ICT KTN Horizon 2020 International Brokerage event



ICT KTN are publicising a brokerage event that the Department for Business Innovation and Skills are staging in collaboration with counterparts in France, in the areas of Cloud Computing and Future Internet for those organisations intending to seek funding in Horizon 2020. The event will take place in Paris on the 10th of January 2014.

Organisations with a firm project concept in the Future Internet area are being invited to make a 5 minute presentation at the brokerage session, outlining the idea and the partner support they are seeking.
Organisations selected will receive £750 in support for travel and subsistence. Selection will be made on the basis of relevance to the subject area as defined in the WP extract.

For further information go to Extract For Paris Brokerage 10 Jan 2014.

You should submit a short description of your idea, partners required and its potential impact in no more than 500 words by the 24th of December 2013 to:
eddie.townsend@ictktn.org.uk (All submissions will be held in confidence).

It is essential that all wishing to attend the event register here.

(Please note that this event is not an ICT KTN event and the KTN will not accept responsibility for inconvenience caused due to changes outside of its control).