Scaling up improvement programme

The Health Foundation invites applications for its scaling up improvement programme. This seeks to support projects that aim to improve health care delivery and/or the way people manage their own health care.

Projects need to show how ideas, interventions and approaches that have been tested and shown to improve care at a small scale can be delivered at a larger scale.

The Health Foundation is looking to fund projects at a care pathway, health board, clinical network, organisational level or regional and national levels.

Applications from primary, secondary and tertiary care are welcomed, or across boundaries such as health and social care including mental health, learning disabilities, care homes, maternity and children’s services as well as home care. Applications can come from any health or health and social care provider organisation in the UK where services are free at the point of delivery.

Teams’ proposed improvement project must demonstrate how they intend to impact on an identified problem. Interventions must have been already tested in the same setting, been shown to improve care and be ready to be implemented at a larger scale.

The programme is eligible to organisations from the UK, but not to individuals or sole traders. Organisations are expected to work in partnership and applicants must demonstrate that a relevant, influential organisation can assist in order to increase the likelihood of a wider impact.

£3 million available for up to seven teams

Projects are expected to last for up to two years. (If a private company or profit making organisation is part of the partnership, only 15 per cent of funding will be allocated).

Deadline for first stage of the application process is 12 noon, Monday 16 June 2014.

For further information go to

MQ: Transforming Mental Health fellowships



MQ: Transforming Mental Health invites applications for its fellow awards. MQ is seeking talented researchers with bold ideas who aspire to be the next generation of research leaders in mental health. With this new Programme, they aim to support the most promising early career scientists and clinicians who are asking the difficult and challenging questions that will contribute to transformative advances in mental health research.

The programme is open to researchers from all sciences and the proposed research must address a question relevant to mental health.

In supporting researchers at an early stage of their career, MQ aims to build and ensure capacity in academic research in mental health for the future. Awardees will join the community of MQ supporters and friends championing research progress across all sectors of mental health research.

The Programme will provide £75,000 (or $110,000 or €85,000) per year for up to three years.

The award may be used as start-up funding for a specific project or as bridging funding for a current project. Funds may be used for salary support and/or direct research costs. Salary support may be either for the applicant themselves, or for research assistance staff as appropriate. Please see Guidelines for Applicants for more information on how funding may be used and other currencies.

These awards are open to individuals from any country.

Applicants must be early career researchers with a PhD, MD or equivalent, who have recently established their own independent research career or are about to become independent. The Programme is open to basic scientists, clinically qualified researchers (such as medical graduates and clinical psychologists) and social science researchers. Please see FAQs on Eligibility and Suitability for more information on Applicant selection.

Research can be based in the laboratory, clinic or field, and may involve experimental or theoretical approaches, but must be relevant to the cause, treatment or prevention of mental illness.

Applications for this Programme are to be considered annually.  MQ anticipates making up to four awards in 2013.

Application deadline: 10 June 2013