International collaboration opportunities with the British Council

britishcouncil-logoThe British Council provides access to a large number of collaboration opportunities with academics for institutional links, travel grants, and workshops.

Partner countries include Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Egypt, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Phillipines, Thailand, Khazahstan, Mexico, Turkey, South Africa, Uruguay, Morocco, UAE and Quatar.

The full set of current opportunities can be accessed here:



Newton Researcher Links workshop grants –











The British Council, working with the Higher Education International Unit, have opened a call for proposals for workshop grants under the Newton Researcher Links programme, a part of the Newton Fund.

The Royal Society of Chemistry is also partnering with the British Council to fund successful workshops in some countries.

This element of Newton Researcher Links provides financial support to bring together a UK/partner country bilateral cohort of early career researchers to take part in workshops to:

  • build research capacity in developing economies
  • building links for future collaboration
  • enhancing the researchers’ career opportunities

The Newton Fund is part of the UK’s official development assistance programme. Through the Newton Fund, the UK will use its strength in research and innovation to promote economic development and social welfare of partner countries.

Deadline for applications: 16:00 UK time on 13 July 2015.

The workshops must take place between 1st November 2015 and 31st March 2016.

Partner countries:

Brazil, Malaysia, Thailand, Turkey and Russia*.

Other countries may added in due course, and any additions will be announced here.

*Russia is not a Newton Fund country and is a part of this call outside of the Newton Fund. The application process is the same, however there is no need to articulate the relevance of the application to economic development and social welfare where the partner country is Russia.

Workshop themes and priority areas

Partner countries may have areas of research priority, and workshops must be themed around one of these. All priority areas are listed in Annex 1 of the Guidelines document available in the Downloads section.

In Malaysia, Thailand and Turkey proposals in the Chemical Sciences would also be welcome and, if selected, may be co-funded by the Royal Society of Chemistry.


Eligibility criteria apply, please download and read the Guidelines document in full before applying (available in the Downloads section).


Before applying please download and read the guidelines document from the Downloads section below. Once ready, you can apply online. You can view the information requested in the application form in the word document available in the Downloads section.

For advice on applying to funding schemes, read this article from the British Council Director, Science and Research.


If you have any enquiries relating to this call, please contact

Newton Researcher Links travel grants –











The British Council, have opened a call for proposals for travel grants under the Newton Researcher Links programme, a part of the Newton Fund.

Researchers based in the UK and one of the partner countries may apply to spend up to 6 months in a research institution, either in the UK (if researcher is based in a partner country), or one of the partner countries (if researcher is based in the UK).

For further information on the specifics of the call, please read the Guidelines document in full (available from the Downloads section below).

The Newton Fund is part of the UK’s official development assistance programme. Through the Newton Fund, the UK will use its strength in research and innovation to promote economic development and social welfare of partner countries.

Deadline for applications: 16:00 UK time on 13 July 2015.

Travel funded by the grant must take place before 31 March 2016.

Partner countries

Turkey, Vietnam. Other countries may added in due course,


  • Applicants must be based in the UK or one of the partner countries identified above. There is no restriction on nationality.
  • Only one application can be made per person.
  • Applicants must have already been awarded a PhD. PhD students are not eligible.
  • Partner countries may have priority areas of research, and in these cases applications will be restricted to researchers in these fields. Please check the guidelines document for country specific restrictions.

Further eligibility criteria may apply. Please read the Guidelines document in full (available in the Downloads section below).

How to apply

Before applying please download and read the guidelines document from the Downloads section below. Once ready, you can apply online. You can view the information requested in the application form in the word document available in the Downloads section.

For advice on applying to funding schemes, read this article from the British Council Director, Science and Research.


If you have any enquiries relating to this call, please contact

Global Innovation Initiative

This year’s Global Innovation Initiative call has been launched. These are for projects of global significance in partnership with US and Brazil, China, India or Indonesia. Projects must fit one of the themes detailed below.

Funding Body: British Council (UK) and Institute of International Education (US)

Scheme: Global Innovation Initiative

Overview: The Global Innovation Initiative will award grants to university consortia focusing on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)-related issues of global significance that foster cutting-edge multinational research and strengthen institutional international partnerships.

Projects must include at least one partner in the US and one selected other country higher education institution partner. Other partners must be from one of the following countries: Brazil, China, India or Indonesia.


  • Energy, environment and climate change
  • Urban development
  • Agriculture, food security and water
  • Global health

Goals of the Global Innovation Initiative

  • To increase the global mobility of students, researchers, faculty, and higher education administrators from the U.S., the UK, and other countries;
  • To develop a cadre of people in the U.S., UK, and other countries who have the international experience, outlook and knowledge to confront global challenges and operate in a global context;
  • To encourage international collaborations that develop capacity across a range of universities in the U.S., the UK, and other countries;

To forge university and business linkages that support a globally mobile talent pool and a multinational base for the exchange of discovery and innovation.

Budget: Approximately 16 grants will be awarded ranging from $100,000 to $200,000 (U.S. competition) or from £100,000 to £150,000 (UK competition).

Deadlines: 31 October 2014 21:00

Further Information:

To get an idea on the types of projects that have been funded see the awardees page of the website.


Thematic partnerships with Indian Universities



The British Council’s UK-India education and research initiative and the Department of Science and Technology of India invite applications for their thematic partnerships. These facilitate collaborations between faculties and researchers and enable registered PhD students and postdoctoral researchers in India and the UK to undertake short-term visits to work on research projects. The key subject areas match well with Staffordshire University’s:

•climate change;

•computer science;

•public health and well-being;

•food water energy;

•sustainable cities;

•big data;

•high value manufacturing.

Multidisciplinary research is encouraged. These partnerships are intended for institution-based research teams, in the UK and India, of proven research ability. The project leaders should be faculty members or researchers in an institution or research laboratory in a UK university or institution. EU citizens may apply provided that they hold a permanent position in the UK, and non-EU citizens should have held a permanent position at a UK institution for at least three consecutive years. Indian project leaders should be based in an Indian university or institution and be resident in India.

Funds are available for partnerships of up to 15 months in duration and provide a maximum of £40,000 equivalent in Indian rupees.

Closing date 15th September


UGC-UKIERI thematic partnerships

The UK-India education and research initiative of the British Council and the University Grants Commission invite expressions of interest for their thematic partnerships. These facilitate collaborations between faculties and researchers, and enable registered PhD students and postdoctoral researchers in India and the UK to undertake short-term visits to work on research projects. Partnerships are available for all subjects, including humanities, social sciences, science and technology projects. Multidisciplinary research is encouraged.

Project leaders should be of at least postdoctoral status or equivalent and based in an institution or research laboratory in a UK university or institution. EU citizens may apply provided that they hold a permanent position in the UK, and non-EU citizens should have held a permanent position for at least three years. Indian project leaders should be based in an Indian university or institution and be resident in India. Funds are available for partnerships of up to two years in duration and provide a maximum of £60,000 equivalent in INR. Eligible costs include research staff and fellow and student exchanges including travel and accommodation costs.

Closing date 31 May 13

Deadline information Proposals due by 5pm IST.

Award type Directed grants to institutions, research groups etc; Networking/collaboration; Studentship allocations; Travel for research purposes

Award amount max £60,000

Applications per institution 1

Consortium requirements Required