SME Funding Event


Enterprise and Commercial Development  were joined yesterday by our UK Research Office (UKRO) representative Blazej Thomas and National Contact Point (NCP) for SME Innovation, Dr Jane Watkins as well as Mudlark owner Charles Hunter for an interactive session on European Funding and SME’s.

(pictured above from left to right, Prof Allan Howells, Dr Jane Watkins, Matthew Hocking, Jose Beech, Blazej Thomas & Charles Hunter)

The all day event, sponsored by EUREKA and hosted by the External Projects Team was held in the Ashley Building, and was designed to stimulate discussion and debate on the routes to EU Horizon 2020 funding for SME’s and local organisations as well as providing insight to academics on funding opportunities within the programme. Over 50 attendees had the opportunity to listen to expert advice as well as question our speakers on the nuts and bolts of European funding.

The slides will be avaliable to all participants, so if you didn’t attend and would like to recieve them please email: