Diet and Health Research Industry Club (DRINC)

The Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, together with the Medical Research Council, the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council and the Economic and Social Research Council, invites applications for its diet and health research industry club. The DRINC scheme supports UK universities and research institutes with innovative basic research that addresses the theme of improving the understanding of the relationship between diet and health. Proposals should seek to relate improved understanding to the challenges facing the food and drink industry and address one of the following research challenges:

  • understanding the relationship between food processing and nutrition
  • designing foods to maintain and improve health
  • understanding food choice and eating behaviour to improve health through diet

Principal applicants must be resident in the UK and hold an academic staff appointment, at the lecturer level or equivalent, at a higher education institution or research council institute. Research teams must include expertise for designing and running clinical trials. Collaborative applications bringing together groups with relevant expertise or experience to move research closer to application are encouraged.

A budget of approximately £3 million will support a portfolio of projects at 80 per cent full economic cost. Projects are typically three to four years in duration, but projects up to five years will be considered.

Outline application deadline: 9 July 2014, 4pm

A workshop for the call will be held on 3 June 2014 in London and will be an opportunity for applicants to:

  • understand the DRINC research challenges and assessment process
  • meet other potential applicants and form new collaborations
  • discuss proposals with representatives from the DRINC steering group, the Club’s company members and the Research Councils

For further information go to: