Sneak Preview of the 2014 Erasmus+ Work Programme

The External Projects Team has access to a draft work programme for the new Erasmus+ Project. This is European funding for education, vocational education and young people.
The official document is expected to come out in January 2014, with call deadline dates shortly after. Reading the draft programme can give staff the opportunity to get ahead of the game and start planning partnerships.
The programme covers one year of funding. It gives an overview of the Erasmus+ programme, particularly the specific objectives in education and training, youth and sport as well as in:
•    Key action 1 (learning mobility of individuals)
•    Key action 2 (co-operation for innovation and the exchange of good practices)
•    Key action 3 (support for policy reform)
•    Jean Monnet activities
•    Sport

The draft work programme gives an overview of the funding allocations for 2014-2020 as well as a detailed budget for the 2014 calls.

The draft work programme also lists the topics of the specific activities, outlining an overview of the topic, the expected results, eligible applicants, award criteria and budget distribution per sector for 2014.

This is a confidential document, so we are not able to publish it on our website, however staff who are interested can email us on:


Tender on Tourism Education in Europe

This tender looks like it could be interesting for the Business School as it is looking at the education offered on tourism across Europe.

Funding Body: European Commission
Scheme: Mapping and performance check of the supply side of tourism education and training
Overview: Tenders for its mapping and performance check of the supply side of tourism education and training. The tenderer will study the education and training offered for the tourism sector and assess its performance in delivering the qualitative skills needed on the labour market.
Transnational consortia are encouraged to submit tenders. A minimum number of partners is not specified.
The tourism occupations targeted primarily by this contract derive from the following

  • Accommodation
  • Food and beverage
  • Entertainment, recreation, attractions
  • Travel support services

Budget: Funding is worth an estimated €500,000 over a period of 13 months.
Deadlines: 24/10/13
Further Information: –Download the technical specifications document


Society for Research into Higher Education Annual Research Awards

Society for Research into Higher Education - Advancing knowledge, informing policy, ehancing practice

The Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE) is an independent and self-supporting UK based international learned society concerned to advance understanding of higher education, especially through the insights, perspectives and knowledge offered by systematic research and scholarship.

As part of the Society’s programme of strategic initiatives aimed at sustaining research into higher education, the Society is offering a series of annual research awards. These awards are funded entirely by the Society, and intended to support new research into higher education.

The Society is offering:

  • Up to four awards annually of £10,000 each for research focused on any aspect of higher education submitted under three overarching themes: Higher Education Policy, Higher Education and Society, and Higher Education Practice.These Awards are only open to individual members of the Society at the date of application and thus are part of the benefits of membership. Where a proposal is submitted by a research group or team, the lead proposer must be an individual member of the Society. Two to four scoping awards annually of £5,000 each for the exploration of any new or emerging area of higher education research leading to the development of a plan for further research.These awards are open to all and applications are welcome from members and non members of the Society. Apply using the on-line form below.

Applications open on 1st July 2013 and close on 1st September 2013.

For more information about the Annual Research Awards go to

For information about joining the Society, visit SRHE Membership

Erasmus Charter for Higher Education 2014-2020

Staffordshire University submitted an application for an Erasmus Charter for Higher Education for the years 2014-2020. If the Unviersity is successful, it will mean the University is eligible to apply for funding under the new EU programme for education, training, youth and sport supports –Erasmus for All. The University had the same status for the 2007-2013 Lifelong Learning Programme.

The Erasmus for All programme has not yet been adopted by the European legislators. However, the Commission published the call for proposals in order to allow for a smooth implementation of the Programme as soon as its legal basis has been adopted.

The Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) provides the general quality framework for European and international cooperation activities a higher education institution (HEI) may carry out within the Programme. 188 UK institutions have applied for an ECHE under this call, with a total of 4,577 applications submitted in total across the EU.  A published list of institutions selected will be provided in December, we should be informed of our individual application result in November.  Further information is available at

Funding to Enhance the Student Experience

This funding is a great opportunity for anyone who has an idea of something they wish to do to improve the student experience, something  Staffordshire University puts great emphasis on.

Funding Body: Higher Education Academy

Scheme: Individual Grants

Overview: The Individual grant scheme invites proposals from individual staff members to lead projects that enhance the student experience. The Higher Education Academy is keen to encourage evidence-based research which can lead to innovations in learning and teaching that have clear benefits beyond your own institution.

Applications are invited from any member of staff engaged in the student learning experience in HEA-subscribing institutions in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. -(Staffordshire University is a subscribing institution)

Deadline: 10 June 2013

Budget: Proposals submitted under the Individual scheme may request up to £7,000 from the Higher Education Academy. Projects will run for twelve months.


Please could anyone wishing to apply please send their ideas to the External Projects Team before bidding so we can ensure the University makes a strategic bid to this fund.

CEDEFOP tender to conduct a study on how low-educated and low-skilled workers from a low socio-economic background think about education and continuous learning.

The European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training invites proposals for a narrative of career-related and labour-market-related learning of low-skilled workers. The tenderer shall conduct a study to investigate how low-educated and low-skilled workers with a low socio-economic background think about education and continuous learning. Funding is worth up to €300,000 over 18 months.

 The study will investigate how low-educated/low-skilled workers with a low socio-economic background think about education and continuous learning. The inquiry will be based on a collection of individual narratives that should bring out attitudes, aspirations and expectations towards learning. This research on low-educated workers prone to the risk of unemployment and social exclusion intends to uncover the potential among individuals to re-engage in learning and become socially upwardly mobile. The results of the study will be used to inform Cedefop’s research agenda on the topic of how adult and work-based learning can help people to better manage careers and working-life transitions, to set the stage for future analyses, and to pave the way for policy recommendations.

 The closing date is 18th January 2013.

 For further information, please contact