Call for proposals: Does human spaceflight affect the perception and uptake of STEM subjects?

UK Space Agency logo  esrc logo

The UK Space Agency, in partnership with the Economic and Social Research Council, invites proposals for the call: Does human spaceflight affect the perceptions and uptake of STEM subjects?

It aims to fund social research into the effects of human spaceflight programmes and the correlation between astronaut programmes and the interest in and uptake of science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) among children.

Proposals for studies must address the following areas:

  • levels of engagement with STEM subjects in school, especially at key stages two and three
  • social mobility, namely the increased engagement in STEM from disadvantaged students and schools in underprivileged areas
  • knowledge of societal usefulness of space

It is anticipated that funding in the region of £300,000 to £350,000 will be available, over three years. This may cover research time, research assistants and other resources relevant and necessary to the proposed research.

This call is open to researchers at research organisations eligible for ESRC funding.

Closing date: 13 October 2014

For further information go to:


New funding opportunities with the NIHR PHR Programme

 Call for research proposals into smoking prevention – Open now

The following new commissioning briefs are now open for applications:

To support teams interested in applying to the smoking prevention briefs we will be holding a webinar at 10:00am on 29 May 2013.  If you are interested in participating please complete the application form available on our website by 3 May. Please note that places are limited.

The commissioning briefs, application deadlines and guidance notes can be found on our website.

Researcher-led call for proposals – Open now

The researcher-led workstream has now reopened for applications. Applicants can submit outline proposals at any time during the year, with three cut-off dates when applications will be considered by the Programme Advisory Board.

The next cut-off date for researcher-led applications is 30 July 2013 at 1pm.

In addition to our standard researcher-led call the PHR Programme encourages applications in the following areas:

Contact us
023 8059 9695

