AHRC Research Networking

Design and innovation

The Research Networking Scheme is intended to support forums for the discussion and exchange of ideas on a specified thematic area, issue or problem. The intention is to facilitate interactions between researchers and stakeholders through, for example, a short-term series of workshops, seminars, networking activities or other events. The aim of these activities is to stimulate new debate across boundaries, for example, disciplinary, conceptual, theoretical, methodological, and/or international. Proposals should explore new areas, be multi-institutional and can include creative or innovative approaches or entrepreneurship. Proposals must justify the approach taken and clearly explain the novelty or added value for bringing the network participants together.

Proposals for full economic costs up to £30,000 for a period of up to two years may be submitted. The exact mechanism for networking and the duration is up to the applicants to decide but must be fully justified in the proposal. An additional threshold of up to £15,000 full economic cost may be sought to cover the costs of any international participants or activities in addition to the £30,000 fEC scheme limit. Proposals will need to be submitted by an eligible Research Organisation but must involve collaboration with at least one other organisation, as well as having significant relevance to beneficiaries in the UK.

There is no specfic closing date for this call.

Research-Funding-Guide.pdf provides an overview of
the Research Networking Scheme. It details the eligibility criteria, assessment
criteria, information on how to apply, application deadlines, eligible dates and
terms and conditions of awards. You must ensure that you meet all of the
eligibility criteria before submitting an application.

If you are interested in this opportunity please email us at externalprojects@staffs.ac.uk



Networking to Join Horizon 2020 Projects

With the new European research programme Horizon 2020 due to open in January now is the time to start networking and seeking out projects which you could become partners on. This is never an easy thing when time and budgets prevent you from getting to conferences in Europe. An alternative way to get a foot in the door can be through using groups on Linked In www.linkedin.com
There is a group called ” HORIZON 2020 ” : Framework Program for Research and Innovation which is a very good starting place. This group is a general discussion place for the H2020 programme, but also has subgroups linking to the H2020 themes. For example, environment, health, Marie Curie or ICT. The group is one of the largest and most active groups on LinkedIn and has surpassed 74,000+ members within just over 2 years and it is ranked within the top 200 out of 1.7 million LinkedIn groups.
The aim of this group is to become an international forum, where professionals working in all types of organizations from around the world could share ideas, knowledge & experiences, and explore new partnership and business opportunities.
Joining the groups can help you to find people who are working in similar areas to you and give you a chance to share ideas and possibly link up to work on a research project together.
Further details: Join group http://www.linkedin.com/groups?home=&gid=3731775&trk=anet_ug_hm


Video Games Funding

The Arts and Humanities Research Council have funding for collaborative research projects with a particular focus on video games

It is unusual for the AHRC to be making a particular focus on just video games, so if it is your research area it is worth looking into the call in more detail because it might not come up again for a while.

Funding body AHRC

Scheme Videogames Research Networking Funding Call

Overview These are for collaborative research projects between arts and humanities researchers and video developers. Proposals should explore new areas of interest to research and development in the videogames industry, be multi-institutional and demonstrate creative and innovative approaches.

Deadlines 1 August 2013

Budget Grants are worth up to £30,000 for projects of six to 18 months, and an additional £15,000 may be sought to cover international activities.

For further information: http://www.ahrc.ac.uk/Funding-Opportunities/Pages/AHRC-Videogames-Research-Networking-Funding-Call.aspx