NIHR “Thinking differently about Dementia” call



The Department of Health, under its policy research programme, invites tenders for an evaluation on thinking differently about dementia education and training. The tenderer will carry out a research project to inform policy development in relation to dementia training, and evaluate the three tiers of training set out by Health Education England. The major part of the project will be primary research to evaluate in formative terms the HEE dementia education and training programme. Outputs should include whether and how this is having a positive impact on staff attitudes, skills and behaviours and if it is delivering better outcomes for people living with dementia.

The budget for this call is approximately £450,000 over three years. Costings can include up to 100 per cent full economic costs but should exclude output VAT.

See the web page:

or Email

or Telephone
+44 20 8843 8027

NIHR – Health services and delivery research programme – researcher-led workstream




The National Institute for Health Research invites proposals for the researcher-led workstream of its health services and delivery research programme. This workstream focuses on research into the quality, appropriateness, effectiveness, equity and patient experience of health services. Research should lead to improvements in health services that will be of greatest benefit to the NHS and to patients. This workstream has a continued interest in applications for research in areas highlighted as a priority in previous NIHR themed calls. Applicants may submit either a standard outline proposal or an evidence synthesis full proposal.

Large scale studies of national importance are particularly encouraged in this call, including primary research projects that:

•address an issue of major strategic importance to the NHS, with the cost in line with the significance of the problem to be investigated;

•are likely to lead to changes in practice that will have a significant impact on a large number of patients across the UK;

•aim to fill a clear evidence gap, and are likely to generate new knowledge of direct relevance to the NHS;

•have the potential for findings to be applied to other conditions or situations outside the immediate area of research;

•bring together a team with strong expertise and track record across the full range of relevant disciplines;

•will be carried out across more than one research site.

NHS organisations, universities and other organisations in England, Scotland and Wales are eligible to apply. NIHR will fund HEIs at a maximum of 80 per cent of full economic cost, and non-HEIs at 100 per cent of full economic cost.

For more information Click HERE

NIHR Funding Event


The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) funding workshop took place this week in the Ashley Building (see speakers in the picture above). Hosted by the External Projects Team and the Faculty of Health Sciences, this workshop was opened by Prof Tony Stewart, who set the scene and chaired the day.

Over 35 people attended to listen to experts from the NIHR present funding information on a range of health related topics, this was a helpful session, aimed at encouraging colleagues and partners to think about cross collaboration with the NHS and stimultating and reinforcing which streams of NIHR can be accessed.

There was also a useful presentation from the Research Design Service (RDS) for our area, which is based at Keele University. This is led by Roger Beech, the service now supports all applications to the NIHR scheme rather than just the Research for Patient Benefit programme (RFPB). There is also a small bursary avaliable from the RDS service up to a max of £500 to facilitate patient and public involvement (PPI) to enable applicants to put the patient views at the centre, from the pre application planning stage through to application and project implementation.

To access the RDS please email

if you are interested in this stream of funding, you can access an overview of NIHR by clicking HERE

The external projects team has all the slides, so please let us know if you would like a copy by emailing


Mass Media for Public Health

As the NIHR are visiting the university on Wednesday we thought it would be interesting to look at one of their current open calls. This fund looks like it is made for partnership work between FACT and FHS.

Funding Body: NIHR
Scheme:13/163: Mass media for public health messages
Overview: mass media for public health messages – effective uses of mass media to communicate public health messages to local populations in the UK.

This call will commission secondary research to draw together evidence on effective use of mass-media to communicate public health messages as part of local initiatives, used alone or as part of national campaigns. Secondary research methods, which may include a review of reviews, are required to synthesize existing literature across relevant disciplines.

They are particularly interested in effective:

• components of messages

• delivery to different target populations

• use for different aims and outcomes towards changing behaviour to improve health

• fit with other strategies to improve public health

Budget: Costs are based on actual project costs. Staff are funded at 80%.
Deadlines: 22 April 2013
Further Information:


Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation (EME) Programme – NIHR


NETSCC programme thumbnail

 The EME Programme funds clinical efficacy studies. The studies test if an intervention works as expected in a well-defined population or group of patients. The Programme also provides an opportunity to use clinical studies to understand disease or treatment mechanisms, which may in turn lead to improvements in health and patient care.

EME funds clinical studies to test interventions where proof of concept has already been demonstrated, allowing their progress through early clinical trials and on to larger, later clinical trials. Treatment with drugs or biological compounds, psychological interventions, public health initiatives, diagnostic tests and medical devices are all within the remit of the Programme. Treatments or interventions intended to prevent disease are also included.

To see the latest calls please click HERE

NIHR event at Staffordshire University – March 19th 2014




We are delighted to be hosting a full day of information and discussion devoted to the opportunities offered by the National Institute for Health Research,, and are looking forward to welcoming specialists in the research fields of Public Health, Health Technology Assessment and Patient Benefit as well as the Research Design Service.This will be a great opportunity to network with colleagues within and external to the University.

 Please book your place via

 NIHR funding opportunities in Public Health and Patient Benefit

 Weds 19th March 2014 – Ashley Centre Leek Road, Stoke-on-Trent

 09-30 -10-00 Coffee/ Networking -All

 10-00 – 10-10 Introduction to NIHR and Overview of the day- Prof. Tony Stewart, Staffordshire University

 10-10 – 11-40 Public Health Research and Health Technology Assessment funding opportunities –Phil Taverner, Assistant Director, NIHR Evaluation, Trials and Studies  

 11-40 -12-20 Round Table discussion – All

 12-20 – 13-30 Lunch/ Networking

 13-30- 14-30 Research for Patient Benefit –Bob Scott, NIHR Programme Manager West Midlands; Eleanor Garratt, NIHR Programme Manager East Midlands

 14-30- 15-00 NIHR Research Design Service- Roger Beech, Keele University

 15-00 -15-40 Round Table discussion – All

 15-40 – 16-00 Concluding remarks- Prof Tony Stewart, Staffordshire University

 16-00 CLOSE


Research into Smoking Cessation and Relapse Prevention Interventions

This is an opportunity for collaboration between Australia’s National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) and the UK National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Health Technology Assessment programme (HTA).

The aim is to study the clinical and cost-effectiveness of interventions to prevent relapse and enhance quitting at twelve months as an extension to current smoking cessation services, including enhanced behavioural support and pharmacotherapy.

An outline proposal on this topic should be submitted by completing the on-line application form at and submitting it on-line by 8th May 2014.

Joint applications are invited from Australian and UK researchers. Chief investigators may be based in the UK or in Australia.

For further information click on the link:

Public health research programme – commissioned calls for proposals: 13/90, 13/91, 13/93

The Department of Health’s National Institute for Health Research invites proposals for commissioned research projects under its public health research programme.

The following commissioning briefs are now available.

13/90 – Interventions to maintain or increase physical activity in adolescents

13/91 – Interventions to prevent elder abuse

13/93 – Social and emotional wellbeing in early years

Closing Date: 18th December 2013

For guidance notes and application information:



EPSRC-NIHR Healthcare Technology Call


The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) are inviting network proposals to enable collaborations between academia and the 8 National Institutes for Health Research (NIHR) funded Healthcare Technology Cooperatives (HTCs). Each network proposal must be led by an academic at an eligible institution and can be up to £150K (80% FEC) for a maximum duration of 3 years – an investment of up to £1.2M from EPSRC to fund up to 8 EPSRC – NIHR HTC partnership awards.

Each proposal must have support from at least one of the HTCs (but no more than 3). The closing date is the 7th January 2014.  The funding avaliable is £150k for a maximum of 3 years at 80% FEC.

For more information Click HERE