Horizon 2020 NEWS – application numbers for 2014 MSCA ITN call


The European Commission has announced that a total of 1164 proposals have been submitted to the first Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) 2014 Innovative Training Networks (ITN) call under Horizon 2020, which closed on 9 April 2014. This is slightly lower than the number submitted to the last call under FP7 for the equivalent Marie Curie Initial Training Networks.

The 1164 proposals submitted to the H2020-MSCA-ITN-2014 Innovative Training Networks call is slightly lower than the 1175 submitted in 2013 under the last equivalent FP7 Marie Curie Initial Training Networks call. As the indicative budget for this call is EUR 405.18 million, compared to EUR 470.72 million for the 2013 call, it is likely that the overall success rate will drop slightly.

The breakdown of proposal numbers and indicative budgets for each of the three strands were as follows:

  • European Training Networks (ETN): 1004 proposals (86% of total). Indicative budget EUR 349.69 million;
  • European Industrial Doctorates (EID): 107 proposals (9% of total). Indicative budget EUR 30 million;
  • European Joint Doctorates (EJD): 53 proposals (5% of total). Indicative budget EUR 25.5 million.

It is expected that applicants will know the outcome of evaluation around mid to late September 2014. For further information on future calls for the MSCA programme please email the team on externalprojects@staffs.ac.uk

Marie Skłodowska-Curie ITN and RISE Training Event

***Addition to this blog -Two dates in the UK have been added to this training event.

  • University of Glasgow, Tuesday 21 January 2014
  • University of Westminster, Wednesday 29 January 2014

Further details here:http://www.ukro.ac.uk/mariecurie/events/Pages/proposal_writing_itn_rise.aspx


There will be an information day on making applications to the Marie Curie ITN and RISE funds. This event is ideal for anyone who missed the Universities Marie Curie talk last Wednesday or is considering applying.

ITNs are Innovative Training Networks. They aim to create training programmes between the academic and non-academic sector to exchange knowledge and ideas into products and services for economic and social benefit.

RISE funds are Research and Innovation Staff Exchanges. They are staff exchanges to share knowledge and ideas from research to market. They are for academics and non-academics.

The event will be on Wednesday 15 January 2013 in Brussels, but can also be followed by webstream. This stream will start 12:45pm.
The deadline for ITN applications is 9 April 2014.
The deadline for RISE applications is 24 April 2014.

Additional Information

These funds are part of the new Horizon 2020 calls. Anyone who is still not sure what Horizon 2020 is all about can get an overview on the UKRO website, plus fact sheets.

If you have not used this site before you will need to set up an account to access the information. The University is a subscriber to UKRO.

