Case study RETS



SU Lead Person 

Funding body Interreg

Prof. Jon Fairburn


Project Partners

12 European partners (local authorities, development agencies, NGOs, chambers of commerce – see project website)

Project title Renewable Energies Transfer Scheme (RETS)



The main objective of RETS was to improve the knowledge and competencies of local and regional policymakers in renewable energies in order to facilitate the deployment of renewable energy policies.The core RETS activities concerned the creation of simple usable tools for local authorities in order to help them make informed choices for the implementation of the right renewable energy strategy within their territories.
When did it run? 2010 -2012
What were the outcomes? A wide range of academic and professional staff learned what was involved with an INTERREG project as well as EU projects in general. The project as a whole produced:

Future / ongoing activities as a result of this project We are still in contact with the lead and we hope to develop other projects together in the next funding round.An excellent project we learnt a lot and contributed a lot.
Top tips for this funder Be able to demonstrate communication and networking activities.
How easy was the application? The lead was ADEC who managed the application process
Think this project looks interesting? What NextFor further support from the External projects team contact: or call 01785 353774

INTERREG IVB North West Europe Event

photo.JB3Staffordshire University staff attended a partnership event in Roubaix, France on the 14th November 2013. The day long event was led by INTERREG IVB North West Europe (NWE) funded by ERDF, the aim was to discuss the new programme and facilitate patnership opportunities around three key themes, Innovation, Low Carbon and Renewable Materials.

Sacha Oberweis represented ARBOR a University led project on BioMass. Representing the Office of Sustainability, John Adlen was championing the setting up of “Urban Labs” and Jose Beech from ECD took part in discussions on Innovation.

To find out more please contact the team at or you can click HERE to access the information from the day.