Launch Event for Secure Societies Challenge in Horizon 2020

A launch event will be held for the Secure Societies challenge of Horizon 2020 in London on 18 February 2014.

Secure Societies comprises four calls:

  1. Disaster Resilience
  2. Fight Against Crime and Terrorism
  3. Border Security and External Security
  4. Digital Security

The themes fit with the research work of the Mobile Fusion and CIISS ARCs.  The full work programme for the secure societies can be accessed here:

The event will provide networking opportunities between potential partners. There will be a presentation on the Horizon 2020 funding and speakers from the UK Government will talk about the Secure Societies programme, with a particular focus on UK priorities.

This is a free event. Registration is open until 10 February. To register, go to the event website below, click on the ‘book now’ button at the foot of the page, and follow the ‘Register’ link beneath the log in field on the next screen.


Household Solutions to Managing Energy Supply

NESTA has launched a fund which may be of interest to researchers involved in measuring energy usage. The funding hopes to shift electricity demand to off peak times or make better use of renewable energy generation.

They are keen to see projects that are innovative. If you are awarded the funding you need the capacity to build a prototype or service blue print for your idea.

Funding Body: NESTA
Scheme: Dynamic Demand Challenge Prize
Overview: This competition aims to create a new product, technology or service that uses data to significantly improve the ability of households or small businesses to demonstrate measurable reduction in carbon emissions by shifting energy demand to off-peak times or towards excess renewable generation. Solutions should have commercial market potential.
The competition is open to anyone in the EU. SMEs, charities, NGOs, community groups, developers, engineers, students and sustainability and energy professionals are encouraged to apply. Applicants may submit up to three entries. The prize is worth £50,000.
Deadlines: 9 September 2013
Further Information:


European Cyber Security Month: October 2013

October sees the start of the European Cyber Security month (ECSM).

Public and private sector organisations in the area of Network and Information Security are invited to get involved. This year’s programme will be based around the EU Cyber Security Strategy.

The event aims to promote public awareness of cyber security issues and to provide up to date security information through education, good practice example and competitions. Activities will take place throughout October all over Europe.

The call for expressions of interest is now open and the organisers want to hear about activities planned in member states – social media campaigns, news articles, student fairs, road-shows, information sessions by Computer Emergency Response Teams (CERTs), round-table discussion sesions etc.

To share ideas of events visit the website

You can subscribe to their RSS feed to get news on the events that will be taking place