New Call: Cross-Platform Production in Digital Media


Innovate UK is to invest up to £4 million in collaborative R&D projects that stimulate innovation in the UK’s creative industries.

This competition aims to support projects that address convergence in digital media technologies. It covers film, television, online video, animation and video games, and includes pre- production, production and post- production processes, particularly for visual effects technologies.

Projects must be collaborative and led by a business. We expect to fund mainly industrial research projects. Small businesses could receive up to 70% of their eligible project costs, medium- sized businesses 60% and large businesses 50%.

We expect projects to range in size from total costs of £300,000 to £750,000, although we may consider projects outside this range.

This is a two-stage competition that opens for applicants on 9 November 2015. The deadline for expressions of interest is at noon on 6 January 2016.

There will be a briefing event for potential applicants in London on 11 November 2015.


Production is at the heart of this competition, and successful applications will address the technical challenges of producing creative content across a range of media and devices, and on different platforms. With consumers accessing content in an increasing variety of ways, we are interested in applications that address the fragmentation brought about by new devices and networks, as well as the fresh contexts in which content can be consumed. This competition also encourages exploration of the production opportunities arising from new digital technologies in audio and visual effects production.


Please click here for full details

If you are interested please let know ASAP



Personalised Diabetes Education and Care Plan – a systemic approach

A new Small Business Research Initiative (SBRI) competition is being launched by the Scottish Government and Scottish Diabetes Group, in association with Scottish Enterprise, Innovate UK and NHS Scotland, to find innovative new solutions focused on diabetes education and mobile health.

The competition will have two phases.

Award: Up to £150,000

Opens: 19 Oct 2015, 00:00

Registration closes: 30 Dec 2015, 12:00

Closes: 06 Jan 2016, 12:00

Phase 1 is intended to show the technical feasibility of the proposed concept. The development contracts placed will be for a maximum of 6 months and up to £30,000 (inc. VAT) per project. A total of up to £150k (inc VAT) is allocated to phase 1.

Phase 2 contracts are intended to develop and evaluate prototypes or demonstrators from the more promising technologies in Phase 1, and it is anticipated that funding will be up to £150,000 (inc VAT) per project. A total of up to £300k (inc VAT) is allocated to Phase 2 . At this stage contracts will be let for Phase 1 only.

Phase 2 is dependent upon successful completion of Phase 1 and may be awarded to selected Phase 1 contractors.

Applicants should state their goals and outline plan for Phase 2, as an explicit part of the path to full commercial implementation, in their Phase 1 proposal.

Click here for the full competition brief

If you are interested in this call please contact:



Wanted: new products in wearable technologies


Businesses are encouraged to address six contest challenges in wearable technologies across the fields of sport and wellbeing, entertainment, hospitality, health and safety, accessibility and design.

Innovate UK will support six businesses up to £35,000 for developing their innovative solution. Successful candidates will trial their technology with major industry players while keeping their intellectual property, as well as receiving promotion, support and advice to speed up the commercialisation of their solution.

To access the challenges, please go to

Closing deadline: 10th March 2015.

Innovate UK

Save the date! Innovate UK: the UK’s largest innovation and trade event

Mon 11 Mar 2013 until Wed 13 Mar 2013 – Business Design Centre, London

Innovate UK is the leading networking, conference and exhibition event for businesses to meet other businesses, Government and academia with the aim of making innovation and trade happen – creating opportunity and growth for the future.

Hosted by the Technology Strategy Board and UKTI, Innovate UK is all about technology-enabled innovation, looking at the best of current technology, and future markets in a 3-30 year time frame and the new innovation and trade opportunities for business – creating a climate of innovation in the UK where great ideas can become commercial reality.

The TSB are currently working on the event programme so more information will be posted in the new year, if you are interested in the TSB and their activity and how Staffordshire University engages please get in touch with Naomi Arblaster at