the same tool.

The way to a successful COST Action proposal: SESA procedure explained

This video will take you through the entire Open Call process. You can also download the basic presentation


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MRC Looking for Referee Selectors

As part of the Medical Research Council’s (MRC) peer review process, research grants and fellowship applications are assessed by independent expert reviewers. The MRC is seeking to contract qualified scientists who are familiar with the peer review process to select these reviewers for the Research Boards and Panels. This is on a part-time casual contract basis.

MRC are looking for individuals with experience of nationally or internationally recognised research relevant to the MRC remit. Particular experience in the following areas are welcomed: Methodology research, Biostatistics, Modelling, Computational/systems biology, Bio and health informatics methodology

The deadline for applications is the 31st August 2015.  For futher information contact externalprojects@staffs.ac.uk.



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International collaboration opportunities with the British Council

britishcouncil-logoThe British Council provides access to a large number of collaboration opportunities with academics for institutional links, travel grants, and workshops.

Partner countries include Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Egypt, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Phillipines, Thailand, Khazahstan, Mexico, Turkey, South Africa, Uruguay, Morocco, UAE and Quatar.

The full set of current opportunities can be accessed here:




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COMING SOON: H2020-FoF-2016 factories of the future


horizon2020The European Commission Horizon 2020: Industrial Leadership will shortly be inviting proposals, under the leadership in enabling and industrial technologies – nanotechnologies, advanced materials, advanced manufacturing and processing, and biotechnology work programme, for its H2020-FoF-2016 factories of the future call.

The call is expected to open on 1 October 2015 and the anticipated deadline is 21 January 2016. More information is expected to be published in the third quarter of 2015. The following information, including which topics may be addressed in this call, is subject to change.

Proposals may address the following topics:

•FoF-01-2016 novel hybrid approaches for additive and subtractive manufacturing machines;

•FoF-02-2016 machinery and robot systems in dynamic shop floor environments using novel embedded cognitive functions;

•FoF-03-2016 zero-defect strategies at system level for multi-stage manufacturing in production lines;

•FoF-04-2016 continuous adaptation of work environments with changing levels of automation in evolving production systems;

•FoF-05-2016 support for the further development of additive manufacturing technologies in Europe.

Proposals must take the form of research and innovation actions, innovation actions or coordination and support actions, depending on the topic.

Research and innovation actions and innovation actions require participation by at least three legal entities, each established in a different EU member state or associated country.

Coordination and support actions require at least one legal entity established in a member state or associated country.

All H2020 funding calls allow third country partners who secure their own funding to participate in consortia.

The indicative budget for this call is €77 million.

Closing date 21 Jan 16


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Study abroad studentships



1586[1]The Leverhulme Trust invites applications for its study abroad studentships. These support an extended period of advanced study or research at a centre of learning overseas, excluding the US. All subject areas may be considered, with the exception of studies of disease, illness and disabilities in humans or animals, or research that is intended to inform clinical practice or the development of medical applications.

Applicants must have been resident in the UK for at least five years and hold an undergraduate degree from a UK institution. Applicants should also either be a student at the time of application or have been registered as a student within the last eight years.

Studentships comprise £18,000 per year for basic maintenance costs, a dependent partner allowance of £6,000, return airfare and baggage allowance. They may include further allowances, such as tuition fees and a contribution to essential research costs, at the trust’s discretion. Awards support periods between 12 and 24 months.

Closing date 11 Jan 16

Deadline information Applications are invited between 1 September 2015 and 4pm, 11 January 2016. This call is repeated once a year.

Further information:


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COMING SOON: H2020-INNOSUP-2016 enhancing SME innovation capacity by providing better innovation support



The European Commission Horizon 2020, under its Innovation in SMEs programme, will shortly be inviting proposals for its H2020-INNOSUP-2016 enhancing SME innovation capacity by providing better innovation support call. More information will be released in the third quarter of 2015. The following information, including which topics may be addressed in this call, are subject to change.

Proposals may address the following topics:

•INNOSUP-1-2016 capacity building support and exchange on good practices of the national contact points for SMEs and access to risk finance under H2020;

•INNOSUP-X-2016 SME innovation detachment/fellowship;

•INNOSUP-X-2016 services to accelerate the uptake of advanced manufacturing technologies;

•INNOSUP-X-2016 SMEs for social innovation – challenge platform;

•INNOSUP-X-2016 innovating SMEs – segmentation along lifecycle and sectors;

•INNOSUP-X-2016 cluster animated projects for new industrial value chains;

•INNOSUP-X-2016 peer learning for innovation agencies.

Proposals must take the form of coordination and support actions, research actions or innovation actions, depending on the topic addressed.

Research actions and innovation actions require participation by at least three legal entities, each established in a different EU member state or associated country.

Coordination and support actions require at least one legal entity established in a member state or associated country. All H2020 funding calls allow third country partners who secure their own funding to participate in consortia.




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COMING SOON: H2020-EEB-2016 energy efficient buildings


Proposals may address the following topics:

•EEB 01-2016 highly efficient insulation materials with improved properties;

•EEB 02-2016 performance indicators and monitoring techniques for energy-efficiency and environmental quality at building and district level;

•EEB 03-2016 integration of advanced technologies for heating and cooling at building and district level;

•EEB 04-2016 new technologies and strategies for the development of pre-fabricated elements through the reuse and recycling of construction materials and structures.

Proposals must take the form of research and innovation actions, innovation actions or coordination and support actions depending on the topic addressed.

Research and innovation actions and innovation actions require participation by at least three legal entities, each established in a different EU member state or associated country. Coordination and support actions require at least one legal entity established in a member state or associated country.

All H2020 funding calls allow third country partners who secure their own funding to participate in consortia.


Closing date 21 Jan 16

The indicative budget for this call is €49 million.


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COMING SOON: SME instrument common call – phase one


The European Commission Horizon 2020, under its Innovation in SMEs programme, will be seeking proposals for its SME instrument common call – phase one.

More information will become available in the third quarter of 2015. The following information, including which the topics addressed in this call, may be subject to change.

In phase one, funding is available for a feasibility study, in to verify the technological and practical, as well as economic, viability of an innovation idea or concept which has considerable novelty to the relevant industry sector.

Proposals can address the following topics:

•leadership in enabling and industrial technologies, including

H2020-SMEinst-81-2016-2017-ICT open disruptive innovation scheme,

H2020-SMEinst-82-2016-2017-NMBP accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs,

H2020-SMEinst-83-2016-2017-NMBP dedicated support to biotechnology SMEs closing the gap from lab to market,

H2020-SMEinst-84-2016-2017-BIOTEC SME boosting biotechnology-based industrial processes driving competitiveness and sustainability and

H2020-SMEinst-84-2016-2017-SME-SPACE engaging SMEs in space research and development;

Health, demographic change and wellbeing, including

H2020-SMEinst-11-2016-2017-PHC clinical research for the validation of biomarkers or diagnostic medical devices;

Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research and the bioeconomy, including

H2020-SMEinst21-2016-2017-SFS resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing,

H2020-SMEinst-22-2016-2017- advancing innovations in integrated pest management – a role for SMEs,

H2020-SMEinst-23-2016-2017- creating added value from waste and by-products generated on farm and along the value-chain,

H2020-SMEinst-24-2016-2017-BE intelligent solutions and tools in forest production systems, fostering sustainable supply of quality wood for the growing bio-economy,

H2020-SMEinst-25-2016-2017-BG supporting SMEs efforts for the development- deployment and market replication of innovative solutions for blue growth;

Secure, clean and efficient energy, including

H2020-SMEinst-31-2016-2017-SIE stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon and efficient energy system;

Smart, green and integrated transport, including

H2020-SMEinst-41-2016-2017-IT small business innovation research for transport;

Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials, including

H2020-SMEinst-51-2016-2017-SC5 achieving a resource-efficient and climate change resilient economy and a sustainable supply of raw materials;

Europe in a changing world – inclusive, innovative and reflective societies, including

H2020-SMEinst-61-2016-2017-INSO innovative mobile e-government applications by SMEs,

H2020-SMEinst-62-2016-2017-INSO SME business model innovation;

Secure societies – protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizens, including

H2020-SMEinst-71-2016-2017-DRS protection of urban soft targets and urban critical infrastructure and

H2020-SMEinst-72-2016-2017 protection of urban soft targets and urban critical infrastructure.

Actions require at least one SME. Only applications from for-profit SMEs established in EU member states or countries associated to Horizon 2020 are eligible. All H2020 funding calls allow third country partners who secure their own funding to participate in consortia.


Closing date 02 Mar 16

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