Capacity Building Projects in Higher Education

The European Commission will be launching the first call for the new Erasmus+ scheme Capacity Building Projects in Higher Education in autumn.

The Capacity Building Projects in Higher Education scheme replaces the former TEMPUS programme. Staffordshire University has considerable success with this scheme and acted as partner and lead organisations on projects.

Capacity-building projects are transnational cooperation projects, based on multilateral partnerships, primarily between higher education institutions from Programme and eligible Partner Countries.

The partner countries from outside the EU can include:

  • the EU’s neighbouring countries,
  • Russia,
  • EU candidate and potential candidate countries,
  • Latin America,
  • Asia,
  • Africa-Caribbean-Pacific countries.

Projects will have to involve at least three universities from three different Programme countries and two universities per Partner country involved.

There are two strands to this scheme, joint projects and structural projects. The joint projects will be of most interest to the university.

Joint projects operate at micro level and target higher education institutions in the eligible Partner Countries specifically.

They aim to modernise and reform higher education institutions through activities such as:

  • Developing new curricula or improving existing ones;
  • Improving governance and management systems;
  • Building relationships between higher education institutions and relevant socio-economic actors.

Time from the call opening to the deadline is often tight. There is not much chance to find partners and write the bid. This is a good time to start thinking about whether you are interested in applying and talking to potential partners to collaborate with.

The grant is intended to support the following costs related to the implementation of the project:

  • Staff costs
  • Travel costs and costs of stay
  • Equipment costs
  • Other direct and indirect costs.

Please could anyone interested in applying let the External Projects Team know so that we can start supporting you with identifying partners?

As the calls are not launched yet there is no additional information on the programme. If you want to keep up to date with what is happening we expect details to be launched on the Erasmus+ website here:


Society for Research into Higher Education Annual Research Awards

Society for Research into Higher Education - Advancing knowledge, informing policy, ehancing practice

The Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE) is an independent and self-supporting UK based international learned society concerned to advance understanding of higher education, especially through the insights, perspectives and knowledge offered by systematic research and scholarship.

As part of the Society’s programme of strategic initiatives aimed at sustaining research into higher education, the Society is offering a series of annual research awards. These awards are funded entirely by the Society, and intended to support new research into higher education.

The Society is offering:

  • Up to four awards annually of £10,000 each for research focused on any aspect of higher education submitted under three overarching themes: Higher Education Policy, Higher Education and Society, and Higher Education Practice.These Awards are only open to individual members of the Society at the date of application and thus are part of the benefits of membership. Where a proposal is submitted by a research group or team, the lead proposer must be an individual member of the Society. Two to four scoping awards annually of £5,000 each for the exploration of any new or emerging area of higher education research leading to the development of a plan for further research.These awards are open to all and applications are welcome from members and non members of the Society. Apply using the on-line form below.

Applications open on 1st July 2013 and close on 1st September 2013.

For more information about the Annual Research Awards go to

For information about joining the Society, visit SRHE Membership