Leverhulme – Research Fellowships


Offering up to £50,000 over three to twenty-four months for experienced researchers to conduct a programme of research in any discipline. Research Fellowships are open to experienced researchers, particularly those who are or have been prevented by routine duties from completing a programme of original research. Awards are not limited to those holding appointments in higher education.


The maximum value of a Fellowship is £50,000. The awards provide research expenses over and above normal living costs and/or provide a contribution towards reasonable replacement costs or loss of earnings.


Fellowships are tenable for between 3 and 24 months, and the current round of awards must commence between 1 June 2016 and 1 May 2017.

The 2016 round opens on 1 September 2015. The closing date for applications is 12 November 2015 at 4pm.

Eligibility and application information


Anna Grundy (020 7042 9861), Bridget Kerr (020 7042 9862) or Andreas Heiner (020 7042 9863)

Winston Churchill memorial trust: Travelling fellowships

Winston Churchill


The Winston Churchill Memorial Trust invites applications for its travelling fellowships. These enable British citizens to travel overseas in order to bring back knowledge and best practice for the benefit of others in UK professions and communities. Applications are invited in the following areas of research:

•crafts and makers;


•early years prevention and intervention;


•environment, sustainable living and horticulture;

•medicine, health and patient care;

•mental health;

•new approaches to housing;

•science, technology and innovation;

•young people;

•open category.

Applicants must be British citizens, resident in the UK and at least 18 years old by the end of the year.

Grants usually support travel for four to eight weeks and cover economy return flights to the UK, internal travel in the destination countries, and food and accommodation while travelling. Visa fees, vaccinations cost and insurance are also paid for.


Closing date 22 Sep 15

The Royal Society International Exchanges Scheme

The Royal Society invites applications for its international exchanges scheme to stimulate new collaborations within the natural sciences between scientists in the UK and overseas. It will support a one-off visit or bilateral travel but is not intended to support any existing or recent research collaborations.

The scheme covers all areas of the life and physical sciences, including engineering but not clinical medicine.

Both the UK and partner country project leader must have completed a PhD or have experience at an equivalent level, as well as holding a permanent or fixed term contract for the duration of the award at an eligible university or research institute in their country.

Collaborations should be based on a single project and travel can only take place between the UK and the country where the collaborator is based.

The following types of grants are available:

  • up to £3,000 for one-off travel lasting up to three months
  • up to £6,000 for multiple visits to be completed within one year, including a maximum of £1,000 for consumables
  • up to £12,000 for multiple visits to be completed within two years, including a maximum up £2,000 for research expenses

As part of the International Exchanges, the Society now offers additional funding through its Kan Tong Po Fellowships which has been made possible through the generosity of the family of the late Mr Kan Tong Po. The purpose of this scheme is to award Visiting Fellowships to UK or US based scientists to collaborate at the highest level with a Hong Kong based academic, or for Hong Kong based scientists to collaborate with an academic based in either the UK or US.

In addition to the exchange grants, candidates may apply for the Colin Pillinger international exchanges award, which is worth £1,000. This enables the scientists to communicate their research to the general public.

Deadlines on: 17 February 2015, 17 June 2015, 14 October 2015.

For further information go to:


Individual fellowships



The Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies invites applications for its individual fellowships. These support innovative research across existing boundaries, between disciplines, different cultures and countries, established and younger researchers and engages in activities that opens the research community to society and politics. There are two types of fellowships, junior and senior.

Applicants for junior fellowships must have a PhD and one to six years of postdoctoral experience. For a senior fellowship a minimum of six years of postdoctoral experience is required. There are no restrictions on research disciplines or researcher nationality. Applicants may not have had their main residence in Germany for more than one year out of the last three prior to the application deadline, which is 15th October 2014.

Each fellow receives a monthly allowance of up to €450 in theoretical disciplines and €1,050 in experimental disciplines. Fellows without a work contract with their home institute will receive an attractive salary. A mentoring programme for junior fellows, office space and assistance with accommodation is also available. A senior fellowship last for three to 12 months and a junior fellowships lasts 12 months for humanities and social sciences and up to 24 months for natural sciences, engineering and medicine. There is a total of 20 fellowships available.

Royal Academy of Engineering – enterprise fellowships

The Royal Academy of Engineering invites applications for its enterprise fellowships. These enable aspiring entrepreneurs to commercialise technology-based business ideas from academic institutions into spinout companies.



Applicants must be working in engineering departments or engineering-focused research areas at UK higher education institutions, at postdoctoral level or above. PhD students may apply, but must have received their PhD before they start the fellowship. The proposed technology must be an innovation or invention in engineering or technology.

Each fellow is provided with up to £85,000 to enable them to spend 12 months establishing their own business. In addition to the financial support, training will be provided to develop business skills. Mentors will be allocated to each fellow to provide additional support, advice and access to their entrepreneurial and venture capital networks during the enterprise fellowship.

Closing date 01/09/2014

Enterprise fellows are expected to start by 31 March 2015.


Winston Churchill Memorial Trust – 2015 Travelling Fellowships


The Winston Churchill Memorial Trust are looking for people who will be able to undertake research overseas and on return disseminate their new knowledge and examples of best practice.

Applications are now open for 2015 Travelling Fellowships.

Applicants must demonstrate that their project will have a wider benefit within their community or field, in addition to their own personal development.

Grants cover return and internal travelling, daily living and insurance within the countries visited. No qualifications are required.

If you would like to apply please go to our website, check your eligibility, find the correct category for your project and apply online


UK National Contact Point Events on Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships



Registration is now open for the Individual Fellowships information and proposal writing events, which the UK Research Office is organising in its capacity as UK National Contact Point for Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions. The events will take place in Cardiff, Warwick and London on 28 May, 9 June, and 19 June 2014 respectively.

These information and proposal writing events aim to provide participants with a better understanding of the Individual Fellowships scheme and its requirements. The events will focus on the objectives of Individual Fellowships for both potential Fellows and hosts, along with practical information on proposal preparation, submission and finances. The events will also feature a case study from previously successful Individual Fellowship applicants and supervisors.

The events are aimed at staff at both UK academic and non-academic organisations, including research support staff, who are planning to submit a proposal to the Individual Fellowships call. Participants should gain a clear understanding of the proposal format for each scheme and the key issues relating to planning, writing and submitting proposals.

The events are timed to coincide with the first Individual Fellowships call under Horizon 2020, which opened on 12 March with a deadline of 11 September 2014. For registration and further information, please see link the below.

Follow the registration link here, you need to be registered with UKRO – with a xxxx@staffs.ac.uk email address.


The draft agandas for each of the sessions are below.




The Daphne Jackson Trust invites applications for its STEM fellowships



The Daphne Jackson Trust invites applications for its fellowships. These aim to return scientists, engineers and technologists to their careers after a break. Fellowships are normally undertaken on a part-time basis in a university or research establishment in the UK. They are flexible and include a tailored training programme to update the skills and knowledge of the fellow, allowing them to return at the appropriate level to their career.

Applicants must be permanent UK residents, with a good first degree in a STEM discipline and at least three years in research or a PhD qualification prior to the career break.

Fellowships last for two years part time and cover a salary with a small additional allowance for expenses such as conference attendance.



Funding for Staff Exchanges

The European Commission are running a final round of funding under the Marie Curie Fellowships.  They help academic staff in different countries to develop their experience, or bring new expertise to Institutions. The three types of fellowships are open to all kinds of research areas.

IIF –International Incoming Fellowships -Experienced researchers outside the EU carry out high level research in an EU institution for 2-3 years –These are useful if you know someone from outside Europe that you would like to bring to the UK to work at the University.

IEF-Intra-European Fellowships for Career Development – Experienced researchers develop a long term training plan enable them to advance significantly in their career. They go to a host organisation in Europe for 12-24 months. An interesting way for Staffordshire University to get involved with these might be if you know someone in another European country that you would like to get over to the UK.

IOF –International Outgoing Fellowships for Career Development – Experienced researchers carry out high level research in countries outside of the EU for up to three years. These projects might be of interest if you feel you wish to work in a different country for a number of years, you will need to know where you want to work.

You have until 14 August 2013 to apply.

Applicants will need a clear project idea, as the EU is looking for quite detailed bids. However, if your project idea is well defined, it is a relatively straightforward application process.

The funds do not cover University overheads. It is essentially a flat rate payment to the staff doing the exchange and flat rate payment for a management fee.

Staffordshire University has not made as much use of these funds as we could have done, we don’t have any applications in the pipeline at the moment, whereas Keele University are looking at submitting fourteen bids! The External Projects Team is able to support with bid writing, but advise that you start working it up as soon as possible, if you are interested in applying please email externalprojects@staffs.ac.uk. If you don’t think you are ready to apply for this round it is expected that similar funding opportunities will be available next year in the in new Horizon 2020 programme.

Further details: http://ec.europa.eu/research/mariecurieactions/about-mca/actions/index_en.htm


RAEng Enterprise Fellowships Call for applications announced

Royal Academy of Engineering logo

The Royal Academy of Engineering Enterprise Fellowship scheme is now open for applications.

Enterprise Fellowships provide funding and support to entrepreneurial engineering researchers, working at a UK University, to enable them to develop the commercial potential of their research. The aim of Enterprise Fellowships is to encourage aspiring entrepreneurs to commercialise technology based business ideas from academic institutions into spin out companies. Enterprise Fellowships provide up to £85,000 seed funding and salary support for 12 months. In addition to the funding, training is provided to give each Enterprise Fellow the tools, contacts and confidence to transform their idea into a successful business project or venture. Business mentors (drawn mainly from The Royal Academy of Engineering Fellowship) are allocated to each Enterprise Fellow to provide additional support and advice for the duration of the Enterprise Fellowship as well as access to business angels and venture capital networks.

The closing date for applications is Monday 9 September 2013.

For further information on how to apply, please see the website or contact externalprojects@staffs.ac.uk