Joseph Rowntree – Calls for Proposals

Please see the latest funding opportunities from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, these calls have deadlines in the new year, if you are interested in applying please contact the team at
13 February 2013
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North Staffs Anglo German Club – December meeting – tonight

The North Staffs Anglo-German Club December 2012  meeting is taking place tonight the 13th December, for Gluehwein, Stollen and a Christmas sing-a-long.

The North Staffs Anglo-German Club meets on the 1st Thursday of the month at 7pm for a meal at 7.30pm, to socialize

Please contact
01782 922165, 07931 131576,

Here is a Flyer for the North Staffs Anglo-German Club together with the meeting Dates for 2013.




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Innovate UK

Save the date! Innovate UK: the UK’s largest innovation and trade event

Mon 11 Mar 2013 until Wed 13 Mar 2013 – Business Design Centre, London

Innovate UK is the leading networking, conference and exhibition event for businesses to meet other businesses, Government and academia with the aim of making innovation and trade happen – creating opportunity and growth for the future.

Hosted by the Technology Strategy Board and UKTI, Innovate UK is all about technology-enabled innovation, looking at the best of current technology, and future markets in a 3-30 year time frame and the new innovation and trade opportunities for business – creating a climate of innovation in the UK where great ideas can become commercial reality.

The TSB are currently working on the event programme so more information will be posted in the new year, if you are interested in the TSB and their activity and how Staffordshire University engages please get in touch with Naomi Arblaster at


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Improving decision making in the care and support of older people: a Joseph Rowntree Publication

Please see the attached evidence review (from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation) in relation to improving the decision making in the care and support of older people; including the key concept that there is a ‘decision making ecology’ involving many influences on decisions about risk and trust in an ageing society.

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Welcome to our Research and Funding Blog!  This is the External Projects Team’s new way of keeping you informed on the latest funding news.  The aim of this new blog is to provide Staffordshire University staff with timely and relevant funding information in a user-friendly format.  We will provide a daily update of funding news delivered straight to your inbox. 

We’re excited to be launching this new initiative and look forward to receiving your feedback.  Please feel free to pass this onto any colleagues, friends or students that you feel this may be of interest to.  We also want to promote our own good news, so if you have any stories you would like to share, please feel free to contact us.

As a subscriber of our funding newsletter Wider Outlook, you have been added to our subscription list.  If you wish to be removed please e mail

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Event: UK Research Office (UKRO) Visit

Save the date!!!

The External Projects Team will be hosting our annual UKRO visit on the 13th February 2013. The session will be based around the latest EU news and oppoortunities for funding.

This is your chance to hear firsthand about the preperation for Horizon 2020 and recieve advice on EU funds.

The team are still preparing the agenda so if you have any requests or areas of EU funds that you would like to be covered please do get in touch with us at

More details on times and venue will follow in the new year

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Europe &The Higher Education Modernisation Agenda

Higher education, with its links with research and innovation, plays a crucial role in personal development and economic growth, providing the highly qualified people and the articulate citizens that Europe needs to create jobs and prosperity.

If Europe is not to lose out to global competition in the fields of education, research and innovation, national higher education systems must be able to respond effectively to the requirements of the knowledge economy.

Europe 2020, the EU’s growth strategy for the coming decade, highlights higher education as a key policy area where collaboration between the EU and Member States can deliver positive results for jobs and economic development. In this context, Member States agreed a target that 40% of young people (aged 30-34) should have a higher education qualification or equivalent by 2020.

To support Member States’ reforms and contribute to the goals of Europe 2020, the Commission published a new agenda for modernisation of Europe’s higher education systems in September 2011.

The main areas for reform identified in the new agenda are:

  • to increase the number of higher education graduates;
  • to improve the quality and relevance of teaching and researcher training, to equip graduates with the knowledge and core transferable competences they need to succeed in high-skill occupations;
  • to provide more opportunities for students to gain additional skills through study or training abroad, and to encourage cross-border co-operation to boost higher education performance;
  • to strengthen the “knowledge triangle”, linking education, research and business and
  • to create effective governance and funding mechanisms in support of excellence.

More on the 2011 modernisation agenda

Read more about the EU2020 agenda.

Find documents on EU policies on higher education

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Calls for Proposals: Europe For Citizens Programme

The European Commission, Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency, has launched a call for proposals for the provision of the implementation of the programme actions: Active Citizens for Europe, Active civil society in Europe and Active European Remembrance.

The Europe for Citizens programme has the following specific objectives:

  • Bringing together people from local communities across Europe to share and exchange experiences, opinions and values, to learn from history and to build for the future;
  • Fostering action, debate and reflection related to European citizenship and democracy, shared values, common history and culture through cooperation within civil society organisations at European level;
  • Bringing Europe closer to its citizens by promoting Europe’s values and achievements, while preserving the memory of its past; and
  • Encouraging interaction between citizens and civil society organisations from all participating countries contributing to intercultural dialogue and bringing to the fore both Europe’s diversity and unity, with particular attention to activities aimed at developing closer ties between citizens from Member States of the European Union as constituted on 30 April 2004 and those from Member States which have acceded since that date.

The deadline dates for 2013 are: 01/02/2013 / 01/06/2013 / 01/09/2013

For more information on the 2013 calls for proposals please click HERE
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Technology Strategy Board (TSB) – Technology Inpsired Innovation

 The Technology Strategy Board is to invest up to £10m in fast-track and collaborative research and development projects that stimulate innovation across the key enabling technology areas of advanced materials, biosciences, electronics, sensors and photonics and information and communications technology.

Additional funding from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) may be available for projects in line with the scope of this competition that contain a significant, high-quality academic research component and demonstrate added value by building on or being complementary to their existing research programmes and portfolios.

We are seeking innovative proposals that focus on projects that advance the development of a recent technological discovery or breakthrough in the context of significant and identifiable technological risk, which can be broadly applied across a wide range of market opportunities and needs.

Projects must be collaborative and business-led.

 For clarity please note that ESP stands for Electronics, Sensors and Photonics; ICT stands for Information & Communication Technologies.

 The competition has two strands:

Strand 1 is a single-stage fast-track process. Projects must be led by a small or medium-sized enterprise (SME) and must last between six and 12 months.

Strand 2 is a two-stage competition. Consortia should include at least one SME partner and projects must last between 12 and 24 months.

The competition opens on 3 December 2012.

Open date: 03 December 2012

Registration close date: 23 January 2013

 Close date: 10 April 2013

For more Information please contact Naomi Arblaster on or call 01785 353519


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The External Projects Team

The External Projects Team provides information on external funding, partners, and innovation activities. The team works with researchers and academic staff to help diversify income for Staffordshire University. The team is part of the Enterprise and Commercial Development Department.

Emma Davies- External Projects Manager: Emma has responsibility for managing the external projects team to identify and realise funding opportunities which make a significant impact on the university’s income diversification programme in line with Staffordshire University’s vision and corporate plan.


Jose Beech- External Grants Manager: Jose leads the team of staff within the External Projects Team whose focus is to work closely with colleagues across the institution, providing advice, guidance and support on external funding.


Margaret Bennett- External Projects Officer: Margaret is responsible for identifying potential research funding opportunities, EU funding projects and works seamlessly with academic colleagues to submit applications to funding bodies.


Esther Knight- External Projects Officer: Esther advises staff on how to use Research Professional, a service which can be directly used to search funding calls that are open and how to search for grants on projects they wish to develop from Research Councils to Europe – with particular responsibility for the Faculty of Art and Creative Technologies.


Christopher Kenning- Contracts and Compliance Officer: Chris provides internal legal support and expertise in the area of research and funding for the Staffordshire University. Chris, a solicitor has worked within the Education sector for three years reviewing academic research projects in a wide range of disciplines.


Holly Hoar- External Projects Officer: Holly advises staff on how to use Research Professional, a service which can be directly used to search funding calls that are open and how to search fo grants on projects they wish to develop from Research Councils to Europe.



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