Have your say on Future and Emerging Technologies!


Consultation closes: 15/06/2014
The Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) programme launches a public consultation to identify promising and potentially game-changing directions for future research in any technological domain.

€2,7 billion will be invested in Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) under the new research programme Horizon 2020#H2020 (2014-2020). This represents a nearly threefold increase in budget compared to the previous research programme, FP7. FET actions are part of the Excellent science pillar of Horizon 2020.

The objective of FET is to foster radical new technologies by exploring novel and high-risk ideas building on scientific foundations. By providing flexible support to goal-oriented and interdisciplinary collaborative research, and by adopting innovative research practices, FET research seizes the opportunities that will deliver long-term benefit for our society and economy.

The aim of the public consultation is to identify promising and potentially game-changing directions for future research in any technological domain.

Vice-President of the European Commission @NeelieKroesEU, responsible for the Digital Agenda, said: “From protecting the environment to curing disease – the choices and investments we make today will make a difference to the jobs and lives we enjoy tomorrow. Researchers and entrepreneurs, innovators, creators or interested bystanders – whoever you are, I hope you will take this opportunity to take part in determining Europe’s future“.

The consultation is organised as a series of discussions, in which contributors can suggest ideas for a new FET Proactive initiative or discuss the 9 research topics identified in the previous consultation to determine whether they are still relevant today.

The ideas collected via the public consultation will contribute to future FET work programmes, notably the next one (2016-17). This participative process has already been used to draft the current work programme (2014-15).

Participate now in the consultation

Commission Consultation on Europe 2020 Goals

The European Commission has launched a public consultation on the Europe 2020 Strategy, which will feed into the mid-term review of the strategy planned for 2015. The deadline for submitting a response is 31 October 2014.

The Europe 2020 Strategy is the overarching set of current EU policies, including the Innovation Union and Digital Agenda initiatives whose priorities have a strong influence on Horizon 2020 funding. The aim of the consultation is to ‘draw lessons from the first four years of the strategy and to make sure it acts as an effective post-crisis strategy for growth and jobs in Europe’.
The consultation covers the ‘scope, nature, instruments, ownership and delivery of the strategy’, and will provide important evidence for the mid-term review of the strategy in 2015. The consultation closes on 31 October 2014.

EPSRC consultation open


The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) launched an independent review of the EPSRC peer review process earlier this year. As part of this process, there is a community survey open to all to put forward their views until 30th September. 

  • The peer review process is designed to investigate:
  • Influence of peer review on decision-making
  • How peer review advice is sought and used to inform funding
  • Transparency, cost effectiveness and extent of community ownership

The survey can be accessed at http://www.survey.bris.ac.uk/epsrc/irpr_survey.

Further information on the review and the panel leading the review is available at http://www.epsrc.ac.uk/newsevents/news/2013/Pages/independentreviewofpeerreview.aspx

Environmental Audit Committee announce new inquiry into well-being

The Environmental Audit Committee (EAC) is a Commons Select Committee Chaired by Joan Walley MP and examines sustainable development and environmental protection across all government departments.  Following the EAC’s recent report on Sustainable Development Indicators, the Committee agreed to undertake a further inquiry on the ‘Measuring Well-being’ initiative, building from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) well-being data analysis in November.

The ONS analysis compared people’s well-being according to gender, age, ethnic group, relationship status, health, disability, employment status and occupation, as well as by nation, region and local authority. This potentially opens up a raft of new data for social science and policy making that reflects well-being and sustainable development.

The EAC inquiry will examine a number of areas including:

  • The Government’s plans to utilise the results of the available well-being research and analysis in policy making, training and sustainable development 
  • How the ONS work might be further expanded or adjusted to reflect well-being research and metrics being developed elsewhere. 

The Committee is taking written evidence for this inquiry until 14 June. Guidance on how to submit evidence is available on the Committee’s website, further information at http://www.parliament.uk/business/committees/committees-a-z/commons-select/environmental-audit-committee/news/well-being-inquiry/


HEFCE consultation

HEFCE are currently undertaking a consultation on whether all higher education institutions (HEIs) eligible to receive public funding for research through HEFCE should comply with a research integrity concordat published earlier this year.  The research integrity concordat is designed to ensure that the UK research base maintains its high reputation for excellence, professionalism and rigour.  This consultation has been discussed at the Staffordshire University Research, Enterprise and Advanced Scholarship Committee and views are being sought to inform our institutional response.

Further information on the consultation is available at http://www.hefce.ac.uk/pubs/year/2012/201232/. Please send through any comments to externalprojects@staffs.ac.uk.

Commission Consultation on Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)

The European Commission is holding a “public consultation on the efficiency of proceedings and accessibility of measures property rights” relating to the civil enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR).

The consultation closes on 30 March 2013.
As a part of its overall strategy on intellectual property, and in line with the Conclusions of the Competitiveness Council of 31 May 2012, the Commission is continuing to consult stakeholders in order to evaluate the overall functioning of the civil enforcement system for intellectual property rights (e.g. patents, trademarks, designs and copyright) in the EU. This survey is a part of the broad strategy of the Commission to improve the legal framework for intellectual property rights and their enforcement in order to allow innovative services and products to create growth and jobs in Europe.

Purpose and Scope of Consultation
The purpose of this survey is to gather specific information about the enforcement of intellectual property rights through contracts, litigation or other means. This information would allow for comprehensive assessment of efficiency and costs of the civil enforcement systems that are put in place for intellectual property rights in the Member States. Additionally, this round of public consultations gives an opportunity to identify complementary work streams where appropriate.

The survey focuses on the period from May 2006 onwards. It is directed at all interested public and private stakeholders. In particular, this survey is seeking information from stakeholders that participated in civil proceedings concerning infringements of intellectual property rights, namely plaintiffs and defendants as well as from other parties involved in such proceedings.

 to take part in the consultation please click HERE