Research Outcomes Harmonisation Project

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RCUK has requested that research council funded colleagues should be reminded about the Research Outcomes Harmonisation Project and their obligation to submit data on the outcomes of their research.

RCUK have a responsibility to demonstrate the value and impact of research supported through public funding. The seven research councils collect information that researchers provide on outputs, outcomes and impact to report to and engage with both the Government and the public. Responding to a drive from BIS, the RCUK Research Outcomes Harmonisation Project is an initiative designed to increase the uniformity of data collection and to improve analysis, reporting and communications.

From September 2014, all RCUK funded research outcomes must be recorded on Researchfish.

Using software originally developed for the MRC, Researchfish is currently used by 90+ funders to gather information from researchers about the outcomes of their work.

It is an online facility that enables research funders and research organisations to track the impacts of their investments and researchers to log the outputs, outcomes and impacts of their work.

In September, PIs holding awards from the Councils which used the previous system (AHRC, BBSRC, EPSRC, ESRC and NERC) were sent an email with a link to register with Researchfish.  New grant holders for MRC and STFC were also sent registration emails.  If PIs have lost this email they can request that it be resent by emailing

RCUK are now requesting that outstanding data be submitted as a matter of urgency.

Data should be uploaded to Researchfish by 4pm on 13th November 2014 at which point the system will not accept any more submissions.

For further information about the Research Outcomes Harmonisation Project go to:

Contact if you have any questions about the research outcomes collection process.

To register on Researchfish go to

External Projects Team can be contacted on

Enterprise Clinics – Protect and Realise your Innovative Ideas

Innovation Clinic Sessions are returning!


Do you think that your research or research within your faculty has the potential to have a commercial impact?

If so please book an appointment!

Please distribute the attached poster widely to your colleagues, and also to students undertaking research degrees (Masters and Doctorates).

It is important that individuals are rewarded for the development of any intellectual property that arises from work carried out within the University, patents and spin-out companies are ways to accomplish this. Creative industries are also important to producing a balanced commercial output, and can be protected using copyright.

Sessions will be held on Thursdays in August and September, with appointments from 1pm.

Please encourage your colleagues to come along, so that by patenting inventions and delivering spin-out companies the University can continue to provide accountability for public investment in research and further improve the reputation of individuals and the institution.

Innovation Clinic Plasma -PDF with dates and locations

If you have any questions please contact Adam Hope +44  (0)1785 353667